Duolingo Killer

I already made a thread of this but I'll copy paste everything here
Killer name: The Bird
The Bird, A.K.A The Duolingo Bird is a killer of pure evil, focused on becoming more powerful if survivors choose to not complete their Spanish lessons in time and taking other survivors hostage as punishment for not doing so. It's personal perks, You missed your Spanish lesson, notification, and Hex: No one escapes Spanish help it become aware of survivor positions to allow it to go in for the kill.
Power: Spanish Course
The Bird wants to teach the survivors Spanish, but they don't want to learn and it seems like notifications just aren't enough anymore. All survivors have a phone on them at the start of the match. Every 30 seconds 1 random survivor will receive a notification telling them to complete their Spanish lesson. Survivors must pull out their phone and complete the Spanish lesson in 1 minute or else The Bird will see their aura. Hiding in a locker to ignore the Spanish lesson will simply make the phone vibrate loudly and the killer will be alerted. Once survivors complete the Spanish lesson (Which takes 45 seconds to complete) they will be safe and their aura will not be revealed. If the survivor is being chased then the Spanish lesson will be moved to another survivor. If the survivor chooses not to complete their Spanish lesson, then the bird will see their aura and a notification for 5 seconds and the survivor becomes exposed for 75 seconds.
You Missed your Spanish Lesson: If a survivor has not healed any teammates during the match, their generator repair speed will be slowed down by 15/20/25%
Notification: Every time you hook a survivor all survivor positions are revealed to you in a notification for 3/4/5 seconds
Hex: No one escapes Spanish: A Hex is placed upon a dull totem, while active, the killer has a 20/14/12 meter terror radius and generator skill checks yell "Hola!" instead of the usual skill check noise.
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Please make Mcote voice the Hola skill check for NOES
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@No_Mither_No_Problem "Creo que hemos hecho un buen trabajo hasta ahora" (I think we did a pretty good job so far)
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Dead Hard in the EU Spanish version of the game is “Chungo” and all I can think of is Chungus King Clown
Also No Mither is “Fuera Rollos” which literally means “Out Rolls” and I’m just so scared and confused
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You all missed your Spanish lesson, I suggest running while you still can
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En realidad, no, yo puedo ablar espanol normalmente y quando yo quiero asi que el pajaro del duolingo no me puede attackar (I know how to speak Spanish but I'm just not great at spelling it btw)
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No, we need Baldi to be in the game.
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Please no I'd be too scared