Discussing the Pig changes.

MistressChara Member Posts: 112
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

  • RBTs only become active whenever a generator is completed. Inactive RBTs will no longer trigger when attempting to leave via an exit gate. *NOTE: Initiating the End Game Collapse will not complete generators, but will block them. This means that any inactive RBTs will remain inactive.
  • The RBT timer now stops if the Survivor is within the Terror Radius, as opposed to when in a Chase.

I'm sure you all know these changes but I thought to post them here for convenience.

Personally I actually think the first change is a good one. If the Pig's traps auto-activated in the EGC then survivors would be screwed because they would have no way to really escape. This forces the pig to use RBT's at 1 gen left for maximum effectiveness which achieves the original goal of stalling out the game and punishes survivors for completing all the gens early. It's a slight buff to her overall and I think a fantastic change and idea. Though I wouldn't be opposed to making the RBT only slow down the timer during EGC.

However, the RBT timer stopping within Terror Radius is not the same. I can tell it was instituted as a way to fix the issue of a pig tunneling a survivor and forcing a RBT to go off, but it fails to actually solve this issue as Pig's can just crouch follow the survivor (which is what they were doing anyway). It prevents the RBT from being a pressure device and causes them to just serve as a weak from of crowd control. This is the major change that makes the pig as weak as she is and should 100% be reverted.

EDIT: After playing more of the Pig on PTB and reading some responses I actually consider both of these changes to be bad. On paper the 2 minute bear trap timer makes the EGC seem very scary especially since the Killer can activate it on their own. However it is very often that a Survivor pulls a trap off of their head fairly quickly and especially with the lack of danger presented by the second change it makes them laughably weak. Most of the time you will not have enough time presented to you to get RBT's on survivors at the opportune moment, relegating them to an extremely weak form of Crowd Control for the early game. Even in the most advantageous and unlikely scenario where all four survivors have active Bear Traps on them, It is simply too easy to remove them.

Pig as she was would be balanced fine with the EGC. The only change to her is that she would be slightly stronger as her ability to trap survivors within the trial would be advantageous with the EGC counting down, though it is hardly strong enough to deserve a nerf.

Am posting this in other places so be aware.

Please discuss your thoughts below.

Post edited by MistressChara on


  • Karltastisk
    Karltastisk Member Posts: 529

    In no way shape or form is this a buff to the pig in anyway whatsoever. Im open to the possibilty to change or tweak the RBTs when the endgame collapse is in effect, but it needs to be neutral change not a nerf, This killer is a low mid tier killer and does not need any form of nerfs.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Shes F tier now, from A to F.

    If the devs left her ALONE, she'd be S tier right now, but eh, she got butchered and it's really sad to see.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    End game collapse timer : 3~5 min

    RBT timer: 2,5 min

    Blood Warden timer: 1 min

    Yeah sure, survivors dont have enough time.(sarcasm)

    To be clear.

    Both changes are bad, because she is a low-mid tier killer.

  • Lemming
    Lemming Member Posts: 103

    Bad changes all around.

  • MistressChara
    MistressChara Member Posts: 112
    edited April 2019

    Ahh right, can't believe I forgot that the EGC dosen't activate when the gates are closed.

    Edit: Actually couldn't you just open them yourself?

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552
    edited April 2019

    I was literally expecting a pig/leatherface/trapper buff but this is what I got.

    I just can't speak anymore, believe it or not but I am really surprised.

    We were saying how short the endgame was and buff the endgame a little bit, in turn, they made it easier to open the exit gates and the only reliable perk that was prolonging the end game got gutted.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    As I said before: "Even if the Pig opens the Gate herself, that's still plenty of time for the Survivor with the trap to get it off and leave through the now-open Gate."

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Endgame should still prevent exiting through the gates. Why? It's a huge gamble for the Pig to try and stack them at the end of the match. She won't have time to chase everyone down before they get them off. I literally had a game like this scenario where I had all four survivors trapped with both exit gates open. 2 escaped, and 2 died to traps (the first, due to her having it so long and her box being near where I got the last down, and the last, whom I beat to the hatch). It's not some magical 4K scenario, and it's insanely rare.

    The second change shouldn't even exist because TR builds are still worthless on her, like most killers. (Coulrophobia anyone? lel) I mean, I understand that it's to encourage her to crouch more, but her crouch is ****ing useless against good survivors, and after early game in general, on any map but Lery's. She's slower than running, has incredibly short/low vantage (to the point that she can lose vision in tall grass easily), all the while still breathing loudly (fair) and being easily spotted from a distance (gimps it) on the vast majority of maps; survivors' third person perspective makes it easy to spot her.

    I'm a Pig main, but I think I'd quit playing her if these went live and just stick to Hag, or basically any other killer I normally play. Between MoM and this, she will have no endgame on her own and it would only exist through 1-2 stacked perks.

    These changes should only go live if she becomes a stealth killer and they (finally) buff Ambush to make it happen. Her current design does not support these nerfs.

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    Aww this takes the fun out of it a bit