Does anyone know how the golden toolboxes are connected to the lore?

The developers said in this stream: ??? That the golden toolboxes were connected to the lore somehow but I dont know that anyone has figured out how yet. (also someone asked during a QnA "What is with that golden toolbox" and the devs replied with
"Yeah, they were golden. And they're always out of reach. And there's more than just one. But I don't know. Can't say."
"Can't say or won't say?"
(credit for the quotes goes to this page:
if you have any lore related question its probably answered here)
Hi there. I'm gonna post here link for my topic about golden toolboxes, just in case if you interested. No bump intensions, lol.
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Btw, did anyone found golden toolbox in the Temple of Purgation?
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I'm not 100% but I think since it's still in the red forest there's no new one. Not confirmed I jus took think that could Ben a possibility