Is Technician’s sound silencer currenlty broken?

FengMinEqualsWin Member Posts: 91
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

I’ve seen videos where they have tested it out and it seemed to not work i thought it was supposed to be silent up to 8 meters? or am i wrong?


  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,117

    Yeah, I think it's still broken. Shame, as it's one of my favorite perks.

  • FengMinEqualsWin
    FengMinEqualsWin Member Posts: 91

    i used to use this perk all the time until i found out it doesn’t silence like it’s supposed to but the 50% helps with ruin

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Sound in general is completely broken right now. Neither as killer nor survivor you can trust it right now.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2019

    Yeah, I used it back then as well, and I believe it worked for your ears as well (the gen didn't sound loud at all when you were working on it solo). But I'm worried now since it apparently makes it louder instead.

    The 50/50 silent explosion is nice, especially when trying to hit Hex chex (see what I did?) but I really hate the whole loudness aspect, especially when I'm trying to stealth hardcore. I always run to the center gens first, so that noise reduction was glorious when the killer was doing the first sweep and I was trying to get the priority gens done early.

    *Ugh, why did I turn into such a cringe-inducing lame-o? I just reread my post and even I want to slap me. I apologize, I'm on some pain meds now because of some physical trauma and I guess I'm out of it.