Honest comprehension question regarding the Legion changes

wurzelbart Member Posts: 63
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

I'm not sure if I got this right.

With the changes, the Legion runs longer in Feral Frenzy (FF), but is more slowly. Also, the Deep Wound timer will not become less when you hit survivors while in FF, it will not become less as long as the killer is in your terror radius AND it will not become less as long as you mend.

So.. Will the Deep Wound still have ANY effect then?

Because as soon as Legion hits a surv in FF, the surv will get the timer, which will not decrease as long as Legion is near. And as soon as Legion leaves (maybe to hit the next surv), the first one will naturally start mending. So no degression on the timer at any point. Even if Legion chooses to keep chasing said survivor, they won't have any advantage from staying in FF because hits won't count towards the timer. Resulting in most Legions most probably not even hitting survivors even once in FF because it's a simple waste of time.

Will FF then have any use besides being able to run slightly faster and vault windows and pallets? Because apparently, hitting a surv in FF won't make any sense whatsoever.

Note: I'm not very familiar with playing Legion, but this is how I understood the upcoming changes.