Hex : Thrill of hunt
It should make specific noise not the same as other noises
i'd be happy with a special noise bubble aswell.
like, tinkerer gives us gen bubbles, so thrill of the hunt should give us totem bubbles...
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I agree with the notification, would also like if it would hide the hex visual so they all appear dull.
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This would actually do so much. Having to cleanse them all because you aren't sure which one's real would add a lot of time to the killers. Not to mention how much easier the flame makes it to see and hear.
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But then you remove the downside of taking a Hex though and get all the benefits of it. The sound notification would be a huge QOL change.
There's another good QOL change though that'd help immensely and that's taking out both the notification that Thrill is in play on Dulls but also the longer cleansing time.
What you can then do is make it so that totems have as well as chests have 2 options for interaction with.
The sneaky and quiet interaction which takes twice as long but is completely silent and the normal interaction which is noisy.
If you go slow you should get more points for being more stealthy since you're taking that much longer and thus putting yourself at more risk of being found. When searching chests slowly you get better loot than just commons because you're basically taking more time.
Now if you go the current fast speed then you make the same amount of noise or even increase the audio detection range some. You'd also get less points for either one or the current.