Bloodlust should be buffed and be permanent

Currently bloodlust gives 0.2m/s additional movement speed every 15 seconds in a chase, stacking to a maximum of 3 times. All stacks are lost after certain actions, such as getting stunned or hitting a survivor.
Given that survivors can finish the game under 3 minutes (5 gens can be done in 2 waves of 80 second repair, for a total of 160 seconds), killers should be balanced around getting 4k in under 3 minutes.
4k requires 12 hooks, which means a killer needs to hook someone in 13 seconds on average. This includes chasing, hitting twice, walking to hook, and hooking the survivor, leaving a rough estimate of 5 second chases at most.
In order to make this work, bloodlust needs to be buffed to give 0.2m/s additional movement speed every 5 seconds in chase, stacking infinitely and made permanent. This gives 0.4m/s additional movement speed per hook, and after 12 hooks only a modest 4.8m/s additional movement speed, a measly 100% bonus for most killers.
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Nice bait.
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A survivor can hold down a button and run nonstop, why should killers be forced to walk the whole match?
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So you're saying Billy can't charge across the map, Spirit can't phase, Hag can't tp, Bubba can't charge up his chainsaw etc.
Would you also like survivors to spawn on the hook for you?
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So my thoughts on bloodlust at all are this:
It's an odd mechanic, but was made to help with things like infinites (Don't quote me on this, but I think devs said this was a temporary mechanic till chases were completely balanced)
The game was never intended to have survivors simply loop all game, but to use windows and pallets to gain distance so you have a chance to hide and lose the killer, but people figured out how to loop therefor causing balancing issues.
Bloodlust was created to counter this and killers eventually started to simply use bloodlust to catch survivors, completely ignoring things like pallets when possible. So they nerfed it because it was penalizing survivors who weren't abusing infinites.
Bloodlust itself shouldn't be buffed or nerfed further, but rather the loops just need to be continued to be balanced so that bloodlust can just be removed after all.
If you want my take on what you're saying, bloodlust absolutely shouldn't be a permanent buildup during the chase. If you need to use it to catch the survivor, your best bet is to break the chase and put pressure on other survivors who you can actually catch.
With the way most loops are now, bloodlust is almost never necessary and a buff would also be unnecessary.
(Sorry ahead of time if i got any of the above information incorrect, just correct me if I did)
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You say this as if their walking is slow, all killers (besides Nurse) have a faster "walking" speed than survivors have running speed. Bloodlust is not a killer's "run".
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Oh,yeah, "faster walking speed" which doesnt come into play since survivors have smaller hitboxes than killers and you WILL feel like you are slower than the survivors while getting looped.
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Mind games are your best friend against loops, and as I stated before if you really can't catch someone just switch targets to put pressure on someone else. I do agree that the hitboxes are an issue but not enough to make you feel slower than them. This doesn't justify buffing bloodlust yet.
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Not necessary. Blood lust just needs to effect window vaulting.
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Agreed, losing it to vault is kinda silly if you can still see them within x distance.
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This forum needs LOL button
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Wow, I have no words... it's incredible what people on this forum come up with.
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Bloodlust is a band-aid fix for terrible map design (or loop design). I personally would have preferred if devs fix the maps instead of introducing bloodlust. And you want permanent bloodlust? Lol
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Not needed tbh, fix genrush already...
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“let the game catch the survivors for me, I don’t know how to break a pallet”.
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You actually made me laugh out loud
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bloodlust is a completely irrelevant mechanic at this point
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well if the survivor is cutting corners better than you are, wouldn't that be your fault? try using your strafe keys next time
as for the post, literally what the first guy to comment said
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As someone who plays killer.... No. The game needs fixes for both sides but this is not it.
I assume this is bait cause no sane person would ever want this.
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Blood lust is a bandaid for bad map design. I'd rather them get rid of the lazy fix entirely and actually fix maps.
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@artist no it is not your fault if a survivor can cut corners tighter than you. No matter how efficient you are at turning corners a survivor will always be able to do it more efficiently than you due to having a smaller hitbox.
Thus the best possible killer is "worse" at cutting corners than the best possible survivor
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That being said this person's math is wrong. Since survivor's can only get that optimal gen speed if no one is caught. If you hook a Survivor and then chase a 2nd one then a 3rd survivor needs to save the first one meaning only 1 person doing gens during that time which is 1/4th the speed it otherwise would be. Once you Kill someone you can stop gen progression entirely and snowball from there. Having a perma-bloodlust would only exaggerate this issue.
Basically Gen Rush is a result of the death efficiency issue
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Do I screenshot this and farm ez reddit karma or 🧐
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damn if only you had something to make up for that. oh right. almost forgot killers move faster than survivors. still no reason for a survivor to get more than 2 loops out of a basic loop. also that doesnt mean cutting corners tightly wont help you in dealing with loops
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@artist I only addressed your claim that "not turning corners as tightly as survivors" = "worse than the survivor". Yes turning corners tightly will help but you will still be slowed down compared to the survivor.
That being said the number of loops a survivor will get out of an optimal Killer is hardly static. It depends on: Perks, if there is a window, the length of the loop, the initial distance between the Killer and the survivor, the available LoS (for mindgaming), the presence of a pallet and the Killer being played.
A Huntress with no hatchets (maybe even with hatchets) can be looped for longer than T3 Myers who can be looped more than a Spirit who can be looped more than a Nurse ect.
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I think they do. Have you seen his other topics? He's basically the definition of "entitled Killer main who wants to 4k every game".
I guess. I was actually thinking of doing that myself.
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which is why I said a "basic loop" such as one you would see in the middle of the map on autohaven with some debris. you wont be slowed either, you still move faster than survivor. in the time you reach said loop, if you play it well they definitely won't be getting ran around that pallet more than twice (and don't get baited by deadhard). oh, and you dont loop spirit or nurse, at least you don't against good ones
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Bubba slows down when he holds his saw charge, can't fake it as it is all or nothing with a heavy cooldown penalty for not completing the charge. Also his saw doesn't move fast instantly, it builds momentum as he moves, but it is still slightly less speed than a sprinting survivor. His saw is only for maximum damage output not speed or mobility.
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This, this and this. Amen to that brother