About the Emblem System part two

Remisee Member Posts: 133

Hey there,

I was doing past a Post of how i liked and enjoyed the new Emblem System. Dont get me wrong, i still like it, it requires just more skill to pip up so not every wannabe is on the high Ranks BUT:

I was playing today now after some Matches (7-8) as a Survivor on Rank 12.

I tried it without getting caught or even hitted. I repaired 3 Generators completely and unhooked like 2 Mates. Opened exit Gate. Killer chased me even for more than 2 and a half Minute. No pip

I tried it with aggressive runner Perks. I repaired 2 Gens, runned with 8000 max chaser Points with only 1 Time on the Hook and saved 3 Mates. No pip. We even escaped all.

i tried it with a Mix, repaired 2 Gens, destroy ed all totems, saved 2 Mates, Opened exit Gates. No pip.


Should i repair all Gens, all totems, open 2 exit gates and save all my buddys we 4 escape and dont getting hit?!

The thing is, on the category with the repairing it says i achievet 52% gens and only 6 % to open a exit gate. I opened the exit gate completely all by myself and i get ridiculous 6%? Even 3 Gens are ONLY 48-52%?

This emblem system is a bug itself.


  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133

    When 2 survivor are down and 2 are alive which 1 wsas hooked twice but escaped its 75-78 % loss while i unhooked 3 ppl save?! A damm bronze?!