To my Fellow Killer Mains...

Until the changes on the PtB go live, I encourage each and everyone of you to show these crybaby entitled survivors who whined until Legion is nerfed into the ground.
Play Legion with Franks Mixtape, and Stab Wounds study.
I am so sick of killers getting boned, due to survivors constantly whining about not getting free escapes. So play Legion, play with the best add-ons, and bring a mori if you like. When you sit down to play dbd make your first few killer games Legion games, make being survivor unbearable.
You’re asking people to start riots. Good way to try to make things better.
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Why not?
Survivor mains have always gotten changes they hate reverted, cancelled, or delayed by throwing hissy fits. Remember the great review bombing back when pallets were adjusted to a non-stupid number?
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So you want killers to waste their add-ons, on a killer that is widely known to have mass disconnects against them...
Post edited by Mc_Harty on5 -
Our issues have always been second to the survivors, or ignored entirely. I only ask that we show them the same spite, we've had to deal with since this games inception.
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if you don’t realize why a Legion change was necessary, please watch Farmer John’s video on using Legion with Franks+Cold Dirt. He literally did NOT put in any skill and constantly 4K’d and/or made people DC.
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And your suggestion is let them become next to useless when Legion is nerfed into the ground so hard that he'll be worse than freddy?
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Looks like the only killer you can play is getting nerfed, oww :(
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Uh, you are salty.
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I don't understand how killers are 'getting boned' because survivors are complaining. As many people have said, the Legion change was needed due to the boring to go against style and i honestly think he will be stronger after the update if people try and play him differently, which means i can finally get my moneys worth. Also i play trapper and billy mostly, and i'm not having much trouble at all getting kills, unless its a 4 man survive with friends. The irony with this thread is you say their crying but you are the one complaining right now dude.
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My suggestion is to fix why people DC in the first place against him.
Reminder, they tried buffing him first.
Post edited by Mc_Harty on2 -
Troll if you must guys, I am talking to the people that know I'am right, even if they won't speak up. Let the Survivors know how you feel, by making them deal with Legion every other game.
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"Even if they won't speak up"? Pal it's not like your living in fear of survivors beating you up for saying anything. No one is saying anything because they don't agree with you. Yes survivors complain alot. No it's not the reason Legion was CHANGED and since we haven't yet tested it we don't even know its a nerf so what are you on about. How on earth is being toxic going to help anyone?
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That's an excellent video. Never seen that before.
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I LOVE Farmer John’s videos he keeps things real
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Ahh yes, let's make the divide between two sides of the same playerbase even larger :/
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Don't feed the troll, y'all.
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Ew, no thanks.
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LMAO, I literally started burning Frank's Mixtapes when I realized about the rework because I knew they would nerf It to the ground.
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Tempting, but the Cryhard DCers will make the effort pointless.
I'm more likely to break down and actually try to learn Nurse.
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If you ever figure out how to blink in corn, let me know.
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No thanks. I try to avoid playing as cheap and dirty as possible.
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I mean, you're more than welcome to. Survivors also spammed DS until it was changed and BNP. Be careful about using the bugged add-ons, though. Could get banned.
Killers do plenty of whining. Both sides just complain about stuff they see as unfair. It isn't that weird of a thing.
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Thanks buddy :) Don't worry I have 42 mori ready to use on PTB!
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I may me ditching being a Legion main after this change, but no
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Lmao Killer Mains?
Wow do some of you switch up like a deck of cards. I could have sworn that Legion was a lousy killer that got free hits and brain dead.
Now it’s okay to use these add-ons? Even some of you “killer mains” were against it.
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There's a few Nurses that know how to blink in corn likes it's not even there on pc and those are the here let me down you in under 30 seconds ones.
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Honestly this isn't a nerf.. the poor design that came from the devs in the first place needs rectifying and that's what they are doing... rectifying a poor situation..
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Hi killer main here, legion needed his change. He is no longer a killer allowed to exploit and that’s a good thing.
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Poor design, most definitely... But they kind of HAD to nerf him to get him into a balancable state.
While I believe he will be weaker, we can expect buffsand changes to him that won't absolutely break the game.
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Are you 14? "show them the same spite" .
FFS. If you can cough up the money, hire one of those people who come to your house for hugging services. It sounds like you need it badly.
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I only use that build when I'm tilted and need a braindead game to relax.
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I take back this comment as lately I find killer boring.
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I agree, ppl cry about everything when it comes to killers. No camping. No tunneling. No noed, its like playing madden and crying everytime someone passes a ball instead of only running it, cant we just play?
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Legion needed a change but the nerf given makes Legion a doodoo killer. I’ll join you in this. Gotta deplete all my moris and bloodpoint boosts off them anyway since they’ll be a worthless killer very soon.
Plus it’ll help counter the MoM/Adrenaline/DH/dstrike meta that tryhards are using now. Can’t tell you how many times I ran into that yesterday while trying to learn some Nurse. Never camping unless all the gens were done, never tunneling. Yet the MoM/Adrenaline/dstrike combo is always coupled with tbags/pointing/messages. Never DC’d though. But what do you wanna bet I could run into these same survivors and half are going to DC once Franks Mix Tape gets in their ass, Larry?
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What will be funny is when some of the Killer MAINS (lol)... play Legion on the PTB then realize they were wrong.
Make sure to come back to eat some crow if that is the case.
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Go befriend a survivor then, you are clearly not one of us.
There are no such thing as cheap or dirty tactics, you either get to kill the survivors or not in whatever way you see fit.
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And to those that say killers aren't as toxic as survivor mains here ya go just harder to notice cause of the 4:1 ratio while I don't like the legion changes either don't be a child and call for people to do this.
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no reasonable "killer main" supported legion in his current state
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That is exactly what survivors did by DCing in mass protest, and it worked.
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Who are you calling "reasonable"?!
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the only reason im mad is because of the missed attack thing, y'all, i can't even hit a still target and now im being punished for it.
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Had a MoM, DS using Survivor rage on me for moonwalking him to death.
Save Legion. They are basically going to make him trapper that can sometimes jump over a pallet. Everything that makes Legion special is going the way of the do-do. The Double Knife exploit needs to be fixed, the entire kit doesn't need to be bent over and ######### E D!
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I actually had planned on doing this very soon.
Moris and tryhard add ons. Just to show people. It's very irritating.
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So I guess the times when killers "whined" for Survivor nerfs never happened, right?
BOTH Killers and Survivors wanted this Killer nerfed for a long time. This isn't the result of "whiny" Survivor mains. Turn off your bias, find something else to do with your life and then maybe come back to start a discussion.
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The difference being:
Survivors Whine and Cry.
Killers Whine and Cry.
Dev: ######### wait a few years we MIGHT get around to it, a survivor team got Four manned we have to fix it!
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That is precisely what a biased-ass Killer main would say. I'm sorry, that's just a fact.
Devs always favor Survivors! This game is highly survivor-sided! They always nerf killers! They NEVER nerf Survivors! They ALWAYS buff Survivors!
Here, I said it for you. :)
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The only killers that say this are the same ones that can’t mind-game.