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"all while retaining the core vision of this Killer. "



  • Member Posts: 117

    I'm sorry, but I always feel this kind of "GITGUD" argument is super pointless. If only for the fact that it goes both ways... a killer main could also say that survivors want it easy instead of playing the game better. I do think (as everybody else) legion needs adjustments, but I do think the several nerfs were a little too much. I mean.. it's a full stack of nerfs! But again, I'm also curious to see how these changes are actually gonna play in the PTB. Maybe the increased base speed will be enough? dont think so but let's see.

  • Member Posts: 2,320

    @DocOctober Why you being so butthurt?

    When you read those posts above... That is completely what I took from it... It made my morning I busted out laughing when I read them.

  • Member Posts: 22

    I like the idea of split pressure. However, I am concerned regarding the Legion's ability to "follow up and get a down". 115% movement speed doesn't sound enough. Most of the other killers have a M2 ability that either gives them a instant down or helps them in following up (exception would be freddy). So is Legion's ability to split pressure strong enough to warrant him having no ability to help him with following up?

  • Member Posts: 1,436


    The problem lies within bad design.

    Understand, as a Survivor, it's bullcrap that a Killer has the ability to down you regardless. While it did take forever in Frenzy, if you wanted a Survivor down and on the hook, it was granted to you merely because the Survivor have less defenses against a Legion than a Nurse. Legion would just hop over the same windows and pallets as you, and eventually you were met with your fate if the Killer was determined.

    If you think that's healthy gameplay, to each their own, but your futile complaints are merely out of frustration and you lack logic in your efforts to prevent this change. Or be any good use feedback wise.

    While I agree they butchered him, his overall design is still ######### regardless. He's just a Killer with Borrow Time.

  • Member Posts: 2,230

    Good for you.

    Doesn't change that I'm right. There's zero reason to believe they'll listen with 2.7.0 all of a sudden again.

  • Member Posts: 1,796


    Ok, so why is this patch just a big checklist of things to remove that Killers found to make Legion's ability more lethal than intended? Why isn't the reason Killers adapted in such a way being addressed? Why isn't getting inflicted by deep wounds and spreading damage being made more meaningful?

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    edited April 2019


    And here's why this argument doesn't work except your fairy tale scenario.

    You can throw mathematics and physics at them, but you haven't ACTUALLY SEEN the difference in ground covered in game. The Devs have. Them saying it covers more ground, and you saying "my high school math shows me thats wrong" doesn't change the fact that they know what changes have been made and how much they actually affect Legion.

    "Legion longer to cover the same distance in Feral Frenzy as it did before, thanks to the significantly lowered speed"

    Significantly. Because 10-15% is significant? Espacially when these numbers are already upwards of 130%? That's rather insignificant.

    Same distance? Pretty sure that when the Devs test it, and sasy they can cover more ground, they actually mean that. I mean, they ARE the only ones who see how it actually plays right now.

    Unless you've done some out of the box testing for them?

  • Member Posts: 290

    I'm going to slap Insidious and Dark Devotion on my Legion and just stare down survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    @Carpemortum Can you just stop? This is getting boring buddy :) Legion is nerfed and their needs a buff. End.

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    edited April 2019

    @DocOctober Youre using 100% and 115% to compare what, 125% and 135%? That is NOT as significant of a change, because it's ALREADY a higher value of the original 100%. it isnt a 15% drop. It's 15% LESS of a bonus that is added to it.

    Try again.

    Also, I WAS done, on the old posts? You keep up with stupid ######### towards Devs that actually know what is going on and I'll keep refuting your BS math.

    @Ihatelife The only thing getting boring is watching people moonwalk and now get salty they cant rely on it.

    Sure, we can stop. Just stop trying to say Legion is getting nerfed? Legion is fine, maybe even better now.

    I'm not gonna put "end" because unlike you, I understand what a discussion on a forum is. A discussion, not some kid trying to have the last word when they have no evidence to backup the wild claims they hold onto like a lost child in the dark.

    Also, "their needs a buff"? Their what needs a buff? Or They need a buff? If you're going to try and argue online, and end one at that, at least do it with proper grammar hon.


  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Survivor and killer mains alike all said the core gameplay if the killer was horrific and promoted gameplay that was both unfun and unfair.

    Stop pretending otherwise, ffs.

  • Member Posts: 2,230
    edited April 2019

    I've been doing my "BS" maths in DbD for almost 2 years now and it has worked out quite nicely. I see no reason why that should suddenly change, especially since you are the only person "refuting" it and others that I know are maths/physics students don't see a need for it.

    But hey, if it makes you happy to feel like you've somehow proven me wrong...

    While that is true, the main gripe Killer mains have is that with the rework, only the Survivor's fun in regards to Legion is addressed, not the Killer's fun.

    Post edited by DocOctober on
  • Member Posts: 5,069

    I said it again. Fault the players, no my Legion 😉

  • Member Posts: 685

    Wait, survivors adapt? That's a laugh, in 3 years the only adapting survivors have ever done is changing from stealth play too pallet looping only.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited April 2019

    From what I understand, Legion is meant to hit and apply deep wound, go hit another survivor then come back and hit the survivors again to lower the deep wounds further, How does this core idea work when from what I now understand, hitting them again with feral does not lower the bleedout anymore...

    Quite literally, not one survivor should ever be downed by Deepwounds with what's going in ptb if this is the case on that core design.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Guess I was part of the 1% then that just had legion hit you, use feral frenzy to catch back up then hit you again for a down...

    Folks need to stop trying to claim all Legions used moonwalking, it's blatant bullshit.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited April 2019

    To be fair the core vison was to be able to spread out hits on multiple survivors using the power but not downing them with it, it's why they could vault windows and pallets, see heartbeat and hut multiple people overall slowing the game down.

    The change can do this if legion can go a lot further than before using their power so in essence it is keeping the core vision.

    With that being said legion being able to spread out hits was down to survivors not themselves as they could just spread out, that's one of the big problems.

    While the legion wasn't fun to verse they were also a killer who's power simply did not work in the game as the most effective way to utilise it was to cheese chases going against what the core vision was.

    This is not a problem on the player but the overall design, quite frankly legion was a mistake and it showed the design had a complete lack of knowledge of the games players and how some wish to play as a killer.

    If someone just want to kill they will find the most efficient way and not worry that the devs want them to spread the damage around and hook multiple times.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    The "Spread out the pain" vision of Legion would be fine if they didn't have so many restrictions on how Deep Wounds works.

    Having it not tick down during a chase is reasonable.

    Having it pause while mending is reasonable.

    Having it pause for any other reason is NOT REASONABLE.

  • Member Posts: 848

    @Peanits Would you mind if I asked what the actual pressure of Deep Wounds will be now? If the timer pauses while healing, and pauses in the TR, then can't a survivor just go somewhere completely safe, and then heal? And then if the killer finds them, they'll already be in the TR, so they can stop healing and simply retain the time that they had when they began healing? Since the heal is already pretty short, what incentive would survivors have to actually treat it like a threat instead of just a short break from gens? Is the only intention on this power to now get survivors off gens for 10 seconds, unless they get chased, in which case the timer won't run down at all, and they're completely safe to heal if they escape the killer?

    I understand that people keep asking these questions, but I simply haven't seen an actual answer to this so far. I've seen assurances that it'll be better in the PTB, but nobody has been able to actually say why that is yet.

  • Member Posts: 495

    I'm loving the Legion rework discord simply bc of how two faced so many people seem to be now that it's been revealed.

    My fellow killer mains, I've seen complain about losing frenzy if you miss a stab. My question, why shouldn't you? Spirit doesn't get Yamaokas back if she messes it up. Nurse doesn't get her blinks back with no fatigue if she messes them up. Plague doesn't get corrupt purge back if she misses it. Pig doesn't get her bear traps back when they get removed and she doesn't get a do over if she misses her ambush. Part of the reason Legion is so annoying is that he had no counterplay with frenzy and the fact that you can miss and still hold onto it is part of that "no counterplay".

    Another complaint I hear frequently is that it isn't fair that Legion can't see blood in Frenzy. Again I compare him to other killers. Spirit is one of the best killers in the game and with her power, she can't see SURVIVORS. Legion will be fine not getting to see blood.

    The third biggest thing I hear people complain about is that you need to have Frenzy fully charged to use it again. And yet again I go back to the Spirit for comparison. Spirit doesn't get to use Yamaokas unless her guage is full and she's one of the best Killers in the game. Legion will be fine if there's heaven forbid a little bit of downtime between his frenzies.

    A lot of people don't understand the power behind 115% movement. It's actually really good. That means without frenzy he's a normal M1 killer.

    I don't think this is where Legion will end up staying, but I do think that these changes will make him less frustrating to play against and, more importantly, easier to balance for the dev team. And listening to the killer players who talked about how trash Legion was now ######### at Behaviour saying "Legion was fine how dare you make these horrible changes how dare you only appease Surviviors" as if a giant swath of nerfs weren't already made to Surviviors Including this new endgame feature.

    But the knee jerk reactions are fun to watch so please continue complaining bc I love seeing the stupid arguments that impulsive people come up with.

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