Reminder to Australian (PC) Players: We CAN Refund the Game.

With the announcement of Dedicated Servers, the devs have once again shown that they don't know there's a Southern hemisphere on Earth, and the closest option we have for a server will be Singapore.
As we've consistently seen through the tests of different matchmaking in the game over the last few months, when we are matched with hosts from Asia (and South America too) we're left with unplayable ping in matches. I personally have had to take weeks at a time off the game until they've reverted matchmaking changes due to CONSISTENT full red ping lobbies during matchmaking trials, being entirely survivors from Japan.
Since there were lawsuits against Valve for selling games through Steam with a refund policy that violates Australian law, they've been forced to allow refunds following the Australian law for Australian customers.
Part of this includes:
>When you buy video games from Valve Corporation as a consumer located in Australia, the video games come with guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law that cannot be excluded, including a guarantee that the video games are of acceptable quality. You are entitled to a replacement or refund from the retail supplier of the video games for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.
As there have been several tests which we, as players, took part in, the introduction of dedicated servers which leaves our closest option as Singapore is CERTAINLY a reasonably forseeable loss. This is a game of split second timing, and the act of adding dedicated servers comes partially because high ping games are unenjoyable. If they change the product we bought to be unplayable for us by limiting us to servers with 200-300 ping minimum, we are well within our rights to request a refund through Steam. There is no reason to have $80+ of base game + DLC sitting in your Steam library in an unacceptable state.
My intention, and I urge you all to do the same, is to refund the second the dedicated servers exclude us from the game. I have every intention to rebuy everything once we're allowed to play again.
In so many cases we're told to speak with our wallets by not buying things we don't support, but it's rare to be able to take our money back when we're given the middle finger as customers.
Don't just sit back and take this.
South America sits plainly in the southern hemisphere, and they have servers. The current server list is also not final; they've already said this is just a trial run and they will buy more servers according to demand. The sky is not falling.
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Yeah, cool, let's wait for them to kill off the Oceanic region, THEN realise they screwed up, then cross our fingers and hope enough people come back when they eventually add one 3 years from now, sounds great.
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Or you could just demand servers instead of demanding refunds...
BHVR, please add Australian servers. See? That easy.
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Exactly like the "BHVR, please stop matching us with Brazilian players?" during the first test? That went really well, they almost replied to that.
Or how bout "BHVR, please stop matching us with Asia, we CANNOT PLAY THE GAME." Yeah that went well too, they almost even pretended to read that feedback.
And here we are, round three, but let's just be nice and pretend they'll bother to listen. Again.
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What do you mean first test?
The tests for servers aren't even in the PTB yet. Those were matchmaking issues based on a peer to peer system.
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They already have the user data. If the data shows Oceania has enough players to justify putting in a dedicated server, they'll put in a dedicated server. If not, they won't.
You can demand a refund at any time without any worries, but once you get it, you'll have your progress wiped. Is it really so difficult to wait instead of claiming the sky is falling?
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Because part of their test included bunching us with other regions. We KNOW what connections to Asia looks like regardless of whether it's a server or other players, it's completely unplayable.
And it isn't just their own trials of shoving us in matchmaking where we don't belong, there's COUNTLESS other games where you can see the difference between a SEA server and Australia.
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There is a very simple counter to that: JuSt MoVe OuT oF AuStRaLiA!!
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Here's where BHVR can set up servers:
"Amazon GameLift is currently available in the following regions: US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon and N. California), Central Canada (Montreal), EU Central (Frankfurt), EU West (London and Ireland), Asia Pacific South (Mumbai), Asia Pacific Northeast (Seoul and Tokyo), Asia Pacific Southeast (Singapore and Sydney), AWS China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and South America East (São Paulo). Please refer to the AWS Global Infrastructure Region Table for the current information on product and service availability by region."
So they definitely can set up servers in Australia.
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Don't patronise me with this sky is falling bullshit, you know this isn't a made up issue. We know the game will be in an unplayable state for Australia, so once this ######### happens I'm not going to sit on forums for a game I can't play to beg the devs to not be cheap and lump half the world on one server.
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I'm not suggesting you beg, I'm suggesting you wait until you see how things turn out before demanding a refund. What's the worst that can happen? If you're right, you order a refund, which you were going to do anyway. If you're wrong, you get to keep playing, which is better than the alternative.
Post edited by Orion on2 -
They are testing the servers. The regions where they are being tested are not set in stone. I can imagine they would put a server in for Australia and the Polynesian islands
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I know asia matches can be red ping but as far as I've experienced even as red ping there is actually no lag strangely enough, and I've played a lot of matches against Japan in the previous matchmaking test...They'll probably add it for AU/NZ, just wait and see first...
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Imagine voluntarily participating in a server infrastructure test and day 1 threatening and calling for refunds. smh
Maybe participate in the current and future tests and provide constructive feedback and data to show an Australian server is needed?
Yes they have region user counts, no they do not have any data besides today's on how those regions will interact with their dedicated servers. They can clearly add more as needed.
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The game is of sufficient quality. Your entire legal entitlement just fell apart.
They said they are monitoring connections and times for Oceania and if needed can always add more dedicated servers.
Ask for servers rather than trying to threaten with legal prowess you do not have.
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The devs have already stated that they will be adding new servers in the future. Might want to do your research before you create a stupid post saying you're going to refund the game.
And don't forget, the servers are not even going to be implemented until August.
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I feel there should be some forum rule against rallying players to refund the game
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@Saint_Ukraine Actually they said rollouts could begin on PC begin shortly after mid chapter. Look under a gradual rollout. Not right at mid chapter but shortly after.
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@Bbbrian2013 I would imagine that the feedback they have received should convince them to wait.
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Ah yes. Going to get my $22 I spent on the game three years ago back, of which I now have over 2,500 hours on.
Very plausible.