If you were a survivor, what would be your perks?



  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @KiraElijah A slightly better poised? Then let's nerf poised and make my perk the grand ruler mwahaha! >:D

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @PhantomMask20763 your first one is relatable.

    Your second one slightly relatable since I’m usually focused on my game.

    Your final one is pretty good for stealth.

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    edited April 2019

    Now I will make some based off physical problems, as my others were mentally based

    Just Jump

    You can vault objects 3/6/9% faster

    "Hurry up guys"

    Speed up

    When walking move 2.5/5/7.5% faster, and while running move 1/2/3% faster

    "Dude, hurry up"


    Your scratchmarks are Slightly/moderately/considerably closer together and are visible for 3/4/5 seconds less. (Does not stack with Lightweight)


  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    So out of all the suggestions so far, who is the strongest Perk wise? :D

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @LCGaster and more bp! (I said this in another comment and I’m too lazy to edit.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Ember_Hunter me. Finger of death 4 dah win bruddah! :B

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    @Ember_Hunter Me, as:

    Fear Rush

    After the killer gets within 8/12/24 meters of you, you gain a 1 second 175% burst of speed and have 105% speed for 20/40/60 seconds, and you are exhausted for 60/120/180 seconds. (This perk can only activate once per match)

    "What the hell was that?"


    While watching the killer within a 12/24/32 meter range, you gain a 5/10/15% boost to all action speeds. While not watching the killer you lose 15/10/5% speed on all options.

    "Gotta make sure it isn't going anywhere"


    If the killer is approaching anything you're interacting with from 18/24/32 meters away, see their aura for 3/4/5 seconds.

    "Something's coming, I need to get out of here"

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154


    Could be the new BBQ & Chili for survivors ;)

    100% extra bloodpoints are granted at the end of the trial if you die.

    "Nice try, it was expected tho" ~ The Entity

    200% extra bloodpoints are granted at the end of the trial if you survive.

    "How in the f$*#?!?!?! Grab everything you want, you win" ~ The Entity

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @LCGaster perfect, I’d run it and others possibly would maybe making games last longer.

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    @LCGaster @PhantomMask20763 @TreemanXD @Ember_Hunter What do you guys think of my (Mental) perk set?

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @TreemanXD A nerf by choice for survivors that good players would be fine with...awesome!

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @KiraElijah I wouldn’t run them, but they aren’t bad.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @KiraElijah Oh god, physical related perks? Here we go XD

    Wimp- you throw down pallets slightly slower but you gain a haste effect for 2/3/4 seconds after successfully stunning the killer

    "I may not be the strongest, but I will do anything in my power to get away." -Me

    Reliance on Others- You rely on others to help you in dire situations. After escaping a chase, your nearest teammates aura will be revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds.

    "Thank God I found you, he almost caught me *sobs*" -me

    Slap- You get upset when you lose, after being picked up by the killer, slap the killer to fill up your wiggle bar by 2/10/15%

    "Unhand me!" -me

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Fear Rush seems to be some alternative to Sprint Burst, but sadly not good if you cannot break line of sight.

    Watchful is really risky, hanging around a survivor being chased by a killer is the best chance.

    Hide! is really good though, better version of Premonition ;)

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @KiraElijah how are my perks? :B

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154


    It is mental 😂

    The perks are probably a bit too good

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @PhantomMask20763 Sorry I'm late! Was writing up something.

    Work Alone - this would be good for games where you're on your own most of the time.

    Game On - Could be good for seeing the killer. c:

    NOPE! - Would be really good for a quick escape.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693
    edited April 2019

    Anyone want to rate mine? Repost since I know we are too lazy to click back to the first page XD:

    True Altruism:

    You actually care about saving people, so facing the great Entity head on makes the Entity's sacrifices harder to perform.

    After rescuing a survivor on their second hook and healing them within one minute, the next time they are hooked, their sacrifice progress will refill 10/15/20 seconds into the first phase.

    (Also happens once per survivor)

    "Dab on those haters! *Rapidly Teabags*" "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"


    Stress and Hard Work Yields Success:

    You get stressed being alone, but also stressed to keep up with others. When you are nearby a generator by 4 meters or working on a generator and more than one survivor is on the generator, all survivors continually gets rapid skill checks until the killer is within 28/32/36 meters from the generator. Great skill checks increases by 5/10/15% and Good skill checks increases by 10/15/25%.

    "Congratulations on Gen rushing, guys!" (or "Congrats on missing ALL the skill checks what the heck.")


    Blood Scarred:

    Whenever you are injured, gain potential in aura-reading. You can see the auras of survivors being chased within 24 meters. If the killer looks at your direction at least once, you can see scratch marks of the killer, lasting 1/2/3 seconds longer until the next time you are hooked or healed to the full state.

    When not injured, gain the ability to drive the Entity away through a skillcheck whenever the Entity physically manifests in the Entity's World. (For example, Corrupt Intervention, Bamboozle, Spirit Fury. Does not affect Entity at hooks) Failing the skillcheck results in a noise notification and action speed penalty of 5% for one minute (Can Refresh). After the End Game Collapse timer is executed, you have 10 extra seconds to live.

    "So...How's Life?"

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    True Altruism: Another good perk to help against camping, good.

    Stress and Hard work Yields success: I'm bad at skill checks so not for me >_<

    Blood Scarred: This one's really unique, I like it

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    If I r8 anymore I’ll die! 😩 xD

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    True Altruism:

    You actually care about saving people, so facing the great Entity head on makes the Entity's sacrifices harder to perform.

    After rescuing a survivor on their second hook and healing them within one minute, the next time they are hooked, their sacrifice progress will refill 10/15/20 seconds into the first phase.

    "Dab on those haters! *Rapidly Teabags*" "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

    -No more camping xD


    Stress and Hard Work Yields Success:

    You get stressed being alone, but also stressed to keep up with others. When you are nearby a generator by 4 meters or working on a generator and more than one survivor is on the generator, all survivors continually gets rapid skill checks until the killer is within 28/32/36 meters from the generator. Great skill checks increases by 5/10/15% and Good skill checks increases by 10/15/25%.

    "Congratulations on Gen rushing, guys!"



    Blood Scarred:

    Whenever you are injured, gain potential in aura-reading. You can see the auras of survivors being chased within 24 meters. If the killer looks at your direction at least once, you can see scratch marks of the killer, lasting 1/2/3 seconds longer until the next time you are hooked or healed to the full state.

    When not injured, gain the ability to drive the Entity away through a skillcheck whenever the Entity physically manifests in the Entity's World. (For example, Corrupt Intervention, Bamboozle, Spirit Fury. Does not affect Entity at hooks) Failing the skillcheck results in a noise notification and action speed penalty of 5%. After the End Game Collapse timer is over, you have 10 extra seconds to live.

    "So...How's Life?"


  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Go to sleep?* (I can't, I know I won't get all my homework done XD)

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693
    edited April 2019


    I guess the second perk can be OP, direct counter against Hex Ruin, good combined with Technician when it actually works.

    Sadly easily overtaken by Huntress's Lullaby (What a nightmare at max power) and Discordance. XD

    (Plus, laggy computer? Bad at skill checks? Then that is an endangerment to the team :O)

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    Since everyone is rating each other's perks, I was wondering, can anyone rate mine?

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited April 2019

    My perks, if I were a Survivor:


    • If you put your mind to something you know you can achieve it. In this particular case that thing is survival!
    • When all other Survivors are dead gain the Endurance status effect: the first attack that would put you into the Dying state instead leaves you Injured.
    • Your walking movement speed is increased by 5/10/15% and your running movement speed is increased by -/-/1%.
    • Instead of shuffling along lazily like Survivors usually do, your walking animation is more of a purposeful stride. Likewise your running animation features proper running form, rather than the goofy looking trot most Survivors do.
    • "I'll do the best I can. I can't do anymore than that." -The Rockstar Knight

    Sleep Deprivation

    • You do some of your best work while you're overtired! Who needs sleep anyway? You, that's who.
    • While cleansing totems, opening Exit Gates, searching chests, and running you have a chance to trigger a difficult skillcheck.
      • Succeeding a skillcheck on a totem grants bonus progression and reveals the aura of another totem once you finish cleansing it. If the totem was a hex totem, the aura of another totem is not revealed and the thunder sound effect of cleansing the totem is instead muted.
      • Failing a skillcheck on a totem causes a loud sound notification and regresses progression.
      • Succeeding a skillcheck on an Exit Gate panel grants bonus progression.
      • Failing a skillcheck on an Exit Gate panel causes a loud sound notification and regresses progression.
      • Succeeding a skillcheck on a chest prevents it from spawning a Common or Uncommon item and grants increased progression.
      • Failing a skillcheck on a chest ensures that the item will not be Ultra Rare or Very Rare and causes a loud noise notification.
      • Succeeding a skillcheck while running increases your movement speed by 5% for the next 7 seconds. You cannot gain this benefit if you are Exhausted.
      • Failing a skillcheck while running causes you to trip and almost fall onto your face. You stop moving for 3 seconds and move 5% slower for the next 5 seconds.
    • "I just have to get this done and I can get some sleep." -The Rockstar Knight
    • Successful Great Skillchecks award 200/250/300 bloodpoints instead of 150.
    • Increases your base chance of getting skillchecks of any kind by 10%/20%/30%.

    Incidental Music

    • Despite the others insistence that you really should be taking this whole life and death trial thing more seriously you can't help but think of songs to suit the situation you're in.
    • When you are Sacrificed on a hook Norman Greenbaum's 'Spirit in the Sky' plays for all players remaining in the trial.
    • When you are Mori'ed by a Mori or a Perk Dean Martin's 'That's Amore' players for all other Survivors in the trial.
    • If a Killer stays within 16 meters of you while you're hooked Lou Reed's 'Perfect Day' plays for every Survivor in the trial and George Thorogood's 'Bad To The Bone' plays for the Killer
    • If you fail a skillcheck while healing a Survivor or repairing a generator Rag 'n' Bone Man's 'Human' plays for you and all nearby (24 meters) Survivors.
    • If you are unhooked inside the Killer's Terror Radius by a male Survivor without Borrowed Time Midge Ure's 'Man Who Sold The World' plays for you and the person who farmed you.
    • If you have No Mither equipped Johnny Cash's 'Hurt' plays for all Survivors when the trial starts.
    • If you get healed by Adrenaline the Bee Gees' 'Stayin' Alive' plays for you. If every Survivor gets healed by Adrenaline the song plays for every player in the game.
    • If you get injured by a Killer with Sloppy Butcher and Blood Hound equipped then Taylor Swift's 'Bad Blood' plays for you and the Killer.
    • If every Survivor in the trial is Quentin Smith then Dokken's 'Dream Warriors' plays for all players.
    • The first time you are put to sleep The Chordettes' 'Mister Sandman' plays for you and Freddy.
    • If every Survivor in the trial is Quentin Smith and the Killer is Freddy then The Misfit's 'Nightmare On Elm Street' plays for all players.
    • When you are Ambushed by the Pig Katy Perry's 'Roar' plays for both you and The Pig.
    • When Michael Myers levels from Evil Within 1 to Evil Within 2 Rockwell's 'Somebody's Watching Me' plays for all Survivors.
    • If you are Laurie Strode and the Killer is Michael Myers, the first time he Stalks or hits you The Police's 'Every Breath You Take' plays for both you and Michael.
    • When Michael Myers Moris a Survivor with an Add-On Pseudo Echo's 'His Eyes' plays for all Survivors.
    • The first time a Survivor is put into Deep Wounds by The Legion Foster The People's 'Pumped Up Kicks' plays all players in the trial.
    • When the Plague acquires Corrupt Purge T-Rex's 'Bang A Gong (Get It On)' plays for all Survivors.
    • When all other Survivors disconnect from the trial Tiffany's 'I Think We're Alone Now' plays for both you and the Killer.
    • When you are the last Survivor remaining in the trial after the Killer has Killed or Sacrificed all other Survivors Elton John's 'I'm Still Standing' plays for both you and the Killer. The song ends if you get downed.
    • If you are still in the trial during the last minute of the End Game Collapse Kenny Loggins' 'Danger Zone' plays for you.
    • If you are in a chase at the Killer Shack the B-52's 'Love Shack' plays for you and the Killer.
    • If the Killer enters chase with you within sixty seconds of being unhooked Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' plays for you and the Killer.
    • When you loop a Killer for 5 generators without going down while playing a female Survivor and Escape The Police's 'Everything She Does Is Magic' plays for all players on the end screen.
    • If a Killer misses 2 attacks in a row while chasing you or you stun a Killer twice while in a chase MC Hammer's 'U Can't Touch This' plays for you and the Killer.
    • If an aura is revealed to you on Mt. Ormond Resort The Bangles' 'Hazy Shade of Winter' plays for you.
    • Everytime a song plays you earn 500/1000/1500 Survival bloodpoints.
    • "I think I know the perfect song for this situation!" -The Rockstar Knight


  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171


    The first one seems really conditional. If someone gets seen first they'll technically enter a chase and your perk will be wasted even if the Killer focuses on you. I wouldn't run it.

    The second one seems like it could be okay at disguising your location at certain times but I think Iron Will would be better because this lets the Killer know that you are in a certain radius. I wouldn't run it either.

    The third one is Pharmacy but for Flashlights (and it counters Franklin's). I'm not sure I'd run it outside of a memey build, but that's cuz I suck at using Flashlights well. Overall it seems like a good & fun perk to me.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    My perks:


    "I need more time!"

    You complete all actions 50% slower. Once the channel is 50% full you gain a 70% action speed bonus (basically just 20%) and skill check trigger odds are increased by 50%.

    Slow and Steady

    "Nice and Easy"

    You move 50% slower across all movement actions but are silent during these actions.

    Nexus Ward

    "I've got your back!"

    At the start of the trial this perk is deactivated. After you are adjacent to another survivor you can press the action key to ward them at which point the perk activates.

    While the perk is active any time your ally would've taken damage you take damage instead. This effect persists until you enter the dying state. Once you enter the dying state the perk deactivates and your formerly warded ally will take damage again. After you re-enter the injured or healthy state again you can reactivate the perk (while adjacent to another survivor and after you press the action key).

    Gain 100% more Bloodpoints in the Altruism Category.

    The ward effect from your perk does not stack and can only be applied to one survivor at any given time.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2019


    1.-fight back: this perk can be use 1 time per trial if the killer have a survivor on hes shoulder and activated it make an animation that punch the killer face that stun him by 3/4/4.5s (you need to be close to activate this perk)

    "you better escape from this guy" -Tru3Lemon

    2.-so it happend: if the killer its near you youll get a token by 10s the max of token are 3 token, if the killer its near the survivor that its hooked you can insta save him and give him a speed boost and also and immune effect by 3s

    "he shouldnt do this but he did" -Tru3Lemon

    3.-im not done yet: while youre still in a spot you wont move and youll be very quite when youre breathing

    "pls dont see me" -Tru3Lemon

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    First: Really good, a better version of Left Behind. :)

    Second: Well, seems fit for Quentin... It's okay, but should it be that difficult? :O

    Third: Basically a meme perk XD

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Here you go original author ;)

    First: Holy Frick, this is my spirit animal. I get found and chased first in 70% of my games XD

    Second: Good for a distraction, but probably not as effective as Diversion.

    Third: Great version of Pharmacy for those who want flashlights, not medkits. :D

  • MistressChara
    MistressChara Member Posts: 112

    Did this on the killer one so I might as well do this one too.


    -You tend to analyze your choices. Anytime you fail a skill-check or are put into the dying state, gain a token. For every token up until the 3rd/4th/5th token, gain 5% action speed. If you gain a 4th/5th/6th token, you lose the bonus and gain the Broken status effect until the end of the trial.

    "I apologize I didn't give you a fair shake the first time, I promise I'll do better." -Chara

    Solid Determination

    -You have an intense passion to see your ideals through. Gain one of the following effects when leading the respective category in bloodpoints:

    Boldness: Gain 3% extra movement speed and sounds emanated from movement are reduced by 25%/35%/50%

    Survival: You are 25%/35%/50% more likely to get a Dull Key from a chest. You also gain 50% more bloodpoints in other categories.

    Benevolence: Completing a Distraction or Protection scoring event has a 25%/35%/50% chance to not degrade a health state up to a maximum of 3 times.

    Objective: Great skill checks give 3% extra progress and regression from Hex skill checks or failed skill checks is decreased by 25%/35%/50%

    "But even with Deter it will probably take you awhile..." -Chara

    Black Desire

    -The nature of the trial and the minions of the entity intrigue you. Whenever a survivor is sent into the dying state, you are shown the killers aura for 3/4/5 seconds. Whenever a survivor is sacrificed, the killers aura is revealed to all survivors for 8/9/10 seconds.

    "...You and I are not the same, are we?" -Chara

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    I felt bored. Posting another set of my survivor perks.

    Gamer Time!:

    Oh yeah, gamer time.

    when you run for the first time in a chase, you run at an astounding 200% movement speed for 2/3/4 seconds. However, you are tremendously/tremendously/considerably harder to steer. If you crash into a wall, you are stunned for 5/4/3 seconds. This perk gives exhaustion for 180/120/90 seconds.

    "Let's do this, epic gamers."

    Ins and Outs:

    You have been watching the game since it's release, and you know a crap ton about it.

    If you stay within 8/10/12 meters of the killer, without being chased, for 20/18/16 seconds straight, the perk icon for this changes to a random perk the killer has, and even shows the tier. You can do this twice. In exchange, the killer also sees one perk you have (except Ins and Outs, cause he'll already know you have this) at random.

    "This fuck3r has Infectious Fright... good to know."

    "This fuck3r has Dead Hard… good to know."

    You spin me round:

    ...round baby, round round, like a record baby, round round, round round. You ######### love that song!

    Turning speed is slightly/moderately/considerably faster.

    Unless you're walking, you're guaranteed a fast vault, doesn't matter the angle you run the pallet/window at. However, that has a cooldown of 25/20/15 seconds.

    " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGNiXGX2nLU " -Me, in the shower.

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    I was bored, again. And decided to make another perk set for me. This time with the twist that It's only music I love. However, the song "You Spin Me" is not here since it was in my second perk set.

    Staying Alive:

    They can tell by the way you use your walk, you ain't a lady man, but still no time to talk.

    Each time the killer swings at you, but miss, you get 1/2/3 second(s) haste (speed of sprint burst). This perk has a cooldown of 20/15/10 seconds.

    "Staying Alive, Staying Alive"

    I'm gonna be (500 miles):

    If you got chased by the killer for 500 seconds in a row, you gain a token. This token will affect all your teammates, and will give them 3%/4/%5% extra action speed for the rest of the trial. Up to a maximum of 5 tokens can be earned.

    "Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles to drop dead at your door"

    Don't stop Believin':

    Each time a survivor is hooked, it usually brings despair, but you'll never stop believein in yourself. Each time a survivor is hooked, you gain a token. Up to a maximum of 6/7/8 tokens. If you get 3 tokens, you can kobe off the hook in second stage if you're the last one. If you gain 5, you can open the hatch without a key, but this takes 30/20/15 seconds. Lose a token each time your hooked.

    "Hold on to that feelin'"

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2019

    I'd sacrifice 4 perk slots for a key that tracks black lock auras, sets off their location hum (for the Survivor only) and unlocks them before their designated time

    I'd also sacrifice the ability to use palets for a built in Alert perk.

    I'd then wait for the Killer to set off Alert so I know where they are in relation to the hatch. I'd then make a bee-line for the hatch and leave.

  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2019

    These are the 3 perks I came up with if I were to have my own survivor. (PS this is based on me and not to offend anyone).

    1st perk: Man Boobs (1st male only perk)

    You have big old floppy man boobs.

    When the survivor starts to run, the flopping of their man boobs causes an audible notification to the killer. When you are in the killer's terror radius, the killer is so distracted by your floppy man boobs that they have a 5% / 10% / 15% chance of missing their next hit.

    2nd perk: Run You Fatty

    How did I end up getting so fat?

    If the survivor runs for more than 15/10/5 seconds, they immediately enter the exhausted state. While exhausted, the broken status will be added to the survivor. The survivor will lose the broken status effect once their exhaustion has ended. (Think of this as the upgraded No Mither)

    3rd perk: I'm Going Baaaaaaald

    Why does my hair keep thinning?

    During the match, your survivor will randomly start to shed hair from the top of their head. Each time your hair sheds, you gain 1 token. Once you have 4 tokens, you gain the ability to spray the killer in the face with some Rogaine foam, adding the blinding effect for 3/4/5 seconds.

    Pretty sure these are too OP for the game but they would be the best reflection of me so I'm for them.

  • Rocketlauncher22
    Rocketlauncher22 Member Posts: 13

    Mind if i put my own personal perks here?


    you have a tendency to get things done before moving on to more dangerous tasks.

    Start the trial with 5 tokens. each token increases your repair speed by 1%/2%/3%.

    Lose 1 token whenever a generator is completed.

    Fall of the Revolution

    You'll deny this... monster the satisfaction of it's "goals", no matter the cost.

    Whenever a survivor dies (killed, sacrificed, or disconnected), gain a token, up to a maximum of 1/2/3 tokens.

    1 Token: The speed boost gained when being damaged by the killer is increased by 50%.

    2 Tokens: the duration of the speed boost gained when being damaged by the killer is increased by 1 second.

    3 tokens: if a hit from the killer would have downed you, instead gain the Deep Wound status effect for 20 Seconds.

    Plan B

    When regular escape means aren't an option, you take it upon yourself to find another way out.

    grants the ability to interact with the hatch without the use of a key. doing so triggers a series of skillchecks.

    Good skill checks increase progression by 5%.

    Great skill checks increase progression by 10%.

    Upon completing the action, the hatch automatically opens.

    Plan B starts with 1/2/3 Tokens. Cancelling the interaction consumes 1 token, while missing a skill check consumes all tokens.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    All my perks would be exhaustion or action speed perks, all I have to say.

  • BloodyTapp
    BloodyTapp Member Posts: 108
    edited June 2019

    I got some altruistic ideas to share here (although it isn't 100% accurate):

    The first perk: Stayin' Up

    You formed some rudimentary survival skills the others didn’t.

    Your dying state and deep wound timers are increased by 60 seconds and 10 seconds respectively. After fully mending yourself or being healed back to injured state, gain a 5/6/7% Haste status effect for 15 seconds.

    "Got some ######### to do, although it'll probably lead me to agony. Bye."

    The second perk: Stab of Darkness

    You can overcome the fear to face your worst enemies.

    The perk becomes active after performing a safe hook rescue. After it’s been activated, the next protective hit you take will stun the Killer for 5 seconds.

    Rescuing a Survivor from the Killer’s grasp in this way will apply Deep Wound status effect on them. They have 10/15/20 seconds to mend themselves.

    Stab of Darkness has a cooldown of 180 seconds after the Killer has been stunned.

    "Let's stab them with their own swords."

    The third perk: Ride the Lightning

    An unnatural bond links you to best friends you have left.

    Rescuing a Survivor from the hook will activate the perk for 60 seconds.

    While Ride the Lightning is active, the next hit that would put the rescued Survivor into the dying state will be negated and deal damage to you instead.

    After taking a protective hit, your Auras will be revealed to each other, up to a maximum range of 64/96/128 metres.

    Although only one Survivor can be protected by Ride the Lightning at the same time, you can trigger Aura reading benefit on multiple Survivors.

    All effects of this perk are reset when you are hooked by the Killer.

    "I suppose it does nothing, but you always have me. Just stay close and move on."