Killers Camping Hooks

What's everyone's thought on noob killers who camp hooks until you die, preventing any chance of a rescue?

I've had this happen 3 times in a row just now and have experienced it many times in the game. Whenever it happens I just DC now because it is NOT fun. If you get in trouble for DCing you should be able to ban killers for camping hooks.

I propose you add a penalty to killers who remain around the hook for longer than 10 seconds which will prevent them from being able to cause any damage when attacking.

Survivors get a penalty when they're stood still for too long, so why not Killers? I play as a Killer far more than Survivors and wouldn't mind this at all. The only people who will care are the campers who aren't good enough to hunt Survivors.



  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    Excellent, clearly that shows this is a good idea and is something the community is tired of.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    Your comment is pretty much 'It's not the end of the world'. Well duh! I can completely appreciate that and agree, but that isn't the point. This is a forum dedicated to improving gameplay and this is definitely something that needs addressing and really isn't that hard to combat.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    At the end game when the gates are open what should we do?

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365
  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    My comment was removed because I called you an idiot for misunderstanding my post lol. I'm sorry, but you did miss the point completely. Where did I mention I want a free unhook?

    As mentioned in my previous comment, it has nothing to do with 'free unhooks', it's all about being in with a 'chance' of being unhooked.

    Why would you continue playing a game when you know no one will/can save you? It ruins the fun for everyone.

    Also it isn't just irritating when you're the person who has been hooked, it's equally irritating when your team is hooked and you can't save them because the killer is waiting in front of the hook.

    Sure you can finish of the gens, but again wherr is the fun in that? Who wants to play a game as a survivor when the killer isn't hunting you? You may as well play without a killer. That's my point!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You do have a chance. It just happens to be very small. You don't want a "chance", you want "certainty". Hence, free unhooks.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited April 2019

    @lewfairbrother once again what about the end-game? What do you do other than camp?

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    You need to be more specific, in what circumstance? Being a survivor on/off a hook? As a killer? What do you mean?

    There is no need to camp at all on this game.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    I love how you're trying to tell me what I want. You're so wrong and clearly don't get my point. I'm not wasting my time trying to make you understand, i've made my point very clear it's not my fault you can't grasp it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You have a chance. Your teammates might have BT. They might try to distract the killer. It might work. They might unhook you. The exits might be opened. BT might save you. This is just one hypothetical scenario where you might be saved (i.e.: there's a chance you might be saved).

    Tell me again how you don't want the certainty of rescue, when the chance already exists?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @lewfairbrother situation is both gates are open you have someone on the hook do I leave them and patrol the opened gates and finished gens?

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Camping penalties have been tried out in PTBs and have always been exploited by survivors, one way or another.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    Okay cool, thanks for clarifying I see your point and that's a very fair argument.

    I suppose in this situation camping a hook to get a kill is the best solution as if you leave them they'll get rescued and escape, leaving you with no kills. So I propose the following:

    - If they added a penalty to killers who camp hooks for longer than 10 seconds, remove it when exit gates are open


    - Make the Exposed status mandatory for all survivors when the exit gates have been opened

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    I can see the argument you're trying to make but it's not the situation i'm talking about. I'm talking very specifically about Killers who have no interest in any other survivors until the one on the hooks is gone. Killers who literally give you no chance of a rescue.

    I've had so many games where the killer just stands in front of the hook waiting to grab who ever attempts the rescue. Survivors run in and out but the killer doesn't move, and isn't phased at all.

    Do you honestly believe that a Killer who stands there and watches survivors die on the hook is fun? I appreciate people have different views and opinions but if you were able to combat this to make it fairer for everyone, wouldn't you?

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    Oh really? This is interesting, thanks for the info. I'm curious to know what the penalties were?

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    You cant make people play the way you like. You already have tools to either prevent camping or counter it, use them.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    If you don't like it, give up and move to the next game. It's that simple.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    TBH i completely agree with you, as a killer main, i wouldn't mind it at all, but i also play survivor and would love it so it would be a win win for me. There's no point in posting this though as these forums have been over run by bad killer players, who still continue to call survivors OP, and literally can only get there kills form camping, tunnelling, and noed. The community ruins this game by being so damn bad at it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Let's get one thing straight: "fun" is not an argument for changing the balance of the game. It's not fun for the killer to be looped, but nobody seriously suggests that survivors should be unable to move after sprinting for 30 seconds if they haven't been hit.

    With that said, killers do not have to fall for obvious bait. You take a chance every single time you join a lobby. Sometimes that pays off, sometimes it doesn't. I've been rescued while being camped, and I've had rescues succeed when I was camping as well.

    You do have a chance. However, you're confusing "having a chance" with "succeeding every single time". You are going to fail from time to time. That's just how games work.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    Well see, you can make people play how you like, by doing the exact kind of thing OP suggested. The devs make you play how they like, they make you go for kills, and do gens. Your suggesting that this guy is telling you how to play, but no he's just suggesting the devs force you to play that way, the same way any game dev does just by making a game. How can you be so naive?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If you keep punishing killers for playing in ways that are perfectly justifiable, you're gonna run out of punching bags, I mean killers. Look at how survivor queues have spiked.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    His post is rather inaccurate. There was one test for it like 2 years ago. The idea was incredibly rushed and unthought through, like most things introduced in this game. If the idea was reattempted but actually made sense, and had multiple variables to it, it would actually work

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    The only time you would be able to get away from a face camper who actually has half a brain, is if a team mate has borrowed time, and the exit gates are open, and even then the killer can easily down the saviour. As long as you aren't brain dead, you can quite easily always have one person on the hook with no skill at all, and there is no counter to this playstyle, unless like i said the exit gates are open, your teammate has borrowed time, and the killer is stupid. It isn't entitlement to want this 'strategy' removed, it's pure logic as a 'strategy' with no possible counter play is an essentially as close to an exploit as you can get

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    In other words, there's a chance, and therefore there is counterplay, no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    That's nonsense. firstly how have survivor queues spiked? And even if they have, maybe that's because killer is so boring nower days. Like i main billy and jesus am i getting fed up of going against idiots and 4K'ing with even trying, whilst in my next game i decide to play a weaker killer like trapper, and go against a 4 man SWF and get no kills. Face camping is ridiculously broken, and should be nerfed, the same way SWF should be, and killers and perks should be balanced. You didn't hear people crying that DS shouldn't have been nerfed as it was peoples 'preferred play style'. People who still think killers are weak are living in the past, they aren't weak at all, just parts of the game such as different killers and SWF are unbalanced, leading to ridiculously bad games

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    Yeh your so called counter play isn't a counter play... like i said, it's chance. Luck isn't a counter play it's just luck

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    Oh wow, thank you so much, you completely resolved my issue!!!!

    Again, this is a forum dedicated to improving gameplay, hence the reason i've made posted a topic. I enjoy the game, there's just a few things I dislike. Most people agree this is irritating.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    I cant belive I have to reply to this...

    You serious? You are seriously comparing the objective of the game with how you are meant to acomplish that objective? You are the naive...

    Yes, killers have to kill, that doesnt mean you can make them play however you want to acomplish their objective.

    Do you see any CoD that punishes campers? No, because they cant make people play in a way that they dont like, this is the same.

    Also, forcing someone to play in a way that they dont like just because you dont like the way that they play is a very, very fascist ideology, just saying...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    OP wanted a chance. There's a chance. Certainty doesn't exist.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    There's a lot of irritating things in this game. You have the option to not put up with this one.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    Again, perhaps i used bad examples but you point is still ridiculous. Survivors quite liked using infinites as their preferred play style, but oh look, killers complained and they blocked windows off. Devs dictate the rules of the game base on wether or not it's fair. It's not fascist, it's just the rules of life. You can't just take money off people in real life because you prefer it to working hard to make your living, and rules are put in place to stop this.

    Your example of CoD is also rather irrelevant considering that camping in CoD gives a minor strategical advantage whilst in this game it's practically an exploit it's so hard to counter

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    Mate what planet are you on? From all of your responses you are trying so hard to defend hook camping by completely ignoring my post. I've stated in my first post these killers gave no chance of an escape because they sat and watched the hook. Survivors attempted to rescue but gave up because he was blocking it. For arguments sake just agree that there isn't a chance - How would you like this issue to be addressed?

    In my opinion it is all about fun! That's literally the reason why I play video games. The looping argument is completely invalid and has nothing to do with camping. In that circumstance the survivors are attempting to escape and the killer is hunting them which is exactly what should be happening. Looping is annoying but is easily countered.

    It's not about succeeding every time man, how many times do I need to say it? I've had plenty of games where I die early and it's no big deal, you move on. That being said, this is a clear issue that players find annoying and the evidence is the amount of posts regarding it. We're going round in circles here so I'm going to stop replying to you.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    I've realised that on this forum, I won't be here for long. I'm trying to have an honest and open conversation about improving game play, looking for decent solutions that are fair for everyone but people just like to argue because they think they're right. Truth is there isn't a right or wrong answer because it's all down to preference and is subjective to the person.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    Of course you can, that's exactly what the Pips are for!

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    You've made it clear you like camping as a killer which is why I can't take your input seriously. I play as a Killer main and have achieved Rank 1 but I would be more than happy having a penalty for camping hooks because it is lazy and require 0 skill. Part of the fun of a survivor is the thrill of the chase. There is no chase when a killer camps.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    Can we not just get a Dev to address this so we can close the forum? I've expressed my opinion and views on the situation and those who have disagreed have expressed theirs. Whatever the outcome of this is fine, I'm still going to play but it would be nice to know what stance the Devs take and whether they agree if it's 'fun' or not.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    Ok, now you are just replying because you feel like you have to, not because you have strong points...

    "Your example of CoD is also rather irrelevant considering that camping in CoD gives a minor strategical advantage"

    Camping in these game does exactly the same, the killer is giving up the match so that the other survivors do gens. As survivor you have 2 free mins to repair gens.

    "Survivors quite liked using infinites as their preferred play style, but oh look, killers complained and they blocked windows off."

    Ok, so now you are comparing infinites, something that completely breaks the game because 1: It can be abused by 4 survivors making It 12 vaults, and 2: It doesnt have any counterplay at all, not even Bamboozle can stop that ######### because most of them have double windows... You are comparing that broken bs, which btw even survivors acknowledge that's broken, with a playstyle that has like 1 billion counters and doesnt reward the killer unless survivors play stupid...

    I hope next time you reply you have something smart to say

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    Exactly. Things like looping, whilst annoying, involve counter play and mind game, hence why they are fun for both sides (unless the killer is doing awfully). Face camping is such low skill and has no counter play, whatever @Orion says. As for what @tt_ivi_99 is saying, there is always a way to change the rules of a game, so yes you can change how players play

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    I've made a similar forums before. It blew up and eventually a dev said something along the lines of "we don't plan to change camping as it's intended". As i said earlier, they messed up the first time they changed it, and with both that and the entitled killers who can't get a kill without camping, the devs are too afraid to try again

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    it's hard to reply to a point that i believe is so factually wrong, as i do not believe my points were stupid at all. Again, i will point out that infinites and pallet looping and almost everything in this game has counter play and mind game, and if you're too bad to make those mind games, the game kicks in and blocks off the window, or you can break the pallet or whatever. There is nothing to stop face camping. There is no counter play, no mind game for either sides, and therefore fun for no one.

    If windows weren't in the game, there would be no counter play to the killer chasing people, so yes whilst windows used to be OP when they could be used as infinites, the since combination of the 3 vault - block system, and the removal of the best windows, have gotten close to balancing them. No attempt has been made to nerf face camping.

    As for what you said about my statement on camping in CoD, how can you proceed to call my points stupid then make such a ridiculous point then say that camping in the 2 games in similar. In CoD you can camp, and you can be killed whilst you're doing it... there is counter play. I dont even understand your point against it.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    That's fair enough, i'm just going to stick with playing as a Killer for now. I'd rather be in control and give survivors a decent game of cat and mouse instead of boring them to death!

    Thanks for your support, it's nice to see someone on this forum debating respectfully.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    ######### are you talking about? I've never complained about looping pallets or windows, just the damn infinites and if you cant see how broken that bs is then you are either new to the game or you have never had the experience to face a team that always goes to that same place...

    Also, no counter play? What do you think Borrowed Time does, or new DS, or MoM? If you have MoM you can tank 2 hits before the killer downs you and unhook the survivor giving him BT, but that's not a counter? You can tank a hit and let another survivor unhook giving that guy BT, but that's not a counter? You can even unhook yourself with Deliverance and DS the killer but that's not a counter? What the hell are you saying?

    Everything a killer does can be countered, even Nurse can be countered by just breaking line of sight...

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    "Preventing any chance of rescue"

    No such killer exists.

    There is ALWAYS a way to make a rescue.

    Killer do get a penalty being stood still, they lose the game, if the survivors are not morons anyway.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    Yeh and thank god for the first time since the borrowed time nerf, there is finally a counter, and even then you need to use 3 perk slots to stand a chance. Literally read what you put before, and think how hard it is to get that situation perfectly the way you describe it. A counter needs to be a viable option, but most players won't have all those perks like i do. I actually run that build, just so i can not be face camped, but even those games if they only target me, i will still die.

    Literally you have killers ruining their own games just to kill one survivor they didn't like. Maybe a camping nerf would actually help the idiots who think it's a good idea to stay around the hook.

    Lastly i mentioned looping and windows as a further example to parts of the game where changes have been made to nerf broken 'strategies'. You keep saying killers should be able to play how they like. But Survivors liked being able to vacuum pallets, use infinites, get flashlight saves, but they nerfed all of those things because yes they were stupidly powerful, but even then at least they took skill. You're right that camping is less game ruining than infinites were, but on the other hand, at least there was SOME mindgame around infinites and SOME skill in using them. Camping you just need half a functioning brain and a motive to kill and it's ggez, so camping needs to go.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So are there counters or not? You keep hopping between "there is no counterplay" and "yes, those things you said are counters".