I gotta say it..

I'm really proud of what BHVR has done with this game.
Looking back at what the game used to be and watching the endgame collapse teaser just put into perspective how much the game has changed. Nearly every change that has been made was done in an effort to make the game better, and imo most of those changes succeeded.
The devs as a whole seem to really care about their game and its community. How interactive they are with their community and how transparent they are with changes is extremely refreshing. I actually trust them when it comes to working on one of my favorite games. I really can't say that about a lot of development teams these days. I know if a change truly does not work, they will rectify the situation.
Regardless of the bugs, imbalances, and frustrations that come with the game, the Dev team is still hands down one of my favorites.
I feel the same, i trust them and i´ll wait till they make this game great again!!
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You are joking right?
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What would make you say that? The devs working on dbd are some of the most transparent I have experienced in online gaming. If stuff is broken or imbalanced, they will address it openly.
The game from its inception to where we are now is near incomparable.
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It's hard to remember sometimes how things were back then when the game was in its first year of release. We people adapt constantly to changes and therefore it seems so strange to look back and think: is that how we did things back then? and until then we realise this game has made significant changes that helped making the game more balanced and esp. on the killer side more fun.
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Lol this is the funniest thread i have ever seen.
You really think BHVR is a good company and a good dev team?
If anything BHVR is lazy in communication, ever since Ash came out they have kept their mouth shut on anything since the dev update, and suddenly that just means they're good at making games?
Why do you think this game is what got their name on the map?
No one knew this company existed, if anything they weren't even known at the time. Sorry to say but if you think BHVR is a good company then that's fine, but i honestly think they are the laziest team that i ever seen, while playing video games.
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I have to be honest here: If this game was in a beta state, then I might agree with you. Unfortunately, the game has been Live for three years now, and I have beta tested some games that are more stable and in better states.
So, I will have to respectfully disagree at this point in time.
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This is understandable. I'm looking at it more so from a transparent and trust-able standpoint. They communicate their changes thoroughly and address bugs even when they might not have a fix for it for a while.
They just seem like a good, trustworthy group of devs that love their game and its community. Slow progress? Sure. Laundry list of bugs? I can agree with you there. I just trust that they will improve the game even more and that's something I can't guarantee with even the biggest companies in gaming.
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I am sorry but I am going to post my real opinion here. The devs ever since the Ash update have left us in the dark with a ton of stuff including things that people have complained about like MoM they still haven't addressed what is going to happen with that of course nothing probably will happen. The rate at which they fix bugs is astronomically slow like the legion filthy nasty blade bug and the audio bugs ect ect. The only reason that this game is currently popular is because honestly there is basically no competition for this game no other asymmetrical games currently that you could say could rival it. But if that day ever comes to where a new asymmetrical game comes out that is actually fun and good their player count will most likely spiral.
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They are supposed to be having a live Q/A next week. Hopefully they will address MoM, but if I remember correctly, I read somewhere in these forums that they are keeping a close eye on the perk.
I expect there will be a decent amount of bug fixes in the mid-chapter patch. The new loading screen changes alone will help douse the frustrations of the infinite loading screen bug.
By all means, post your frustrations with the devs. The thing that I like about them is that they don't consider themselves to be infallible like plenty of other dev teams do.
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Damn right. Devs are doing an awesome job. Keep up that good work.
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If you don't think they're a good company and a good team but you keep playing their game anyways then you're funny one, fam.
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Yet you’re still here. I wonder why 🤔
And if you have been paying attention the devs are switching up on how they communicate. They do not need to speak out on every issue that surface.
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Oh i'm sorry i can't be able to express what i think about the company? doesn't make sense, look at @Kilmeran Dude has been talking about how lazy they are as well and is still playing the game if anything, even going as far as to have to leave the game for some time if the mid-chapter patch didn't go so well.
The only reason i am still playing this stupid waste dump of a game is simply because of the story, if you can even call it a story because the devs don't even know how write one, it's me answering all the lore questions and putting pieces of the puzzle together. Why is it that i as a player have to do the devs job in making a good story for their game. How long as it been since we've had a lore stream? Outta here with that BS
And as for you @The_Bogeyman there are so many people that say the same thing about BHVR and are still playing their game, some of them are "content" creators and only play the game because it is a source of income for them, if this game dies (which one day it will and thank God for when it does) i wonder where they'll go.
Everyone is always bashing the devs and playing the game. Get over it.
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After they bought out Starbreeze and owned the game outright... the game started to get really good. Ever since the release of Legion that game has been going a bit downhill.
Slugging is almost not a thing, and SWF still crushes the best killers. It's annoying. Then again finding balance would be hard with this game as well. They need to keep all the survivor SWF clowns happy, but need to keep killers in touch too...
I like the majority of the changes they make, but screwing with the sounds, and burning Legion down to the ground and taking forever on a Freddy rework, and messing with Remember Me, and messing with Pig...
My confidence in them is somewhat shaken.
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Why would they want to be more forth coming in have nonsensical communication with a bunch a whinny babies.
Everyone... Including myself.... can act like a bunch of babies whenever they breath a word.... So why bother keep talking if one side is just gonna get pissed off and jump off the rails. People havent even test the Legion changes and they are ready to take some heads.
Them pulling back to release more "calculated" responses to the community is what you get when everyone just wants to start jumping down their throats when they are trying to improve the game for everyone that is whining.
Seems really silly after while when you think about it.
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Maybe there's been more disappointment with the game than pleasure? I don't know. I don't get all the crazy reactions myself.
It seems like it's another nerfing killer thing though from what I can "read".
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I am aware of others players complaining about the devs. You have all rights to say whatever you want to say about the devs. I was just curious as to why would you still be here if you have so much negative things to say about the devs and the game.
And your reason for staying just does not make any sense. Why continue to spend time on a game that makes you even more frustrated. That’s like staying at a job that treat you badly. Anyways, do you.
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@Detective_Jonathan To be honest for why I still play, I play DbD just to run around as Myers or Freddy or Leatherface or Amanda Young. The only original killer I still play is Doc, and that's only because at Ranks 15 or so, he's easy as hell to hunt and kill with. I pull him out when I want a few extra BP for minimal effort thanks to him having BBQ at tier-3 unlocked.
But I'm lucky if I play 6 to 10 matches a week right now. I gave up on the asinine BP + RNG grind, and have zero care about rank. I actually started spending more time in Overwatch again, especially since the new Archives event just started.
If it wasn't for the licensed killers, DbD wouldn't even be reinstalled on my PC. DbB is not a game that appeals to me in a game design sense on too many levels. They focus on a build and loadout system, but require an intense grind coupled with RNG to do it. Before you can truly experiment with the game, you have to invest upward of 1k hours or more, unless you are extremely lucky.
I don't like that design. I find it boring as all hell. I much prefer the way games like Paladins handle it. I can experiment from the starting gate and really explore different builds. That keeps me invested.
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It's not.
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Well that topic sounds like credit of trust for devs.But i wish remember you all how this going on.Devs make one good thing and next time we got bad thing or very bad idea.This company is young and still learn in this biznes and how to develop game.I give this devs a big credit of trust but some time ago was depleted.And now i see new end game like ther is stil hope after nerf ds and nee end game? Or shoul i wait for bad idea now?
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@Larcz While DbD might be their first game of this type and size, Behavior interactive is not a new company nor new to the game industry. They've been around since the early 1990s, and have worked with major companies on game related projects. As they say themselves, they've developed over 250 titles and sold over 60 million copies across all platforms.
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Aha ok sorry my bad so in basic we fkt? We got one step in right direction mayby 2 (ds) and what next 3 steps back? I see this too many times in dbd.