Im done....

I’m done with the game for the time being. It’s become absolutely ridiculous. I’m a PS4 player so most of you won’t have the same issues.
The waiting times are Fcking terrible. I’ve had to sit waiting for games for 10,15,20 and even 30 MINUTES. Just for me to get farmed or tunnelled or something. Granted some games play normally. But to have to wait 30 Damn minutes for a farm game has pissed me off to the stage I’m beginning to despise this game. I just wanna know am I the only one having these kinda issues and feelings ?
I think you are probably the only person who thinks like this.
Have you tried replacing your HDMI leads? That could help.
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Was told that before but it’s not that which is the problem.
Killer games I’ve no problem with. Just survivor games and I’m not the only person who’s got this problem. Plenty of people on Twitter have said the exact same thing
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Isn't the game free for the weekend? Though it would help with queue times.
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Maybe it's because all killers are leaving, havent you thought about that?
Killers are forced to play specific characters and loadouts to win matches while survivors can win without perks or items... That should be enough to tell you how balanced the game is right now...
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I have 2 questions
- Who are you?
- What do you think you are going to accomplish by telling the forums you're leaving the game.
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1: He is a player who can post whatever he wants and deserves the same amount of respect as anyone else in these forums, I thought a detective would know about justice...
2: Maybe if people keep leaving the game devs will finally see there is a problem...
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Player base has been dead on ps4 since december. I struggle to find games too. I don't think its just killer mains leaving is the problem.
Their matchmaking algorithm is a joke many times when waiting over 5 minutes the game fails to inform you that the session is no longer available until you back out to the menu. Alot of times if a player backs out of killers lobby they never get replaced. When the new matchmaking dropped queue times improved drastically,
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Justice is blind. Also, maybe if everyone leaves then good, maybe the game has finally run its course.
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Justice is blind for one reason, and that reason is to treat everyone the same way. Doesnt matter if you are caucasian, gay, black, asian or in these case a survivor or a killer...
The game still has a lot of potential, hopefully when devs fix the problems we'll see it's redemption...
I hope I've helped you with what I've said about justice, I know you are not a bad person and I hope you get to be a detective one day...
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I had no problem when they put up the new matchmaking system though. I thought that would make me enjoy playing again cause I was actually finding games. But then they took that away again
and yes I have as much as an opinion to give as anybody. I’ve been a fan of the game since it was announced. Have loved this game so so much. But it’s dying on me. It’s impossible to enjoy when I can’t get games.
I don’t want the game to die. But the game is in a disgusting state and if devs don’t sort it quickly. By the time their precious dedicated servers come there’ll be nobody to play on them.
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You're the first person that instead of insulting me and my name, actually understood why i called myself a "Detective"
I understand what justice means, and while it is Blind, it is also Equal. I'm not a bad person, I don't want to be considered a bad person, i just want to be able to say what i want, without someone who does nothing but sit and play games...take offense to it.
Thank You
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Okay now I play on PC and on PlayStation 4 believe me it's not dead whatsoever. I'm getting a sick feeling that you probably play this game on PC to say that because there are quite a lot of us.
So detective I'm getting a sick feeling that you hate dead by daylight to say you want the game to run its course because so far you've been rude and disrespectful towards somebody's post that we keep seeing because something is mathematically flawed with the game.
The guy can post wherever he wants to post. Also you said Justice is blind. That means it's not biased towards the circumstance. You seem pretty bias to me
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I play on ps4 simple as. I can't find a game since Christmas (I can it just takes maybe 10 minutes to find a lobby that the killer will most likely back out of)
everyone on my friends list who played this no longer plays. I'm going off my own experience players I know left and I struggle to find matches, make me think maybe more players left.
From where I'm standing the game has lost a lot of players that simply ain't coming back, if its not dead its dying
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Agree. I should be allowed speak my mind about a game I have a lot of passion for. Plenty of people on here speak about this to hope to see others opinions and thoughts.
Im not trying to attack @Detective_Jonathan here. But coming in telling me if I’m leaving just do it.
Thats a bad way to look at it. By me saying this on forum I’m hoping some people tell me information to reassure me and make me change my mind.
I got SOOOOO hyped over ash coming out. I’m a huge evil dead fan. Paid my €5 to get the character and I think all in all I’ve played maybe 8 games with him. Imagine spending your own hard earned money on something and not being able to get your money’s worth from it ?
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This is basically my experience. I used to have maybe 8-9 friends who played daily. I’m now the only one who’s stuck to it and it takes between 10-30 minutes to find games. Why should I wait that long when I could go play any other game and find 5 games in that time
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Yeah it does suck when people just tell you to leave and never really try to make you stay. This is primarily due to the fact that we believe that if you say you're leaving that's just it you're leaving there's nothing to really fight about...
Just makes me a little sad that so many killers and survivors are leaving the game especially killer since without us there is no game
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I play both. But you know there’s only so much Killer you can play before you burnt out. So I turn to survivor for more chilled calmer games. But can’t get those games which just leaves me burnt out on the game.
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I bought this game in 2016 when Halloween was released, so i think i got my moneys worth already. Like i said, if you want to impact the devs, you don't need to sit there and express it through words, express it through your actions.
After all, Actions Do Speak Louder Than words.
I just don't think it's wise telling the devs that you're leaving, i mean yes it's basically another dollar sign leaving their pocket, but in all honesty i don't think they would really care because as one dollar sign leaves, another enters.
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New matchmaking was a blessing from the entity until the devs mori'd it.
I agree with you completely but I mean how long to the devs expect me to sit in lobbies?
And aswell it doesn't help that the people who don't have these issues keep denying they exist and basically say were lying. D*ckheads. Be happy you can find a game and leave other people be miserable in peace please.
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I'm not leaving buddy, I'm gonna sit in a lobby like a chump until its fixed. Lol
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Exactly like I spoke to a streamer once who basically told me I was BSing and there’s no issues with games. But how would he know when he played on PC
its a mess. I hope they fix soon