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Brutal Strength vs. Enduring

Member Posts: 242

When you find yourself not playing nurse, do you still run brutal strength? I find enduring seems to be godlike in this meta with DS still in existence and with the maps that get 20+ pallet spawns still.

My normal loadout is: Enduring/BBQ+C/Hex:Ruin/mulligan perk based on the killer, such as with the hag I'd be running "make your choice", however some guys I've seen that are super at playing killer are running brutal strength as the mulligan perk instead of something like NOED or nurses calling or bamboozle.

Do you find that brutal strength makes that much of a difference still since they nerfed it back in the day? Is it still worth running? I can't ever give up my BBQ+C and Hex:Ruin! 8-)

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  • Member Posts: 1,093

    There's better perks than both of them, but on my billy i use enduring. Brutal strength is so overrated and useless. Enduring can get some sick plays but you need to start purposefully taking the stun by swinging for every survivor on a pallet. This way they think they have time to run away but you catch up to them before they reach the next pallet. Use enduring man.

  • Member Posts: 2,258

    @Markness said:
    When you find yourself not playing nurse, do you still run brutal strength? I find enduring seems to be godlike in this meta with DS still in existence and with the maps that get 20+ pallet spawns still.

    My normal loadout is: Enduring/BBQ+C/Hex:Ruin/mulligan perk based on the killer, such as with the hag I'd be running "make your choice", however some guys I've seen that are super at playing killer are running brutal strength as the mulligan perk instead of something like NOED or nurses calling or bamboozle.

    Do you find that brutal strength makes that much of a difference still since they nerfed it back in the day? Is it still worth running? I can't ever give up my BBQ+C and Hex:Ruin! 8-)

    It depends on killer really, and on offering you choose (which map it will be, to be precise).
    Enduring is bugged, if we are talking about DS, because it lessens less than 75% of DS's stun.

    If we are talking about Brutal, it does not makes such a big difference, honestly.

    I find Bamboozle a good perk to switch from Brutal/Enduring, and you can soft counter infinities with it (well, you can try).

    The problem is killers have too small amount of perks slots compared with survivors. They have 16 good perks, versus yours 4 mediocre perks (because killers do not have such good perks like survivors have), so you need to chose your perks wisely. Sadly, BS and Enduring don't have their places in a vast majority of killers' builds, simply because there are other perks that are almost needed to play this game in it's current state.

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    Enduring's a lot stronger tbh. Brutal Strength's kind of nice, but Enduring just has a much bigger effect and a lot more benefits.

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    I run Brutal Strength on Clown, because a lot of people just wait at pallets not to have to deal with the gas.
    On a lot of killers, I also run BS + Enduring, simply. Aka Myers/Wraith and eventually Trapper.
    I also used to use Brutal Strength on Doctor, because people preventively throw pallets down when about to get shocked. Tho I don't play Doctor much anymore, it's probably not necessary anymore due to the vacuum removal.
    I use Enduring on Billy, with no BS.
    On other killers (Hag/Huntress), I don't use either of them.

  • Member Posts: 980

    Survivors still haven't come to terms completely with the new pallets. I'm getting a lot more hits in than I should by swinging through the pallet drop. With the lack of vacuum, being closer to the center of the pallet blocks the drop and you get the hit. I've always used Enduring when I had it though. Being able to reduce the stun from DS is great. Much easier to catch up and down them again.

    Does depend on the Killer and build I have going though. Still Prestiging everyone so if I don't have it, just have to do without. RNG can screw up many many things in the Bloodweb.

  • Member Posts: 242

    Good stuff, lots of good replies here. I've always been running enduring and tested out brutal strength and I cannot tell the difference when I am running it or when I am not running it. I honestly am not sure how I feel about it. >_<

  • Member Posts: 988
    BS statistically saves you around 4 seconds of chase time PER PALLET that you break. Over a game of twenty pallets that's 80 seconds of chase time averted, possibly more if you can get an early swipe in due to the time you saved. While BS may not make a huge difference on the pallet breaking speed, it makes up for in in that you get to move faster after the pallet breaking but shortening the animation. So in the long term, BS is statistically and practically better than enduring imo. Particularly for killers like wraith, Freddy, and trapper who may find it difficult to have aggressive chases.
  • Member Posts: 474

    Enduring soft-counters Decisive Strike and allows you to swing through every pallet without fear of the stun. It also lets you hit someone as they throw down a pallet and then grab them as they try to jump over, giving you a quick hook. All Brutal Strength does is let you break a pallet a little faster. It won't make a huge difference to most killers. I imagine Clown can get some good out of it, throwing bottle across the pallet and towards where the survivor is obviously going to run once he starts breaking, and then start breaking, but for most killers Enduring is far, far better even after the recent pallet changes. Before the recent pallet changes you frankly couldn't win without Enduring.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    Enduring all the way.

    Maybe once DS gets nerfed I'd reconsider.

  • Member Posts: 2,144
    BS is much less useful now that pallets aren't your biggest threat anymore, now it's simply the genrush. Enduring will let you get back into chases faster, and even punish players that mess up their pallets and stay same side.

    BS would only be good on certain Killers now, mostly the weak ones that still don't have proper chase potential.
  • Member Posts: 336

    I run both.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2018
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