So there were different sound cues for Michael Myers when he first released?

I was watching an old DBD video when the Halloween chapter first released and I noticed different sound cues from the movies that's not in the game now. Why did they get taken out? Seemed pretty cool tbh.
I remember a really creepy sound playing if he stalked you for a good amount of time without you noticing, i don't know if it's still in game tho.
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While being stalked, a sound would play just before he would tier up or something. There was a bug which caused it to not play, but then the devs liked him without it so they just removed it.
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Presumably due to licensing issues, audio issues, or just didn't seem to fit into the game/weren't needed.
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The only one that isnt around anymore, if memory doesnt fail me, is a reslly creepy track which played for the Survivor while being stslked. It got removed because it made it impossible to secretly stalk someone without alerting them.
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I vaguely recall them saying something about the stats not showing any changes to the kill rate or whatever with the sound not playing due to the bug. Which is a shame because I honestly loved that sound.
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I'm pretty sure you can find the sound que on the Dbd wiki. I remember listening to it there.
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They should bring back the sound for when you're almost tier III with an infinite or a tombstone.
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No :)
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This might seem random, but I honestly kinda wished that the quote on dying light was, “You're talking about him as if he were a human being. That part of him died years ago. -Dr. Loomis”
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Heck no. It's hard enough to get the Tombstone as is. : P