A Moment of Silence for Our Legion Mains

Can we get an F in the comment section for the soon to be dead Legion after April 23 comes and kills him?

Because for those who read the "Legion Rework" is less of a rework and more od a super mega nerf. Is so bad that even if Freddy doesn't get a rework, he will no longer be the worst killer in the game.

Freddy: Is it my time?

Entity: Yes, you are no longer the worst killer Freddy.

Wraith in Saminations: Remember when I said in parody 5 that Legion was the worst killer? Well I'm a prophet now. I foresaw this update and knew Legion was going to be the worst killer.

Ok jokes and memes aside. A moment of silence for our Legion mains.



  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Legion will turn out quite strong.

    I call it now

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited April 2019

    It isn't a nerf, being a M1 killer with a legitimately free hit and stall potential is basically what Pig and M&A Myers are. If you play a lot of trapper/Pig, you know that the difference between being injured and uninjured vs a M1 killer is super significant.

    It does, however, turn them into a M1+ killer, which I think is more frustrating. They probably will actually be overall better, but will be generic as hell because the devs can't find a balance point for a steroid free hit as strong as the legion, and people obviously *want* to use their super awesome legion leapy stabs to down but no longer can.

    Also, it is important to remember that if they literally removed Legion's power entirely and just gave them base movespeed, if legion literally did not have a power, they would be stronger than Freddy. Until Freddy gets a rework so that he isn't literally pure downside he will always be the worst killer. The meta of the game doesn't reward any of his upsides which makes his power just a head start for your opponent and a delay in you landing an attack, Freddy is legitimately worse than an M1 killer with no power, and Legion's power IS relevant to how DBD is played.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    You know that infinite question we killer mains ask if the killer is good or not? We ask the question "Does his power help with the chase?"

    If is a yes then they end up being top tier, if is a form of yes, then they become mid tier, if is a no then they become bottom tier.

    This "Rework" will make his power relatively useless. Is not the same. Sure the old legion was frustrating to go against, but not impossible. But this rework is going too far.

    But then again, we won't 100% know until it's lie, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    I called out billy, nurse, huntress and spirit to be toptier at release when everyone thought they were weak. I called legion trash and got a ton of lols and i should wait until people discover his potential. Turned out he is just trash.

    Now he becomes a 115% killer with stalling potential who ignores the healthy state. Want to heal? Stall for 1 minute. Dont want to heal? Permanoed. Without the slow movement speed, he is a serious killer.

  • FreyatheKind
    FreyatheKind Member Posts: 90

    I wasn’t aware these changes were already in the PTB to confirm the death of The Legion.

    Maybe try out the changes first before announcing a killer’s death :P

    As the devs stared before time and again, it’s not always set in stone

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Yes it's not set in stone but if people don't complain then it will make it to live so.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    While it sounds good, remember the infinite question. "Does his power help with the Chase?"

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    It does. He still has the uncounterable first hit. He will always start a chase with you beeing deep wounded. So legion only has to earn 1 hit. Which is only half of other M1 killers who have to earn 2 hits.

    Then add his strong stalling potential and you have all the time to finish chases without gens popping. I find that very strong on pig already and legion is gonna do it better.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    Yet Pig is Mid Tier. Legion, while this sounds good, a confirm hit (kinda like Plague) unlike Plague where she has lethal vomit in the case a survivor is good at looping, Legion really only has that one confirm hit going for him. Which at glance isn't bad, you could use cooldown add ons to make it like a one two combo like the Hatched, regular attack Huntress.

    That requires add ons, while Huntress can do that on default.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Yeah but that sounds pretty strong, doesnt it?

    Only needing one followup hit to down survivors sounds almost like a noed killer. to compare it to plague: The most efficient play as survivor is to not heal. Which turns legions into a 115% permanoed killer. Who can stall a bit. Unless they heal, then he stalls tremendously.

    Similar to plague who is a 115% permanoed killer. Unless they cleanse, then she becomes a toptier killer for a while.

    Both are basically 115% permanoed killers. Unless survivors do suboptimal plays, then legion turns into a stalling machine and plague into a chasing machine. Both are pretty toptier if it happens imo. At worst, you have a 115% permanoed killer. Still pretty good

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    Eh, maybe. While the stalling part isn't all that great, because again 4v1.

    But maybe everything else will be decent, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    Meh, maybe. But I'm not sure that's a good thing. After all is not a real NOED. While I don't think his power triggers MOM (Metal of Man), Adrenaline would still be a problem for him. But that is just the usual gen rush.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Weederick NOED gives a speed boost. Don't forget that, it's very important.

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    What do you mean when you say a killer or survivor is M1?

  • CoolerBleend
    CoolerBleend Member Posts: 76

    They're only option in a chase is to primary attack as their ability does not help them in a chase (e.g Wraith, Freddy and soon to be Legion if this patch goes live)

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    AHHHHHHHHH ok. thank you! I keep seeing that and I've wondered about it for a while now.. Finally thought I'd ask.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481

    I am a tri-prestige trapper who consistently sits at rank 1. Trust me, I know how to evaluate a killer power, and it is more complex than "does this power have the ability to directly confirm hits/down" which is what you are conflating with "Does this power help in a chase?" Trapper for example can't really win a chase realistically with his traps at the moment unless the survivors are bad anyway, it mostly exists to pre-close loops in a way that very indirectly reduces total chase time if you have setup. Is it stronger or weaker than the old power? Probably stronger in really up there ranks, but I dunno, we will have to wait and see.

    But he definitely wasn't *deleted.* An instant injury confirm is pretty powerful, it would be broken in the pre-vacuum era we (hopefully) are returning to. At the low end, it is probably going to feel a lot weaker than the old power, but in higher end games it is going to probably be stronger than Trapper because getting a free hit is stronger than making loops slightly longer in terms of time efficiency, especially as Legion doesn't have any setup time.

    Again, I can't stress enough how it is totally valid that the SPIRIT of this killer was essentially ruined. and to be upset this is the devs capitulated AGAIN to survivors complaining about a NPE while pretty much totally ignoring years old killer NPEs. But a Wraith this ain't. It is a chase relevant power. It certainly doesn't make him worse than Freddy, Freddy would literally be stronger if he didn't have ANY power.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    Respect for being a Rank 1 Trapper. I don't see many in my games.

    I also do somewhat agree with you, but it won't be the same. Is like... let's say Trapper gets a rework, and the rework is him throwing the traps. That changes the dinamic of playing Trapper by a lot.

    Same with this new Legion Rework. His power while they can still confirm a hit, that hit is now going to be harder to hit, since his power will deplete when he misses, plus he won't be able to use it again until he gets it fully like Spirit.

    If everythingnis correct then he becomes kinda like a weaker plague in a way. Because like Plague, they can confirm a hit with their powers, but is the downing part that is the challenge.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited April 2019

    It just proves I have damage. Don't respect me for that.

    I agree this is going to change how Legion feels a lot to the point he probably won't feel like the same character, and I think the worst part of this change is that it totally disrespects the 'fantasy' of being legion (Basically being allowed to move like a survivor and having a visceral, terrible stabbing fit to finish them) in order to solve a survivor NPE.

    While that survivor NPE NEEDED to go away (Legion was sorta kinda a tiny bit bad for the game, and I say this while firmly believing Nurse is GOOD for the game), it really stinks that survivor NPEs are consistently prioritized and killers get very consistent radio silence.

    But specificity and accuracy in feedback is important. There is a lot of unfocused anger at this because there IS something wrong with it and the whole situation, but unfocused agitation and anxiety is really easy to dismiss, redirect, and ignore. The fundamental issue is balance changes for survivors and killers are treated radically different, with survivors getting fast responses, clearer communication, nerfs that redistribute power rather than removing it, and changes made to their benefit made borderline permanent, while killer balance changes have unclear communication, no real timeframe to the point there are jokes that BHVR forgot about them, and are frequently reverted.

    So if you are going to be mad about this change, be mad about that, rather than saying 'deleted' or 'worse than Freddy' because despite that accurately capturing the intensity of your feelings the statements just are not factually true and make animosity towards the devs for legitimately bad things they do easier to dismiss.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    They always seem to prioritize survivors. Hate it, even as both killer and survivor (though more often killer).

    The only time the devs would go too far is if they ever change the 1 killer that can win against even the toughest of swf. You know who it is. Nurse.

    By change, I mean, making her unable to win against swf and turn her similar to Geisha from Identity V. (If you never played Identity V, is basically DBD, but free and on mobile.)

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Let’s just wait for the ptb please. <3 :)

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I just read the changes. That's ridiculous. Deep Wounds is useless now and Feral Frenzy is a worse Yamaoka's Haunting. Thanks for making Legion an average M1 killer though? Cause that is what he is now.

    When you fix a problem it is best to fix it without going to an extreme over correct. The track and chase oriented killer can no longer chase or track for crap. Deep wounds pauses in terror radius even if you're not in a chase and you've increased the terror radius so now if you frenzy, on paper, you've wasted your time. Less speed, gimped tracking, and if you miss a single attack in frenzy you burn out instantly. I'm gonna hold my full judgment till a ptb comes, but this just looks terrible on paper. Feels like I'm getting screwed over for things that I didn't even do.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • QwrtyMan213
    QwrtyMan213 Member Posts: 243

    It's actually not out yet -- it comes out in a week.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @QwrtyMan213 I don’t think you read my comment. I said “when it comes out”.

  • QwrtyMan213
    QwrtyMan213 Member Posts: 243

    I never put anything in your mouth, I was clarifying. :)

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • QwrtyMan213
    QwrtyMan213 Member Posts: 243
  • Master_Bad_Guy
    Master_Bad_Guy Member Posts: 100

    Why now will apply Deep Wounds, if it does not decrease until the survivor will not go out of the radius of terror. Usually the survivor and does not go beyond the radius of terror, he does 200 laps around the palette. No need to apply Deep Wounds, immediately beat the usual attack.

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649


  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    The way that I play Legion already more or less lines up to the way that they're trying to make him be played. I run into a group, stab the crap out of people, then m1 someone the second time to get them down. I've always found it faster to get one m1 in than to follow them and keep stabbing with deep wounds until they fall, and I'm very impatient.

    But with that being said, the changes to the frenzy are stupid. Like... You have to have it all the way charged to activate it? Why? If it can't deal extra deep wound damage, why would you have to have it fully charged to activate it?

    & I hate, hate, hate, hate, the idea of missing a shot ending your frenzy. It's a FRENZY. & the ability to miss a shot without cooldown is what makes frenzy unique.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    Having it fully charge is stupid, and yeah I also especially hate that if you miss then it completely waste your power.

    Legion was at best design to be easy for the killers who already play the game. Because a lot of the mechanics on Legion are nice and simple. Plus he doesn't punish you for missing, just try again.

    But this new change almost kinda makes him like a half breed of Nurse and Plague. In terms of why nurse? Well we all know that to use Nurse effectively, you need to be accurate with her blink and predict where are they going. Missing a blink punishes you with a fatigue time, and no momemtum.

    This New Legion rework is kinda the same because if you miss, you get no momentum and get punished for missing.

    Also I added Plague there because of what you said earlier. His frenzy is good at getting people on the injured state to follow it up with a regular hit.

    Plague is similar, vomiting on survivors to break then and then following it up with a hit, or lethal vomit.

    This new update will make Legion in many ways weaker than Plague. While still high tier because hello, is guaranteed damage. He now in a sense requires more skill. Which on one side isn't bad, but at the same time it is because the original spirit of this killer is broken. So yeah.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Yeah, agreed about the nurse thing--which means that he's going to be another killer that's incredibly difficult to play on console. It's really frigging hard to hit people while you're in a frenzy on console as it is. It's extremely easy for survivors to just side step as your camera whips around wildly.

  • Legion_Me_Daddy
    Legion_Me_Daddy Member Posts: 1

    F for my daddy Joey T_T

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I mean, bad as some of the changes are I have a bit of faith left that the harshness of the nerfs will be tuned down just a bit during the PTB. If not, well, then save a beer please.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    "Legion gets a free hit and add ons reworked, we don't know the exact details because we are looking at this on paper." Good job gang, a free hit ignoring pallets and windows puts him above wraith and freddy already. With irridescent button, cold dirt, and bamboozle major loop spots become easy down places since he gets a free hit, breaks pallets, and moves at standard speed now and can block loops preemptively while closing distance with feral frenzy.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    now people will be forced to stop playing like d-bags with the moon walking exploit

  • praisetheentity
    praisetheentity Member Posts: 11

    @Saint_Ukraine How in the hell is moonwalking an exploit it does absolutely nothing overpowered

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    RIP LEGION and my money [*]

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    @praisetheentity If it wasn't an exploit, then the devs wouldn't have removed it, now would they have?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    The fact is simple. Both sides wanted a rework and we’re getting one.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited April 2019

    Excuse me. You survivors mains wanted a nerfs for them. We wanted an update.

    Post edited by Ihatelife on
  • Lonefox64
    Lonefox64 Member Posts: 132

    I mourn legion but he really did suck now hes just dead

This discussion has been closed.