Question about the new Legion on PTB

Cymer Member Posts: 946
edited April 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions


Is it possible to elaborate more in detail what are the thought of Ethan and the other devs about the new powers of the Legion?

Right now on PTB you can move slightly faster in FF and vault pallets and windows.

A missed attack cancels the FF and you lose some charge.

Killers with similar powers and mechanic are Billy, Nurse and Spirit.

Billy can traverse the map faster and destroys pallets without addon with his power and can instantly down a survivor with one successful hit. Without any form of fatigue.

The Nurse also can travers the map really fast, ignores pallets, windows and any other form of terrain as well her hits are lethal and actually can down survivors, she don't loses powers for a missed hit, stun ect.

The Spirit is more effective at mindgames and her power let her see the scratch-marks as well actually help hitting the survivors.

Is the Legions power of Deepwound truly on the same level and the potential to see other survivors auras within his terror radios, something that can be replicate with Infectious Fright to a lesser extend.

I don't ask Legion become Billy, Nurse or Spirit level of viability, just what is the incentive to chose the Legion over those killers?

They achieve similar pressure, but to a greater extend without the Legions downsides.

Would these PTB-changes transform the Legion from a variety of playstyles (from tagging everyone with Monitor and Abuse and Thanatophobia, hunting one survivor down with multiple times afflicting Deepwound or using Predator and Sloppy Butcher to track down the bleeding prey like a venomous sneak in real life until the prey drops) to a M1 killer that potentially can tag all survivors.

The crazy, in frenzy knife swinging maniac from the trailer is gone and now he is playing tag with the survivors.

Why should now anyone play the Legion over Billy, Nurse or Spirit, all killers that can traverse the map as fast of faster as the Legion, apply similar pressure but have no issues to down a survivor.

The only thing the Legion has a one up is his ability to locate other survivors DURING the chase, not after a down to snowball of it.


  • Pixusman
    Pixusman Member Posts: 2

    What you are saying is really right. I feel like Legion is going to became a low-tier killer or around that when they will release the PTB changes. I'm not sure about him being balanced now but for sure if they change it this way it will again be as weak as it was at the release. And this why? I want to quote a random YT guy who said: "Survivors wine, they get what they want. Killers wine, we're called campers and tunnelers". And that's all.

    Rip Legion?

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Deep wound forces survivor to mend himself, for the time he is out of the game.

    @Pixusman Quote out of place... there is a real reason of Legion's rework... and that's moonwalking legions... if you meet someone doing this... you are done, there is no way of countering it, that's the reason of the rework.

    If you want to arque with that the Legion should get this rework, tell me just a single way of countering moonwalking legion, just a one way to survive this... that's all.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    If Moonwalking was the only reason a some hotfix like timer doesn't goes down within the terrorradius would have been enough of a change to give it a test.

    But there issues with Legions are, no tools available to the survivors are viable against a good Legion. Only option is a perfect pallet stun to knock him out of FF or trying to go invisible with Iron Will and Urban Evasion.

    As stated above, Legion needs some powers that either helps them end a chase or snowball of a chase, not this half-half, but the worse half of both worlds.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    I agree, currently on the PTB there's no reason to play Legion because every other character is better than him at what he does, especially Wraith, only Freddy is slightly worse than him but can be marginally better with than Legion with blocks addons.

    I don't know why they changed so much and restricted FF so much, the only changes Legion needed was DW not being able to go down from multiple FF attacks and would stop counting in the killer's TR, that's it.

    PTB's FF is so lackuster and hinders you so much that you might as well play as a purely M1 killer, it's also way more effective from what i've seen when playing.