Do Something With DC's finally!

DeadByTunnelight Member Posts: 79
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

I don't know what about you guys, but I'm red rank survivor and yesterday there weren't at least one game that someone didn't disconnect! That's so annoying! I wish I could be at 10 rank or lower because red ranks are so toxic! I know that lower ranks are better because when I play with my friends, games are normal and people don't dc so much. I am not talking about survivors only, but killers also. When someone don't like map - dc, when survivors are too good - dc, when killer is too good - dc. Seriously? 10 years old kids are playing in this game? I know what the bigger problem is. I see the most dc's when the killer is camping/tunneling/tryharding or the killer is nurse OR because of hitboxes. I've got nurse on the blood lodge yesterday and 2 people left the game on the start. And what survivor is supposted to do in this situation? In my opinion devs should do something like this : someone dc's - there is one less generator to do. That would be fair, wouldn't it? Or second thing. If nurse is also big problem for people to play against, nerf her and buff the rest of the killers! In my games there are A LOT OF nurses. I don't remember the last time I saw traper or wraith. Imagine playing against the same killer all the's so boring. It's not the same game as it used to be and I'm not surprised why so many good players left this game. I think I don't have to talk about hitboxes? and the last thing I wanted to say it that on one of the latest live streams devs said that they are nerfing legion, because there is too much tunneling on one survivor with this killer. If tunneling is so big problem, then why it's not bannable? why they are nerfing a good killer because of their stupid "strategy"? That's so pathetic. @Peanits @not_Queen

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