Who's your killer main and why?

Skorpanio Member Posts: 605
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Would really like to know!
Mine is The Nurse because I love seeing shirtless Davids piss thier pants :)
Edit: Also bcs she's so darn devastating once you know how to properly play her.
Her clothing is also pretty cool at p3 :)

''Guides'' by Silverchaoz

Post edited by Skorpanio on


  • Wicked_Django
    Wicked_Django Member Posts: 128
    I play all killers but Doc and Leatherface have my heart. Doc just takes so much pleasure in his work
  • Theshape94
    Theshape94 Member Posts: 10
    Myers/trapper. Myers because he's so diverse in the way he can be played as well as im a Halloween fan! Trapper because I love stopping loops and it makes people so afraid to step on a trap when they can't see them :")
  • snick
    snick Member Posts: 50
    I main Billy because I'm a huge fan of the texas chainsaw massacre and figured he was based on Leatherface. Then we actually got Leatherboi but Billy is too good in comparison to make the switch
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    Billy Willy is my Boi. The doctor was originally the one that got me interested in playing killer after i seen Monto's first impossible skill checks build but eventually i tried out other killers like the Hillbilly and i haven't looked back. Billy is the only killer i am good with and the one i have the most fun playing as. He has in my opinion the best addons in the game and he is just an absolute joy to play.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    I like the Huntress, but I’m on console so I main Pig/Myers to get the job done in higher ranks
  • HermanTheDoctor
    HermanTheDoctor Member Posts: 212

    I main Doc. Sometimes i play Surv. Why i'm not a Surv Main? Simple, most mates plays like #########

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    Myers is my highest lvl killer.  think I have him up to level 27, but Doc is a ton of fun.  just run around and watch survivors suddenly start screaming.  
  • lemoNN
    lemoNN Member Posts: 43
    I try to play all the killers. But my boy, Clown gets the crown. I just love to stop the pallet loops and to one shot with the bottles
  • no_username
    no_username Member Posts: 16

    I play all killers but my favorite ones of all are Wraith, Doc and Freddy. I like playing as killer that annoy the hell out of survivors, and Wraith has been my favorite since launch.

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    @no_username said:
    I like playing as killer that annoy the hell out of survivors

    Me too lol

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334
    I'm a Freddy main.  I have always been a big fan of the series and he has always been my favorite movie monster. I also like the challenge of playing what's considered the worst character in the game. It makes me a better player I feel. 
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Since the last time that question was asking, nothing changed :
    Billy, still the most fun killer in the game.

  • Brody
    Brody Member Posts: 15
  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    I'm a bit strange....it's simply the way my mind works I think.

    Billy is my main....been playing since day one. Didn't care for the Trapper or Wraith. There were only 3 killers back then....so Billy is my guy.

    I have the most fun on the Huntress. Ax throws can be awesome. Not yet tired of the song. Really wish totems worked.

    The Doctor.....hands down most effective. I'm genuinely shocked if I get less than 3 kills on Doc.

    I've dabbled in the others....never got the hang of Nurse, and it's a bit late to start now.

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    The Pig and Freddy.They both are fun to play.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Wraith's my main, simply because I love stealth and he's the coolest killer in my opinion.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    I used to have no main and just jumped from killer to killer. Now, I'm thinking of maining Clown.

  • KuwabaraWasTaken
    KuwabaraWasTaken Member Posts: 10
    I main Hillbilly because I find his fast mobility to be very fun. Also a majority of his add ons completely change the way you use the chainsaw, making him pretty dynamic. I’m probably gonna main Clown once he comes out. Because he’s a Clown. lol. 
  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    @EvilBarney666 said:
    I have always been a big fan of the series and he has always been my favorite movie monster.

    I'm gonna have to agree on that!

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    You like her bloody prestiege clothes?

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    @SaltyKiller said:
    Chainsaw Killers and the Pig.

    Chainsaw Killers because (1) they can instant down and (2) because they can instant down they don't get bullied as much. Emphasis on "as much." That body blocking crap goes out the goddamn window not unless you picked someone up. Plus they don't bull rush the hook.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • bortami
    bortami Member Posts: 91
    My killer main is called PC... no console will ever survive.
  • bortami
    bortami Member Posts: 91
    Victor miller

    He killed Friday the 13th the video game with one lawsuit.
  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Hag. I started playing her when I first got the game because in a post-game discussion the Killer and Survivors were saying noone ever plays her. Found out her gameplay was throughly enjoyable to me, so I stuck with her to Rank 1 and put Dwight in the storeroom for a while. She was so much more fun to play then, but I am hoping the rework balances her out a bit more.

    I don't give her enough love anymore, she only comes out for Dailies and I feel horrible doing that because I am low ranked atm and I tend to obliterate new players with her. Need to Prestige all the Killers I want to Prestige though, so once that's done, she'll be getting dusted off, a fresh coating of blood, and coming back to munch on some corpses. She likes them fresh.

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    @Mringasa said:
    Hag. I started playing her when I first got the game because in a post-game discussion the Killer and Survivors were saying noone ever plays her. Found out her gameplay was throughly enjoyable to me, so I stuck with her to Rank 1 and put Dwight in the storeroom for a while. She was so much more fun to play then, but I am hoping the rework balances her out a bit more.

    I don't give her enough love anymore, she only comes out for Dailies and I feel horrible doing that because I am low ranked atm and I tend to obliterate new players with her. Need to Prestige all the Killers I want to Prestige though, so once that's done, she'll be getting dusted off, a fresh coating of blood, and coming back to munch on some corpses. She likes them fresh.

    I started playing the game bcs of The Hag, at higer ranks I was fairly decent sinse I haden't played anyone else back then. But I totally agree on that they should bring back the fun with The Hag in someway, perhaps a rework.

  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    Billy if I want to win, Myers if I want to have fun (which is usually the case). I can't stand playing the nurse/huntress, the huntress' hatchets seem to have a wonky hitbox and the nurse makes me feel nauseous playing her for prolonged periods of time.

    This leaves the rest of the killers which are pretty much only for the memes (because the survivors dictate the pace of the game when you're not using one of the 3 strong ones).

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    Optional add-on that no one uses is relevant how?

    And yet another [BAD WORD] guy who doesn't know what the edit button is.

    Just trying to be funny :)

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605
    edited June 2018

    Sorry bud, this isn't the Reddit, you don't get karma from posting low effort ######### posts. If you want to be funny and have a bunch of spegs congratulate you then go post that ######### on the DbD Reddit.

    Well I suppose you're just some random person from the internet who thinks he/she's got more power just bcs we're typing instead of talking face to face lol.
    Don't let this get personal now :)
    Edit: You can't blame someone who's trying to be funny, because then you are an idiot...
    If you type anything against this I'm simply just gonna ignore it sinse I don't want to turn this into a offensive chatroom :):):)

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    I love my Trapper. Trapper is the OG of DbD and the Trapping Mastermind of ingenius precision. That is when I play him at least.

    I'm beginning to feel like a Trap God Trap God...

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I love my Trapper. Trapper is the OG of DbD and the Trapping Mastermind of ingenius precision. That is when I play him at least.

    I'm beginning to feel like a Trap God Trap God...

    Nice, I'm looking forward to beeing trapped by you :3

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    Doctor was my original main, but he's annoying to play and not great, so lately I've been playing Wraith and Hillbilly.

  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I love my Trapper. Trapper is the OG of DbD and the Trapping Mastermind of ingenius precision. That is when I play him at least.

    I'm beginning to feel like a Trap God Trap God...

    I love the trapper, but whenever I play him he seems to attract trolls from all around the realm. I constantly get people running object of obsession when I use him that kind of follow me around trying to disarm my traps. I find myself swatting at them while I know they're giggling and sprint bursting away to the nearest loop..

  • Nero
    Nero Member Posts: 43

    Myers as always...he brings true horror in this game

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    @Tombstone218 said:
    Doctor was my original main, but he's annoying to play and not great, so lately I've been playing Wraith and Hillbilly.

    Doctor is not great, so you start playing Wraith instead? I'm confused.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    nurse, shes fun and you can ######### on survivors.

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605
    edited June 2018

    @The_Manlet said:

    @Tombstone218 said:
    Doctor was my original main, but he's annoying to play and not great, so lately I've been playing Wraith and Hillbilly.

    Doctor is not great, so you start playing Wraith instead? I'm confused.

    That's right!

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         There’s so many Killers I like; They all have their own fear factor and personality- it’s hard to choose just one! It’s like making a painting: I need all the colors in order to be happy. 
         Ah but whoever I choose in a Trial, I’m always satisfied beatin’ the devil outa some Survivor.
  • arcticxlia
    arcticxlia Member Posts: 53
    I  never play killer but if i do then the pig. (even tho i really wanna play nurse, but i'm a noob lmao)
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