Perk / item / offering / addon suggestions

I just like making these when im inbetween games. Feel free to add your own or hate on / approve of mine
*Fateful deceit (killer perk)
Upon the opening of the second exit gate, the first exit gate closes over the span of 5 seconds and the killer gains a notification. When activated, survivors auras are revealed to the killer for 5/10/15 seconds and survivors are exposed for 45 seconds
"They thought they were safe. They don't know me..."
*Make Way (survivor perk)
You can vault through a window blocked by the entity spikes. Make Way has a cool down of 20 seconds. Upon vaulting through the window, the entity spikes timer is reset, and increased in length by 30/25/20 seconds.
"Make way! Coming through!"
*Momentous Fury (killer perk)
Upon hooking a survivor, the perk activates for 90 seconds and you gain a token. If you hook another survivor whilst the perk is activated you gain another token, and reset the timer. At 3 tokens, survivors within your terror radius are revealed to you, you gain a 5% speed boost, and you perform all actions 20/25/30% faster
"The taste of blood just makes him stronger"
*An Eye for an Eye (survivor perk)
Each time you are hooked, the furthest away injured survivor is instantly healed one health state and leaves no scratch marks for 6/8/10 seconds
"Hurt me, and i'll find a way to hurt you back"
I'll add some offerings and stuff later