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Legion novel - discussion

I suggest you read it all before jumping the train. Let's face it, Legion is not a strong killer. But he sure as hell is (or unfortunately from now on - was) fun to play. How about playing against? A bit later. Firstly, let's talk about positives. I played Legion a lot, he was the best killer to farm bloodpoints, you maxed out brutality and chaser in no time. He's the killer I got 32k bp the most times with (crazy what not tunneling or camping can get you, right). Another reason I like playing him is that he just feels so smooth to play. Seriously, sometimes you just want to take a break from tryharding and go full parkour mode, vaulting and stabbing all around. Something you cannot do with other killers. And believe it or not, I got many ggs from suvivors when I played him. Because he CAN make game fun for all when not abusing moonwalk/breaking chase or tunneling. I said it before and I'll say it again, the ONLY change he needed was

  • The Deep Wound timer pauses for survivors within The Killer's Terror Radius–regardless of whether they are in a chase or not. 

This exploit sucked, it had to be changed, end of story. But everything else is way over the top, his power was already a way weaker version of the nurse but now it's nonexistent. Now he's just another m1, enduring/spirit fury combo killer... and there are soo many of them. Be honest, how many times you see Plague or Clown? Because I see them veeeery rarely. Probobly for the same reason I don't like playing them. They. Are. Boring. On the other hand I would say Spirit is the best designed killer so far, up there with Huntress and Hag, all of them 110% ms. I'm not gonna say Legion is as well designed but he's nowhere near as painful to play against as the narrative goes. Sure, he was op with Frank's mixtape but so is almost every killer with their best add ons. When comparing him to Nurse, I keep hearing he takes no skill, that's why he bad, Nurse good. Partially agree. He indeed doesn't take much skill to play but... so does pretty much every single m1 killer tbh? Even Nurse is not hard to learn, all it takes are few hours and you will 4k every match. You can still run Legion around for a good time, there can still be mind games around the pallets and you CAN lose him. Just do the one neccesary change and he's fine. He's not strong, he won't be strong with the nerfs he got and he wouldn't be strong if the only thing changed was my suggestion. But in the later case, he would still be FUN to play and not terrible to play against. It may sound I'm a bit salty but mostly... I'm just really disappointed with the way bhvr are dealing with this. I'm gonna enjoy playing Legion till the patch comes but after that I just don't see myself playing him anymore.

Tldr: Deleting Legion's power is unneccesary, he only needs one change. This game needs variety with cool powers, not m1 killers. Not all killers need to be super strong but they should be fun to play.


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You aren't wrong per say. But all the M1 Killers not taking much skill to play is an important problem. All the M1 Killers having it means all of the M1 Killers need fixing.