Feed back about pipping.

I am all for a harder pipping game. But when you get punished as a killer because you ended the game too quickly, how is this remotely a good system? I just got a 4k. never camped a hook. Survivors didnt even complete a gen. None of them where afk. They took down one totem. Yet, i got ruthless killer. 1 pip. How does this help your game? Should I play kind of bad now, and maybe somewhat good?
I dont understand what im doing wrong. How can i get my adept killers, if i cant even get a merciless killer when i 4k them? That just beats the purpose right? Does anyone even remotely agree with this?
You've currently gotta meet the emblem scoring requirements. That means 9+ hooks and on a 4k with the majority of gens held for the first 9mins of the game as that is weighted heavier than the rest of the time you could spend in game. Also try your best to have somewhat lengthy chases that you ultimately win. Survivors are worth more to you alive than dead so they have to unhook each other and you sort of need to let them.
In short a lot of you score can be hindered if you're far better than the survivors or the survivors are in general no help to each other.