Just going to DC
Entitled survivor confirmed. Being bad at the game is everyone elses fault, not his.
"The big bad killers are trying to kill me".
All killers step aside and let this man/boy/######### do gens in peace and safely walk out the exit gates unharmed. Dont even look at him, he'll dc. Hes entitled to escape, hes a survivor.
What a clown.
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did he just call me a #########? lol. i wonder why he must exaggerate the conditions of my dc to make his own point seem rational? ...hmm...
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So basically if a killer uses a strategy what is going to make them win, you DC, because you lack skill and only want to win in a game which was supposed to be fun for both roles equally?
So killers may DC, if people wiggle off, get unhooked, a gen is done, swf etc. etc etc.
You are a perfect example of what is wrong rn.
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of course. just like you. evidently, you don't need the perks you just suggested then. excuse me...but...what are you even on about?
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@pungent_stench well I don’t mind being tunneled ‘cause I run s build for being chased. If tunneling is a big problem then you need to learn how to stealth or lose the killer.
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So yesterday I did this funny thing because I kept getting the same killers over and over tunneling me and changing their playstyle/killer to counter my kindred so they can camp. I am not toxic, I don't trash talk in the after lobby. I will say a snarky remark if I need to but always ggs and I don't attempt to hurt feelings. But I played as Jake, only running sabotage and no items/offerings, and if the ping seemed to me like a killer I kept dealing with, I joined and sabod hooks close to generators, provided a good long chase without any other perks on my belt, or in one case I ran to a corner over and got farmed by my teammate and the killer. But for EVERY game I did that in, whether the killer was someone that had been tunneling/camping me many games before or not. I bought time for my teams to 5gen and escape with only me being punished with what caused me to build that anyway:
Camping and Tunneling.
I laughed like crazy the whole time and managed to up my chase skill while being 'toxic'. Dunno how well this would work in red ranks though.
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Thx for your Tears Deposit sir, we appreciate every single drop :)
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i have some videos of what it looks like to be hit as soon as one is unhooked and then rehooked. too touchy a subject but i can assess reality by looking at it.
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So the killer should DC when everyone switches last second to 4 Flashlights with the darkest claudette outfits and clicky clicking during the match to being toxic like a certain known person was? I mean the killer only wants to play, but the 4 SWF are spreading toxicity and tea-bagging.
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@HeHeBoii Yeah, I won't DC against something like that. But I will just stand around, let them pop all five gens, and leave. No chases, no hook saves, no heals. Let them de-pip. I don't care about Pips on my killers. Screw 'em.
And if they won't leave? Fine by me. I'll minimize DbD, fire-up Paladins, and play a match or two, checking back to see if they left yet. If not, that's their time. My PC will easily run multiple games at a time without lag. I'm still playing a game with my time.
I did that last week against an idiot player that refused to leave as survivor and hid somewhere in the map. After searching for him for 15 minutes, I logged into Paladins. I played a good five matches over there before he finally decided to leave. I'm fairly sure he thought he was trolling me and pissing me off, but I jump back-and-forth between playing DbD and Paladins most nights anyway, depending on my gaming mood.
When someone doesn't care about Pips and can pull up another game without exiting DbD, you can't troll me.
Post edited by Kilmeran on0 -
I agree with this whole heartedly.
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Yep, quitted this game last week, never felt any better.
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I only dc if I am about to die early without getting a chance to do anything. For example, I dced the other day after I got chainsawed and taken to the basement twice in a row. I hadn't been able to work on any generators at all.
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Who's more toxic? A Killer player preventing a Survivor player from playing the game or distributing your lashing around the THREE OTHER PLAYERS?
Don't need to answer that, though... I can tell you're a KiLLaH Mang.
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"Harsher ban system"
This made me chuckle. If it's anything like the last half dozen "harsher systems", DCers have nothing to worry about. But then again, not a single mention has been posted about his imaginary "harsher ban system at release", so there's that too.
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Blames the devs, not the players. As killer, you have to eliminate one person ASAP or the game becomes impossible to win. I’m not obligated to make sure you have fun.
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@Sythalin Look, I'm going to be complete honest here. I just returned to DbD a few week ago after around seven months away from the game. And I'm already about to the point of walking out the door again. From the DC epidemic, to the crashes, to the uncountable bugs, to Behavior's absolute lack of any real communication with their customers, I only play a few matches a week, already.
I'm giving them until the upcoming mid-chapter update. If they don't have balls to the wall with that one and fix a lot of stuff in DbD, that's probably it for me. At that point, it doesn't matter about dedicated servers, or the three remaining chapters for 2019, or any events. If that update doesn't address the things that need to be addressed at the foundation, then there's no point in wasting further time with them.
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no, you aren't but i am.
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@OrionsFury4789 But it doesn't happen with SWF groups because these players wouldn't hurt their friends with a dc. And if you have decent solo survs, they won't dc either.
The current dc mentality is no reason why survivors wouldn't still be op.
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Tbh if you get hit as soon as you get unhooked, it's the survivor who saved you fault, also too touchy of a subject? You make it sound like that's a horrible thing, which its not, it's a good strategy if killers dont necessary want to camp but want you to stay on the hook.