End Game Discussions (Solo Players)

Gamzello Member Posts: 828

How do you guys feel about this? Honestly I feel like we’re gonna get dipped even more lmao or we may even leave earlier.

I usually stick around a bit longer once the exit gates are open just case anyone else gets hooked but now with the possibility of killer having NOED and a timer I feel like things are going to be so much more rushed.

But basically yeah! How do you feel about this? What would you do in those kind of similar situations?


  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    What if you get trapped in a corner or the killer basement blocks?

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828


    I saw a bunch of people ask that in the end game Q&A, I hope that the devs will do something about that.

    Since it is a bannable offense you can always report killers who do that.

    However, if that happened to me I’d probably not play survivor for awhile until that’s fixed.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    You cannot report a killer for body blocking you unless your only option is to D/C. If you're going to die once a timer runs out, then body blocking you is NOT against the rules. If you don't want to get body blocked in the basement, don't go to the basement. It's simple. There is nothing to do about it. It's not bannable if someone gets trapped in the basement with a reverse bear trap on their head, so this won't be either. There's an easy counter to it : don't be stupid.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828


    My bad, I forgot to say that only if they do that for long periods of time. That is technically taking the game hostage instead of playing how it actually should be.

    I’ve never experienced anything like this before, or be cornered like that (thankfully!) but I was just saying if it were to happen.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    People are complaining about getting caught down there after the end game timer has activated @Gamzello but they would be dead when the timer runs out, so it's a strategy, not a bannable offense. They won't do anything about it. Survivors will just have to stay out of the basement.

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    @Incirion don't rescue people in the basement it is then.

    @Gamzello tbh the best thing about this is you can quickly farm blood points as killer with it.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    Pretty much. Basement saves were risky BEFORE the end game collapse was a thing. Now they're even more so.

  • RainyAnjel
    RainyAnjel Member Posts: 65

    I hate this personally, but also love the idea. It rewards solo players, as we (most of the time) have no motivation to stay in game after all the gens are finished. I'll take the 5k escape points over the unhook points.

  • Remki
    Remki Member Posts: 24

    I'm happy with the whole hatch situation, but i'm not really a fan of the fact that a killer could easy body-block you into a corner and still get points for sacrifice even though they didn't earn it.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    Every update devs give a punch in the face to solo players

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    I am just gonna dip majority of the time. I am definitely not basement saving anyone at the end game.

    Which sucks honestly. I like playing altruistic, but I also do not want to give the killer an easy 4k for not playing well, by just blocking us in the basement, or NOED slugging everyone.