Easy MOM Rework


So, I had a couple of ideas to just change Mettle Of Man to be more "fair" for killers but retaining its overall reliability for survivors. Yes, I know we've had a bunch of rework ideas already.

Rework One: Remove the heal requirement for Mettle Of Man, make it so it reveals your aura no matter what after the endurance hit. The range could be increased for this to not make it too weak, but that's optional.

Rework Two: Make Mettle Of Man give the broken status effect permanently or temporarily. Remove the heal and aura reveal. If this is permanent, it can no longer be paired with Adrenaline and cannot be stacked with it.

Rework Three: Make Mettle Of Man be an exhaustion perk or cause exhaustion. We can remove or keep the heal effect. This prevents it from being stacked with Dead Hard or other exhaustion perks and not make be able to prolong the chase for too long.

So what do you think of these fireworks? Maybe you've seen them before, but these are all my ideas.


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    idk about you. But no mither + MoM is 100% the best perk combo.

    It's right above no mither + self care

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    edited April 2019

    So basically you want to nerf it into the ground and make it into a free kill for the killer, why don't we just make it a killer perk while we're at it and take every damn thing the survivors have away too, thats basically what the whole general discussion page has become , as someone who plays both sides to Red ranks the perk is fine it's no different than certain killer perks or add ons yet anything the survivors get always gets cried about

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    I saw a good rework idea somewhere else but its MoM can be stack all killers m1 and powers and instead of 3 hits make it 4 ez solution and ppl will like it

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    Survivors have plenty of trap perks as of now. Let's make more trap perks.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I personally think none of them would work, but that's just me.

  • keenko
    keenko Member Posts: 62

    I’ve had similar thoughts, OP. I think MoM is mostly okay as is but these sort of quality of life changes would be fine and get rid of the fair issues certain killers have with the perk. I’d also just be okay with ensuring every killer has an attack that doesn’t add a stack, like maybe it doesn’t count if a Wraith hits you during the speed burst eff or Hag after you tripped a trap.