Mori change suggestion

With the Decisive Strike changes, I had hoped we would get some changes to killer counterparts. Moris are simply very unfun for both sides.

I propose: Ebony Moris be removed from the game and Ivory Moris become ultra rare in its place. The Mori can only be activated after each survivor is hooked at least once.

This change would eliminate the tunneling off hook to Mori and promote spreading hooks instead of providing an unenjoyable experience for the survivors and having a 3v1 at 5 gens. Moris would still maintain its strength as a very strong offering, you just have to hook all 4 survivors at least once first. Considering perks like BBQ exist to promote spreading hooks and leaving the hook, this seems like a change that is in the same ballpark.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I would just like Moris to only work on final hook, that way you get your satisfying mori but have to work harder for it. However if Moris change then keys need a change. My idea for keys is make the keys only work once all gens are done and dull key only works for the key holder.