banning people for devs poor competence

one of the exploits is entirely UI based, there's not even a third party program involved. the other relates to addons THE DEVS CREATED. this is like the third or fourth UI glitch that has turned up which was game-breaking. anyone remember the perk/cosmetic/ability swap UI glitch where you could put killer perks on survivor and vice versa. do you remember chainsaw nurse? maybe you remember when you could stack addons as killer and survivor. oh, lets not forget about the hags head on dwight. im sure there are more i didnt know about.
So...did you get banned already or not?
If someone abuses a bug knowing that it is indeed a bug, they are exploiting the game and deserves to be banned.
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Exactly; they are going about this all wrong. There are simple ways to stop exploits, and it is just disabling the feature until you can properly fix it. We shouldn't have to report users for exploiting the game, just disable the issue whether it be a perk, an addon, or an entire map. Don't force your players to have to put up with people ruining the game to "have fun" at someone elses misery.
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i didn't do either exploit so i wont be banned, but i feel bad for the first guy who accidentally came across this bug because of the devs incompetence.
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The issue isnt a specific add on. The issue is two separate add ons, used together. Disabling the add ons punish people who want to only use one of them. There is absolutely no issue using a single of the add ons. It's only when they're used together that it bugs. Why punish people and disable a specific add on, when you can just tell them "don't do this."
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What UI exploit are u referring to? I know of 2 exploits (Legion mending and 2 killers) but these aren't UI based.
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@Incirion That's not how it works. The add-ons do it if used period. Look at this video long mends with only 1 blade add-on plus iridescent button.
You don't have to combine them.
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Idk, why not just hotfix the issue with a small patch instead of being incompetent and banning people who in some cases may not even know about the issue?
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Every game bans people for exploiting. My only remaining problem with this decision, now that there's an in-game notification for it, is that it's not consistent. Survivors weren't banned for insta-flashlights, nor are they being banned for Entity Blocker bug abuse.
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How do they not know about the issue when they've put a message up about it in game? @AlexAnarchy
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Did you pay attention to how it was not there on the first day? or how they always took a few days to post the issue or simply did not post an ingame notice for other bannable offense cases?
If your gonna ban people for something, you post that ######### day 1, you do not just wait a day or two...
Also just to throw this out, but why are survivors not getting banned for the window blocker bug abuse? Is that not also a similar exploit in the same manner as the window is meant to be blocked?
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2 killer exploit is done by bugging the UI