The Heretic (Killer idea)

Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594
edited April 2019 in Creations

Killer's name: The Heretic.

Real name: Nick Insanity "Boy" Lewis

Weapon: Butcher's knife

Killer's ability Demon Withen.

Killer's stats: Height: tall: Movement speed 115% Terror Radius: 20 meters

A twisted and brutal killer. able to bend powerful beings into his will. His power: Demon Withen. Lets him summon two out of three demons to be at his side. improving his powers overtime and making him a deadly foe on the field.

His Personal Perks: Maniac. Hex: Insanity. And Driven to Madness will test how well the survivors can last while also making sure that they don't end up killing themselves while they're at it.

How it works: Nick starts the trial off with one demon floating by his side. these demons improve his powers throughout the match. The demons empowers Him to Destroy pallet's 15% faster. increase his successful hit by 20% and reduce stun time by 30%. However he can only be affected by two out of the three. However these are not affected by: Brutal Strength. Save the Best for Last. and Enduring.

Background story: Nick was never a fan of people. He truly hated everyone around him. including his family, but the only thing he never hated was his own Mother. The one thing that kept him going in life was her.. At school he was tormented by the other kids for being Anti-social. not being accepted into anything outside of his own life. He never appreciated anything growing up. Nor did he want anything but to stop the bullying at school. But that all soon changed one late afternoon. when he was attending class. the door to the room opened up with a police officer coming into Line of sight in-front of the kids and wanted to Know which one was Nick. Nick of course. spoke up as he got up from his chair as he approached the officer as he was told by him that a break-in had happened at his house. and Realizing the bandits thought they had the house to themselves thought wrong. they opened fire onto the Mother as they quickly gather any valuables from the house and fled the scene as she laid on the floor dead. riddled with gunshots as nick quickly had a shocked expression to his face before the officer pulled him out of class as the others didn't know what was going on. as they drove back to the house. He only caught a Glimpse of his mother being put into the ambulance by the paramedics as they arrive at the house finally before he got out slowly and stood there in-front of the house as he lost the one thing he truly loved.. filled with shock. rage and confusion. started to become twisted very slowly and surely...come nightfall everyone had left as he entered his own house walking silently through the small house. Whispers began to cloud his mind. yearning him to take revenge on everyone that wronged him. including his bullies. he grinned at the thought of the idea before he went into the kitchen and took a butcher's cleaver. vowing to go find the bandits. no matter what it takes, as he doesn't get any sleep for the next 12 hours as he goes to school having the whispers being louder and louder in his mind as he gets stopped by the bullies of the school shoving him. calling him names, all sorts of vile things before he finally snaps. he took out his cleaver from his back pocket before he violently starts to attack the school kids. one by one they started to fall as the rooms filled with screams suddenly turned to nothing but silent. peaceful hallway filled with dead people.. as he claimed the kills. he started to feel the whispers growing inside his head even more. twisting him. making him truly insane as the voices of the dead kids start to chant Heretic into his mind as he screams out in laughter before fleeing off into the woods. never to be heard of again...

Killer's perks:

Maniac: The hope of survivor's freeing themselves are limited to none. And the Entity hungers for the living. For each survivor you hook. The Entity temporally blocks off the hook for 15/20/25 seconds, Can only affect two hooked survivors at once

"Welcome to my Hell.."

Hex: Insanity: The survivor's plead for escaping is limited to none, and you'll make sure of that. if there is a remaining dull totem on the map at the endgame. once the gen is finished it'll activate. showing the survivors 2 more exits to choose from. if they open the wrong door. they'll be greeted to a Blocked off exit route, However. once this hex is cleansed. the fake doors will shut permanently,

"Your sanity will be tested. Your will to live. and how you can overcome it..."

Driven to Madness: The thought of survivors freeing themselves off hook angers you from withen. making you a force to be reckoned with, you start the trial off with 0 tokens that'll increase overtime after a save has occurred. However for each pallet stun hits you. you'll lose a token:

1 Stack: Reduced missed swings by 10%

2 Stacks: Bloodlust Gain reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds

3 Stacks: Increase kicking a pallet / generator by 10%

4 Stacks: After you hit a injured survivor. they gain the broken bones. for each hit reduces their healing by 5%

5 Stacks: Increases your movement speed by 5%

Does not stack with increased / Decreased perks that is affected with its stacks

" just gotta give it your best shot."

Killer's Addons:

Mother's Necklace: Ultra rare: The necklace wore by his mother fills him with sadness and grief but fuels him with Anger. leading to deranged activities. You may now summon all three demons at your side. but you can no longer summon them. after a gen is completed. one will be summoned automatically.

"This was her favorite necklace..i'll avenge you mother.."

Childhood picture: Ultra Rare: Looking at his own past fills him with high levels of stress and insanity. Everytime a survivor is hook and gets rescued while you're withen 16 meters of a save. will give everyone around the 16 meter range Exposed for the next 10 seconds


Homemade Badge: Very rare: The badge he once wore when he was a child marks a curse on him. Tremendously Reduces the time it takes to summon a demon.

"I remember this...this was when I was 7.."

Bullies badge's: Very rare: once wore by the bullies themselves. now lays in His grasp. Invoking his powers to be at his own leisure. Tremendously increase's the effective passive stats by the demons.

A silver coin: Rare addon: this coin once brought him good luck now only offers him the solace of the lies and distrust of others. Moderately increase's the Effective passive stats by the demons.

A small button: Rare addon: The button he collected when he was a child was long forgotten in his pocket. now only serves to remind him of his dark past: Moderately reduces the time it takes to summon a demon

Piece of paper: Uncommon Addon: once was his own project he worked on now only reminds him of the darkness: Slightly reduces the time it takes to summon a demon.

A tiny charm: Uncommon Addon: The charm he found on the ground proves him with small power: Slightly increases the stun reduction by 5%

A small Rock: Common Addon: this small rock he had when he was a little child grew onto him over time. Slightly reduces the time it takes to summon a demon

A Child's Toy: Common Addon: Once gave the kid's happiness now turns to nothing but Anguish and Pain: Slightly increases destroying a pallet by 5%

This was my first time doing this sort of creation. Feedback is accepted. and thank you for reading =D

EDIT: Fixed some spelling mistakes

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