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Survivor perks that need buffs

Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

hello there! I am a survivor main on ps4.

I enjoy running non meta perks/builds for fun,but there are some perks that are not good or need small changes,IMO.

Here is the list:

- Autodidact: The concept is cool,but it is RNG based,and this can screw you up. My idea: Add a 10/15% higher chance of triggering a healing skill check.

- Boil over: this perk can save your life and I relize it can be too powerful if buffed too much,but currently the aura reading block for hooks is...not that good. My idea: increase the range from 14 to 18 meters at tier III,those 4 meters can make a difference .

Buckle up: this perk is meh, it could be better. My idea: increase the range from 48 to 128 meters (there is no reason for the range to be that limited).

Dance with me: this perk is only good with a specific build (Q&Q,Lithe and possibly LightWeight),otherwise it is barely ok. My idea: your footsteps cannot be heard by the killer when Dance With Me is active. OR just decrease the cooldown from 40 to 30 seconds at tier III.

(OPTIONAL) Dark sense: this is an ok perk,but I would also like to recieve something if someone else completes a gen (Like poised) my idea: if someone completes a generator and you were not working on it,you see the killer's aura for 3 seconds.

(OPTIONAL)Déjà Vu: my idea: you gain 100% more BPs in the objective category, the bloodpoint are only gained post-trial.

Detective's hunch: good concept,but the aura reading lasts for 5 seconds which makes the perk not viable. My idea: the aura reading lasts for 20 seconds instead of 5 (it may sound crazy,but I think the perk would be decent after these changes)

Diversion: this perk can be game changing in a stealth build,but waiting 45 seconds is too much,IMO. My idea: reduce the timer from 45 to 25 seconss.

Head on: fix hitboxes, 'nuff said.

Hope: The movement speed buff should last infinitely once Hope is activated,eazy.

Kidred: good perk (should be a base mechanic ?)

Left behind: Currently ,the perk is too situational so I decided to rework it! Rework: when removed from a hook( escaped or saved) a 30 seconds timer starts, if you are injured when the timer ends this perk activates. You now start passively recovering your healing bar at 50/60/70% healing speed. This effect stops when fully healed. (Numbers can be tweaked obviously).

No mither: this perk should give you 50/100% more bloodpoints in all categories,plain and simple.

No one left behind: everyone knows this perk is trash so I decided to rework it! Rework: after unhooking a survivor, that surv breaks into a sprint at 130/140/150 % movement speed for 3 seconds. (Do you think it is too powerful? Let me know!)

Open handed : this perk is...not good. 8 meters is not a lot. My idea: increase the range from 8 to 16 meters.

Premonition: decent perk,but the cooldown kills it ,imo. My idea: reduce the cooldown from 30 to 15/20 seconds at tier III.

(Not sure about this one)Resilience: increase the speed from 9 to 15% at tier III.

(OPTIONAL) Saboteur: now also slightly increases sabotage speed with a toolbox and you gain 100% more bloodpoints in the sabotage actions.

Slippery meat: we all know this perk is trash so I decided to rework it! Rework: after being removed from a hook (escaped or saved) you leave no scratch marks and no pools of blood for 8/10/12 seconds.

Solidarity: meh,just increase the numbers from 50% to 70% at tier III.

Streetwise: 15% efficiency is not worth it IMO. My idea: increase the efficiency from 15 to 30%.

(OPTIONAL) Tenacity: increase the crowling speed from 50 to 70% at tier III.

Up the ante: this perk could be good,but luck should be able to do more things.

(OPTIONAL)Vigil: this perk is ok but I would like to see the speed increased from 20 to 30% at tier III.

(OPTIONAL) We are gonna live forever: you can also gain stacks by healing other survivors.

Windows of Opportunity: good concept,but the cooldown is too high. My idea: reduce the cooldown from 40 to 20 seconds.

Phew,the end.

Let me know what you think :)

Best Answers

  • bradys44
    bradys44 Member Posts: 105
    Answer ✓

    Detectives hunch is useless. The range is very small and the amount of time required is not worth it.

    Maybe 5 second aura seeing for each totem broken, hook sabotaged, generator completed, or survivor healed. If all of that was added, it MIGHT be a viable perk.


  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    If killer tiers continue to exist I believe that survivor perks should be in tiers as well and killer perks should have little to no hierarchy.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    survivors perks needs buffs but ASAP its been along time that they buff some perks that was only prove thyself i think but this ideas that you have are going in the right track and i hope devs see this and put it on the game

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    edited April 2019

    20 seconds?... really?........... a 20 second aura reading? ... do you have the memory of a bird? It's not at all hard to find stuff after an aura reading with detectives hunch... detectives hunch is a perk that can reveal a hex, negate having to look for a gen----> thesecare 2 things that are fairly big, considering that hexs don't come back and gens already get accomplished really quick when survivors just want to get the job done... detectives hunch is great as is.... (edit) diversion has the long cooldown since there is the possibility of it being abused by spam.... I'd reduce it too maybe 35 seconds...... if there must be a "buff" too it

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,952

    Maybe Boil could counter Iron Grasp and increase wiggle speed by 14%.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    The only perk I disagree on buffing would be Hope. Due to that being far too problamatic for killers. Sure they'll still be faster, but that speed has now close. You'll be surprised how a bit of speed can impact the game.

    Normal survivor running speed is 100

    Normal Killers are 115.

    Special killers are 110.

    Adding a permanent hope will make survivors normal running speed 107. That is only slightly slower than the special killers like Hag, Huntress, Legion, and so on.

    Then the difference between the normal killers would be 8 point of speed. Which kinda turns them into the special killers in a way.

    Nurse 96 (but she uses her powers to catch up to survivors, so Hope won't matter to her.)

    However every other killer would make their lives near impossible to catch up to a survivor. Unless they're specifically design to be great at the chase, like Huntress (who ususally just hits you with Hatches anyways).

    I feel like hope if given this kind of buff would make the killers lives already harder than what it already is. (But I guess it depends on the match sometimes).

    Hope as it stands has always been more of a soft counter when NOED was at is strongest. (Ah the dark times of DBD.) Now in days, NOED is more in a balanced state. But Hope, well Hope is still there, while is not as relevant as Adrenaline, Hope has been now more of a soft speedboost for the newer survivors. While I never personally used it as a Survivor, hope is still more of a Meh perk now. Is nice for when you neee to loop the killer in the endgame, but giving a permanent speedbuff would make it a little too overpowered.

    Now you'll probably say (oh but is End Game. Gates are usually powered and open by then. This is just to escape faster.) Hold your horses because I'm not done yet. You see on Endgame, unless the Killer has an End game Build (which I find rare, but sometimes you see people running Blood Warden from time to time) Killers either do what they can to secure the kill by camping means, or they do their hardest to snowball the gate before it opens. But the snowball part isn't happening against swf.

    Now where was I again? Oh yeah Hope. Hope would be a bit too strong if given this buff. Hope, while not the most annoying perk in the game, if given this buff I can see a lot of killers complaining about it. Because a permanent hope is just too strong. Sure is still an End Game Perk, but let's not repeat the dark times of DBD.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,239

    Detective Hunch sounds a bit over the top

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    @bradys44 10sec timer and like poised he activate when a gen is done even if you are not the one doing gen.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Sure, if the MoM gets nerfed and the killers perks gets first the full-rework.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Autodidact needs to have increased chances for proccing skillchecks.

    Head On needs to have the stun happen at the very start of the "jumping out" animation instead of after it, so that killers cannot grab you mid-animation.

    We're Gonna Live Forever needs to also give a token for healing a health state on another survivor and have it so that you get a token for SAFE hook rescues, not just any hook rescue.. so it cannot be used for farming.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527


    I think You misunderstood.

    I was talking about the 120 seconds timer to be removed.

    Not the condition to activate the perk

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Andreyu44 "The only buff it could get is giving a small ms during the game (after you finish a gen) so you get hope as you complete more gens.

    1 gen = 1%/2%/3% for 30 seconds

    2 gen = 2%/3%/4% for 30

    3 gen = 3%/4%/5% for 30

    4 gen = 4%/5%/6% for 30

    5 gen = (what it is now) 5%/6%/7% for 120 seconds"

    For Hope. My Idea from a post about buffing Hope

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    survivor perks are tiered. There is a constant list of meta perks for both survivors and killers.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    I like the ideas here as i play on ps4 also.

    I like the left behind and no one left behind skills. Auto didact getting skill check increase makes sense, but the perk is hard to get going to begin with. Why not just make it so you can go up a health state per skill check at 5 stacks. Its rng already and its taking up a perk slot where you could use will make it or botany which are way more consistent. Devs should have some balls with this and reward you for playing with the perk and stacking it all the way.

  • s2EvilSanctuary
    s2EvilSanctuary Member Posts: 5

    I loved all the ideas, the Devs should read this and take into account at least some ideas, I thought great! :O

  • Sleephartha
    Sleephartha Member Posts: 242

    Just about all perks other than the widely used ones (self care, adrenaline, urban, all the exhaustion...) need to be stronger.

    I'd also like to have a fifth perk slot.

    And how about looking at the add-on imbalance. Some of these very rare and ultra rare killer addons can be insane and are basically a free unloseable game for killers. How about survivor ultra rares that make you immune to aura reveals all game? Or if they have addons for one hits and moris why dont survivors have addons that are like suits of armor that require extra hits?

    Seriously, high ranks are full of boosted killers running OP addons. fix that garbage.