The Witch

KKjustFlossin Member Posts: 4

This killer would be a Witch/Warlock that is accompanied by a Familiar. The Familiar could be any small animal (maybe a default black cat, but with other animals like a bird, a mouse/rat, a puppy, etc available for purchase). The Familiar would roam the map independently and the killer would have the ability to look through the Familiars eyes and see what they see. Now this could work a couple of different ways.....either the Familiar notifies the killer when it finds a survivor and that survivor’s aura would show for a few seconds or the killer could actually switch bodies with the Familiar. Imagine a cute black cat sitting on the gen meowing when u walk up and u watch in horror as it morphs into the killer.... Actually it could be both, the killer could only be able to view through the Familiar’s eyes at first until the power is “built up” enough to allow the body switch..... What do u guys think?


  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    I definitely like the idea behind this killer. I think with some more development, it could make for a great fan made killer.