Deep Red- Marcus Daly Character Concept

MrDrakanator Member Posts: 47

It seems to me that almost no one, if anyone, has proposed ideas for adding characters or chapters from the movies of Italian horror director Dario Argento. Thus I have decided to create one myself based on my favorite Argento film, Deep Red. I love Deep Red for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is because of the protagonist Marcus Daly, easily one of my favorite movie protagonists of all time. With that, this is my little concept for Marcus Daly.

Backstory- Marcus Daly was a pianist with a modest life of teaching and composing music. Stern and misogynistic, he is imperfect, but a caring person at heart who expresses concern for his friends. This life would be changed when Marcus’ psychic neighbor is suddenly murdered by a mad man and he is the only witness. The death of his neighbor would become his obsession and he would proceed to do everything in his power to investigate and solve the mystery of who commited the murder. Through his obsession and constant outings to investigate, he himself would also go missing, with his whereabouts completely unknown.

Perk 1: Morbid Fascination

“You can’t help but be fascinated when those around you die, your investigation empowers you. When a survivor is sacrificed or killed, going to where the survivor died will give you a stacking buff of 3% bonus movement speed. Up to a maximum of 1/2/3 tokens.

“This whole things sort of fascinates me, in a very morbid way.”- Marcus Daly

Perk 2: Stern But Loyal

“You are critical of those you care about, but it is in an effort to help them. When you heal someone at least one health state, they are given a permanent bonus of 3/6/9% repair speed. When rescuing someone from a hook, they are given a 8% movement speed increase for 20/30/40 seconds.”

“You keep going on the way you are, and you won’t last very long.”- Marcus Daly

Perk 3: Keen Ears

“Your desire to compose has heightened your sense of hearing. The actions of survivors and the killer can be heard from an additional 5/10/15 meters away. (Actions include, but are not limited to: repairing, healing, sabotaging, cleansing, searching, throwing down a pallet, vaulting a pallet, vaulting a window, weapon swinging, pallet breaking, trap placing)

I'm sure there are perks here that are either incredible over powered or under powered, feedback is welcomed! I do these mainly for fun, but I like to keep them realistic and balanced regardless.