PS4 Internet Connection Error

Remisee Member Posts: 133

Hello mods,

Since yesterday, i can't even play DbD. When i want to create a Lobby as a Killer or playing survivor im getting kicked back to the Main Menu with an Error Message thats something wrong with the Internet Connection. Error Message 8010 or something.

Some People experience it too, but not all. With my Internet its all fine i restarted DbD and Ps4 and still have the Issue since Saturday morning. I played another Multiplayer game and it works fine.

I posted this on the Tech Issue posts too, but i want that you be aware of this Issue, because i couldnt play dbd since yesterday. Even on the Weekends.. Hopefully the first Mod, whos getting online to see their specific Discuss board see this. Thats why im posting it here too, because i have that Feeling, that theres more People arround.

And by the way, we coulded do Rank rewards, like giving more exp on green, purple and red ranks. So it would be more worth to be on higher ranks so people dont dc, because they want rank 15 because its easily farm with the same amount of exp like on rank 1 but on Rank 15 more Bloodpoints than on Rank 1. So less dcing People and new Players dont experience too much smurfs when they enter Rank 15. Smurfs are people that arent anymore new in this game. Me for example playing this game 2 years and much month since launch and im on Rank 15 because its way easily to become Bloodpoints and exp is the same amount. So new Players dont get too much frustrated and give the game a thumps up and telling their friends about it, so more money for the devs.


  • Turevv
    Turevv Member Posts: 2

    Same here. I cannot play the game since yesterday. Whenever i try to play, i'm kicked into a lobby and have an error message

  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133

    Are mods even replying on Sunday?