A Word About the Legion Nerfs

Alright, this is gonna be a doozy.
I'm a Legion main. I've been one since day one of their release. I don't often tunnel, I've never moonwalked, and I do my best to play the killer as fair as possible. Hell, I rarely even use Frank's Mixtape. The killer's aesthetics and concept of vaulting pallets/windows like a survivor made me instantly fall in love. This is one of the three killers in the game I've gone out of my way to P350, and I enjoyed it every step of the way. I genuinely felt that no matter what nerfs could come, I'd play this killer, just because I love them that much.
The community wasn't and hasn't been very fond of Legion for a while now, and it's entirely understandable. The old state of Feral Frenzy tied with the moonwalk exploit and the fact they could get away with missing hit upon hit was absolutely ridiculous-- not even to an overpowered extent, but to an annoying one. While the killer had counterplay, the margins of consistent success in winning the chase for survivors were frail and thin. Some of the changes they've made for this PTB are entirely fair and were needed to make Legion less annoying to fight against, and to make him easier to balance for the future. However, some of these nerfs are entirely uncalled for, and at the very least need adjustments.
First off, not being able to see blood pools removes their only method of tracking in Feral Frenzy. Scratch Marks already disappeared when activating the ability, which is by far the easier method of tracking survivors. The most efficient way of following blood pools with Frenzy was to run Bloodhound, which is honest to god a waste of a perk slot in comparison to other builds you could be running on that killer. Combine this with the fact that a single missed hit now depletes your Frenzy, taking a quick swing and missing by a hair, whether it be due to your own mistake or the survivor being in a really good jungle gym/cramped area, Frenzy already becomes far weaker than it already was without abusing exploits or using add-ons like FM. Then after you can tack on the other changes, like slower Frenzy speed without add-ons, the fact that multiple Frenzy hits no longer deplete the Deep Wound bar without the reworked FM, a slower vaulting speed, and the fact that Legion can now no longer open lockers while in Frenzy, it becomes pretty clear that the devs have completely euthanized the ability, and turned Legion into another M1 killer with their 115% base speed buff. It's extremely disappointing and takes away from what makes Legion so special, and really makes me question why they didn't just temporarily remove him from the game and give him a total overhaul along with Freddy.
Now, I don't think all of the changes are bad. Some of them I actually think are really good and will help shape Legion into a less toxic killer. The decision to make Frenzy only accessible after the meter is fully recharged, while it will take some getting used to, is an incredibly fair decision after their movement speed buff, and will prevent frequent tunneling using the ability when someone has something like FM equipped. Legion absolutely should be using their M1 sometimes. Mending halting in Legion's terror radius is also at least a decent idea. It prevents the moonwalking exploit from happening, and even with their terror radius increase, the only thing that's gonna majorly change for those who don't play toxic is that MnA will likely be in most of their meta perk builds. I don't exactly agree with the bar halting while mending, since it's not difficult to mend in time in most cases even now, with the lack of skill checks during the process. Tie this together with the terror radius change, and it makes Deep Wound a total joke.
So, now that I've given my thoughts...
What needs to be changed?
First of all, make default Feral Frenzy hits deplete the Deep Wound bar again. Increase the amount of hits required to down the survivor to 5. This will give Legion the option of continuing to assault survivors with the ability, but will make tunneling a single survivor with Frenzy far from optimal, due to needing the bar to fully replenish. It will simply make Frenzy actually useful after applying the initial Deep Wound, instead of it only being used once for the initial attack, and then not again until the survivors are mended and likely fully healed.
Give Legion back their old vaulting speed. It was already easy enough to take advantage of their vaulting as it was, and with the decrease to Frenzy's movement speed, it makes the power overall closer to nonviable than viable.
Allow Legion to open lockers in Feral Frenzy. If needed, remove the ability to see survivors in lockers through Killer Instinct. If you don't allow this, survivors can just fling themselves into lockers to avoid Frenzy, and leave the locker as the cooldown starts, which will give them plenty of time to get to a pallet or jungle gym.
Allow Legion to see blood pools again. This should be self-explanatory.
Make Legion's missed attacks in Frenzy deplete the bar by a significant amount, rather than instantly losing everything. You only really lost meter before by lunging, which is what made spamming attacks so nonpunishable. However, this new change is too much of an extreme. Per every missed hit, lose about 25%-30% of the meter.
Make the mend timer continue to deplete while mending. The terror radius and chases halting it are enough. Along with this, add skill checks to the mending, preferably more like Snap Out of It skill checks, but default is also fine since it's similar to a healing action.
This last one is not entirely necessary, but in my personal opinion would be helpful to prevent Legion from being on the poor side of the power scale; I feel like Feral Frenzy's cooldown should be reverted back to 15 seconds instead of 20, since we have to wait for it to fully refill now before using it. Especially with the current nerf preventing default Frenzy hits from depleting the timer, there's no reason for the power to have such a large cooldown. If Frenzy hits are able to deplete the timer normally again, 20 seconds won't be as terrible.
Legion is a killer that started off very rough for some people. I personally love this killer to death, and I don't want to see them be gutted before my very eyes. While some of these nerfs were justified, the changes overall have slaughtered Feral Frenzy, and turned Legion into a boring M1 killer who looks cool aesthetically. Please, BHVR, don't kill Legion. *Fix* Legion.
Thank you for reading.
Legion used to be a high-octane speed Killer who could multi-task efficiently, it was really fun to play that kind of character. These changes seem too over the top, in all honestly it looks like they intentionally made a whole bunch of bad changes to ruin the character, not to make it fair but to RUIN. This new Legion could be good if they took away some of the ridiculous changes they made, like you were saying with the blood, lockers, some parts of the DW.
This is worse than what they did with Freddy, in a week they ''nerfed'' him and then waited a long time before announcing a rework that has been taking even more to even hint what it is. Now with Legion they nerfed him into the ground and probably won't fix him until a year from now.
I get that Legion is complicated and hard to make fair but some of these changes are good and do make Legion fair, but most of the changes ruin the character and are unnecessary.
Your changes would let Legion stay as a an adrenaline Killer who runs around stabbing people and getting blood all over the place while still being fair. Your changes literally took out the stupid ######### they needlessly added for no good reason. No pools of blood in Frenzy? WHY?! What was the reason that they had to put that and the other changes which make the blood thing redundant? You can't Moonwalk because of the TR and the DW won't go down in Mending so Moonwalking is impossible, why go the extra step of taking out the blood?