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General Discussions

Another DCing thread.

Member Posts: 71

Okay so I completely understand that this is most likely falling on deaf ears but I really and extremely strongly feel that something has got to be done about this DCing issue and quickly. It has gotten to the point that 9 out of 10 games I play I have someone who doesn't even load in which I understand could be / is related to an infinite loading bug however in the same amount of games I've also seen people who can't handle being found first and will dc at the first hit or first down or if a certain killer is in the game.

I know that people have allowed themselves the excuse of dcing against legion due to him/her being extremely unfun and OP at times however this excuse has started an extremely bad mentality of dcing against any killer they deem "OP" or unfun. It's not fair on other players or the killer.

I ask nicely and calmly, please BHVR do something about this. If you don't you'll allow your game to either die or be filled with people who'll not even finish a single game.

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