Anybody Getting A Lot of DC's?

Since the Plague update came out, I haven't been able to get through a single match without the Survivor's disconnecting. Like, ALL of them. I don't have this problem for any other game I play, so I don't know if this is a DbD problem, or a ME problem. Does anybody have any ideas, or anybody have a similar experience to mine that could tell me what's going on?
It's a dead by daylight centric issue. Players are purposely dcing at a high rate and the game is also forcibly dcing players at a high rate. So right now you've got to deal with dcs as best you can. Sucks though as dcs cripple scoring across the entire game for both killer and survivor.
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That sucks. I thought it was a DbD issue, but a friend I talk to says he doesn't even experience DC's as high of a rate as I do, so I didn't know if it was a problem for me or not.
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Sometimes they are not intentional DC's, if there is no sound when there is a DC it means they got kicked from the game.
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I know that, but that's what I've been experiencing. It's never intentional, they always just disconnect, like my connection was bad.