Coldwind and Backwater maps need updates

ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

It has been a long time and these maps could use some update. The game in general could use a visual update that at least helps people with vision issues like color blindness. Honestly, I've got terrible eyesight even with powerful prescription glasses and coldwind maps give me headaches. I can't tell anything apart even up close and the chases on that map give me motion sickness. These sets of maps in general just are harder to deal with than they should be. The swamp wasn't as bad until the fog got beefed up.

Also survivor sounds are way too low since the last patch. They can walk right beside or behind you can you can't hear them. You can barely hear them when they sprint around which is weird. Honestly maybe it is time to just let everyone control their sound balance on there own.


  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    What ?

    Who are you?

    Im sorry,but I cant see you with all this corn!