Buff Idea for the Trapper - make traps spawn, active, in pallets and windows

We all know that the Trapper's most glaring weakness is that he has no presence at the beginning of the game as he needs to spend time actually creating it - by setting traps around the map. Considering how fast games are known to go, even with time stopper perks like Hex: Ruin and Corrupt Intervention, this is crippling to the Trapper, especially when Survivors know how to completely cancel out his early-game setup.

So I have an idea for how the Trapper can get a bit of a buff, which would completely solve both of these problems; make Bear Traps all spawn already active.

The way this would work is that bear traps will all spawn in or near loops and automatically be primed without the Trapper needing to reset them. These traps will all spawn under pallets, in choke points of the map, and right next to windows, so the Trapper doesn't need to do it all himself.

This would allow the Trapper to start the game immediately without having to worry about a Survivor following him to disable every trap he set up, as he wouldn't be forced to set up his traps in the beginning of the game.

This would immediately solve most of the Trapper's problems;

  • His lack of pressure and presence in the early game would be completely solved as he won't need to set up his traps himself and can immediately start hunting his prey.
  • Survivors will not be able to follow him at the beginning of the game to disable his traps as he sets them and moves on to the next, as he wouldn't need to do this anymore.
  • Survivors will be forced to disable his traps at the beginning of the game when they find them so as to prevent themselves or others from getting trapped. This will also serve to actively alert the Trapper as to where the Survivors are around the map, assuming they decide to disable the traps before doing generators.

Perhaps as another added bonus, why not make traps automatically dark and rework or change the add-ons into something else entirely? Perhaps an increase to the amount of traps on the map at generation or something?

What do you think, community? Trapper desperately needs help. If you disagree with this idea, perhaps share an idea of your own in this thread as well?


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I voted up.

    The way i see it, for casual players, this guy's currently worse than Wraith.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Whatever makes it easier for me to trap up my mouse in the basement. The better.

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    I think that's pretty cool, and would actually add more intensity to the game. Most trapper games you see the trapper before his set traps so would definitely be more interesting and solve the lack of presence at the beginning of the game that you mentioned.

    Sure you'd probably get the odd dc or two who fall into a trap in the first 10 seconds but it couldn't be any worse than legions dc's in his current state.

    I think as someone else mentioned on the forums before, being able to set traps without picking them up would also be a great idea, maybe balance this with slightly nerfing the setting time addons or something

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It sounds good on paper, but I don't know if the devs would be willing to code this in just to have it fail. It's a pretty big rework, code-wise.

  • Matcuskilgannon
    Matcuskilgannon Member Posts: 38

    Even just the random spawned traps being active at the beginning would be something.

    Some of the most random placed traps are the ones that screw me up later on.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Well then instead of directly below where a Pallet can be dropped, they spawn on either side instead.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    @Peanits Regarding your point about a trap being able to be DH’d over, I personally think Trapper could also do with immunity from his traps.

    “How long lore-wise has he been killing in the name of the entity”, that sort of thing, and he still steps in his own traps lmao

    I think Trapper should not be able to be caught in his own traps, unless he is carrying a Survivor. That way loops won’t be automatically safe by using his power against him, but he could also end up stepping in a trap on the way to a hook and dropping his quarry.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    lol throw on on iri-stone and you only need to do the bare minimum with your power, move them if the pallet they're at is broken. doesn't sound great to me

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited April 2019

    The devs wont buff Trapper dude, we have been saying it for ages when the trapper buff comes out it wasnt enough, they didn't listen

    especially since now we have the new emblem system, Trapper got hit the hardest

    Because he waste time picking up traps - Reduce Emblem Points - No Pips even if 3k

    You are forced to use one addons for trapper bag or its gg.

    Why play Trapper when u have something like Plague that can immediately put pressure on survivors and prevent loops

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I was actually thinking about making the traps spawn already primed just recently. Not sure about making them spawn by windows/pallets consistently for the reasons Peanits stated, but beyond that, I THINK it might be a beneficial change to the Trapper?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,245

    I think the better option is to make his Iridescent Stone add-on a standard mechanic in his kit. The main issue that I have with trapper is he gives up generator patrol pressure and potential early game chases for a pure chance to get an instant down. The irony is, There's only one of you, and 4 survivors, so even if you manage to setup a trapped area, the survivors can ignore that area or they can disable traps as another person is getting chased.

    The survivor squad is able muti-task because they are 4 players, but the trapper is overwhelmed with too many burdens. That add-on, The Iridescent Stone removes some of the burden of having to walk back, pick up the trap and set it. He becomes pretty good killer with it, but without it, the game just goes too fast for him to make an impact.

    Why rely on the chance that a survivor goes in a trap to Instant down when you can play a killer who directly instant downs them at their will, I.E Billy, Myser, Leatherface.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    Just make it that you can’t escape from a trap unless someone helps you or the trapper hits you. At least that gets someone off a gen or something.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,245

    I think developers expect you to use his trapper bag add-on. to get head start on picking them up. Picking them up isn't too bad at the start. people constantly disabling them regardless where you place them especially vs SWF. Rough game for you.

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221

    Im sorry dude but I disagree. Even though the traps in windows and pallets are predictible they will or may be somewhat effective in time delay and will AT LEAST force the surv to drop the pallet early in order to get over the trap thus cutting out a loop, for a good survivor and killer this can make up a large amount of time, furthermore they would have to spend time searching for them else risk runing into them on a chase IE not doing gens.

    I feel like this would be a solid buff for trapper.