Why Prioritize Survivors?

Hello there. Is me. SurgDexil.

I'm here to talk about a bit of a problem I'm sure most killer mains can relate in general. This is more on the side of the killer mains relationship with the devs in specific.

You see if you haven't noticed, a lot of the times survivor problems are prioritize. While some things take longer to fix than normal. In general, survivors always seem to get to the nice side of the devs. Any problem survivors tend to have, devs jump straight to the rescue. Like remember Freddy when he got a nerf? Back when Freddy was released, he was about mid tier. About maybe higher or lower than Doctor. (Me personally I considered him a bit lower than Doctor.) But since the nerfs, we all know how Freddy stands right now.

Then let's talk about an old problem killers had. Desicive Strike. Now we all know that ever since ds got released, it was probably the strongest perk in the game for survivors. Then came a few nerfs here and there, but the big Desicive problem still remained. I'm sure we all been in one of those matches where you couldn't find the desicive guy and when you did, it was end game and he escapes for free.

It took about a year, maybe longer, I'm not 100% sure when the halloween chapter was released, but it took a long time for Desicive to finally be nerf to a more agreeable state that it is now. Sure it still can be annoying, but it isn't the big middle finger it once was.

Other examples for killers getting the no dice end of general updates would probably be the still remaining problem of swf and gens. Now I understand is the objective of survivors to complete gens, but we can all agree that gens go way too fast. Worst case scenario (unless you're Nurse, Spirit, and sometimes Billy and Huntress). You down 1 survivor, 2 gens done. Down the next, 2 gens done again. Down the next person, gates are powered.

If on average you face against decent survivors who know how to loop, is going to be hard to stop them from doing gens here and there. Most killers have this problem, and I say most because Top Tier killers have this problem a little less. Especially Nurse.

But then it brings another problem I'm sure even the survivors can agree on. Lack of variety. No one likes to go up against the same killer over and over, and I sure as heck don't like playing Billy (the killer I use on my high rank games mostly, I'm still trying to master Nurse.) over and over again. It gets boring after a while, playing the same killer, and playing against the same killer over and over isn't really fun.

Right now they are 15 killers in the game, and more killers will come soon on future updates, and out of the 15 killers, you only see about 4 of these killers (Huntress, Billy, Spirit, and Nurse.) consistantly on the high ranks. Very rarely anyone else. I guarantee you these Killers are often in the High ranks, why? Because these killers are often the only ones that can, if played well slow the game down with momemtum, and pressure.

Again, is not much variety on the killer side. At least in terms of high ranks. Lower ranks you'll see a bit of everything.

Again, more often then not, killers usually have it rough. Often playing the same top tier killer, because is the only way to at least have a chance of winning games.

Even I started rellying more on my effectiveness as a killer player, and the killer itself, than Ruin to slow the game down. Because we all know Ruin is often hit or miss, and on high ranks. Ruin is often either destroyed, or survivors are being insanely good at skill checks and it doesn't slow them down at all.

Is really hard to be killer. Survivors in general, have it all. All the tools to win games, and combine that with swf and they'll be winning games left and right. Is dificult, more often frustrating to play killer. But on the end of the day. I'm only in control of how I play.

