Can we fix some cosmetics?

The new cosmetics are great, i really love that the devs are incorporating more physics into the cosmetics being released. That's always been a big selling point for me. But here's my issue: Some cosmetics dont line up with others. For example, most of Meg's new bottom cosmetics available in the store will clip through most, if not all, of her hoodies. The jacket/hoodie itself is fine, but it's the shirt underneath. Some hoodies are only minor, the one that looks to be the worst, i think, is leather hoodie. All of the physics-based bottoms clip through the whole back of the shirt, as they hang but the back of the shirt is static and goes passed the butt. Most other cosmetics (that i looked at) clip through various parts around the sides and front of the shirt.

And i know this isnt major, especially considering that we are in a game running from a killer most of the time, but it's just for aesthetic reasons, i guess.


  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    You'd think with how long they've been working on this feature that the outfits would combo better with no clipping at all.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Ye I agree. With the prices they're asking, you'd expect them to be functional at least.

    The new Wraith swords don't line up even remotely with his blood wipe animation for example.