In-Game Toxicity; How to avoid doing it unintentionally

Hello all, I just made an account on here to look at the forums because I was having connection issues, but I'd also like to make a post simply asking what behavior the community most generally views as toxic. It seems like there are pretty strict views on what to do and not do, but if you're not on the forums it seems like you can get players hating and you don't really realize you're doing anything wrong.
For example, I didn't realize matching other survivors clothes is viewed as toxic early on and I used to do it just because I thought it was a funny way to bond with the survivors.
Sorry if this is too general, I just wanted a better feel for how to play more as a team because I do try to go out of my way not to be unsportsmanlike so this is a good outlet to get general opinion. I realize a lot is common sense, but better to be able to avoid anything in the future and make it a better game experience for everyone. There's no reason both the killer and the survivors can't have a fun match.