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End Game Collapse Thoughts

Lyro92 Member Posts: 104

I'll save most of my judgment for when it actually comes out in PTB, which should be the 25th I think they said. However, one thing just doesn't sound good to me. The killers being able to open the door to start the timer, as a killer I wouldn't ever want to open the door. I want the door to stay closed for as long as possible, gives me more time to kill people without the fear of them being able to escape. Now, I do understand what some people are saying about survivors being able to 99% a door to keep it from being opened and starting the timer, and then being able to just tap it to get out. This would be the same problem as when survivors could 99% generators and then just tap them all at the same time, to counter this killers got the ability to degrade generators.

Now, if that's a problem I have two solutions:

~ Have the door slowly degrade if left un-opened so it can't just stay at 99% and instead slowly starts going back down.

~ Instead of having killers open the door to start the timer, add a secondary action to the door open switch, this being just for killers, that starts the timer but doesn't open the doors. This way if the door is left close to 99%, the killer can start the timer without opening the doors, and just in general start the end-game without it being left to the survivors to start.

How I see it right now is that it's still fully up to the survivors. The End Game Collapse doesn't start until after they have opened the doors and have full ability to escape, and there's nothing to prevent them from just almost having the doors open and hang around in the map getting points and doing whatever they want. It doesn't start the timer when the gates are powered/last gens popped, it only starts once the gates are powered. Yes the hatch can start it when closed, but that's only when there's one survivor left, and by closing the hatch the gates are now powered so I don't see that as being a factor. Now I'll wait until the PTB before I lock my thoughts in place, but this is what I've thought after watching the trailer for it and others reactions/thoughts. It solves some problems but leaves others still on the table. The three minute timer is more than enough time for survivors to get out, especially when it slows to a crawl when a survivor is hooked/dying, I'd like to get the data on how long it takes in that state. So overall I don't think survivors can really complain about this change, and it really can benefit them as well. Notice in the video at one point four generators were still left un-done and the timer started which would activate the gates. These are my thoughts so far and again I'll wait until the PTB to really pass full judgment, but this is what I'm thinking so far and would like to at least put the idea about the secondary door option out there for the devs to consider.


  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612
    edited April 2019

    I think the ability for killers to open the door may be to slug a survivor, open the door, then hook said survivor, to immediately proc blood warden.

    Edit because I replied before I finished reading. The part in the video where the collapse begins with 4 gens still left and all survivors alive was because they used a debug command to test the mechanic, and that's the footage we saw. The killer can only open the door once they're powered.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457


    Ptb will be on the 23rd

  • Lyro92
    Lyro92 Member Posts: 104

    Even then that still opens the door for any other survivor to get out, as a killer I'd rather leave the doors closed for as long as possible. And talking about blood warden you now get a cue whenever the doors are opened so you'll know when to hang someone.

    As far as that, you're right, it won't be able to be opened that early, however say there are three people left alive, they have done 4 gens so the hatch spawns, someone uses a key to get out, the killer closes the hatch, boom, collapse starts. Two people don't have to finish the last gen and instead can open a door while the killer has to scramble to get two people before they can open an already powered door. Don't forget a lot of games are SWF, so communication is powerful in this kind of coordination. I just think having the killer be able to open the doors just don't make sense, and instead should have another way to start the timer, going to the doors to do it is fine.

  • Lyro92
    Lyro92 Member Posts: 104

    I thought they said the 25th but I could be wrong on that, they didn't have it listed on the video and I had to find out through someone else

  • Lyro92
    Lyro92 Member Posts: 104

    All good, either way I'm saving most judgments until after PTB comes out, but these are my thoughts so far. I just don't see opening a door as ever being a good thing, especially when it looks like it doubles the time anytime someone is downed or hooked. It seems like it only fixes the hatch standoff, and the rest is just for looks. I'd like it to actually have more gameplay aspect.