Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Game Data Blogpost | What would you like to see?



  • Piekenier
    Piekenier Member Posts: 17

    Percentage of Survivors who pick Self-Care. So basicly how likely a random Survivor is to use the perk.

  • Sodsboy
    Sodsboy Member Posts: 14

    How Altruistic survivors are at Rank 10-1 compared to Rank 20-11

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    Killer kill rates without: Ruin, NOED or BBQ

  • Husk
    Husk Member Posts: 39

    Survivors who run Bond escape rates vs Survivors who run Self Care escape rates

    Survivors who run Urban escape rates vs Survivors who run perks that are actually good

  • Henri_Blanc
    Henri_Blanc Member Posts: 1

    Most used survivors.

  • SomeIdiot
    SomeIdiot Member Posts: 1

    Which map offerings are played the most.

  • rNine_
    rNine_ Member Posts: 42

    The stats of how many teams are 2-3-full SWF through the ranks to rank one, and maybe their survival rates in comparison to solo survivors.

  • Rottimic
    Rottimic Member Posts: 16

    I want to know how many players are hitting your punishment threshold for disconnecting/leaving games, or maybe just more in-depth d/c details? I know you can't release what that actual threshold is but does BHVR feel it is currently too lenient given the current game environment of constant 3v1s due to what feels like one person giving up a majority of games?

    I know with dedicated servers you'll soon have more tools to deal with this, but there's so much misinformation out there right now, it would be a breath of fresh air to get some factual info.

  • CCSRM22
    CCSRM22 Member Posts: 8

    Most played Survivor vs Least played?

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2019

    If possible to count Disconnects, then:

    How many Hillbillies Disconnect in the map "Treatment Theatre" in Red and Purple ranks.

    EDIT: I forgot to put a quotation mark after "Theatre."

  • poptartguy456
    poptartguy456 Member Posts: 2

    A ranking of killers based off frequency of how many people play each killer. Then we can definetly say that not only nurse and Hillbilly are played at rank 1

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    Success rates of Reverse Bear Traps.

    How many boxes does the average player search to find their key (the devs insist that 25% of the population finds it on box 1,2,3,4, but there are stats out there right now that conflict), and how many survivors end up dead on the floor.

    If you've actually got statistics on this, it'd really help to clear the water.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 924
    edited April 2019

    What is the average time chases last before the survivor is downed, in red ranks?

    Post edited by zarr on
  • aderpymuffin
    aderpymuffin Member Posts: 97

    How many people played pre-nerf legion?

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    The % of DCs per match for the last 12 months

  • PinkLava101
    PinkLava101 Member Posts: 2

    Survival rates of the indoor maps (Léry's Memorial Institute and Gideon Meat Plant)

    Bonus: Compare it to the average survival rate in outdoor maps

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

    A stat for how much you use a certain killers power, like Meters ran as Hillbilly, Seconds spent is Phase Walk, Huntress hatchets hit/missed etc.

  • Xylune
    Xylune Member Posts: 2

    Average game lengths at red ranks for killers without ruin, and average time it takes for a gen.

  • HeroesBlade
    HeroesBlade Member Posts: 3

    Survival rates at ranks 15-9 on Gas Heaven (Autohaven Wreckers)

  • Lamias
    Lamias Member Posts: 21

    The Percentage of Spirit players that have yoinked survivors off of generators (or just how many use prayer beads often X3)

  • Can we get an analysis of Terror Radius Range Shifting perks. Do they do anything?

    • Distressing
    • Dark Devotion
    • Insidious

    Thanks to the Statistics guy, also Congrats on the child (if I remember correct)

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Survival Rate:

    Solo vs SWF

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    Survival rate at each rank, against each killer.

  • hauntedmadness
    hauntedmadness Member Posts: 9

    Unique survivor abilities

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595
    edited April 2019

    For any statistical information you are willing to share with us, can you make sure that it does NOT include any match that has DCs in it (unless the question pertains specifically to disconnects)? Especially for statistical information that involves survival rates and kill rates, disconnects at any point in the game tend to skew the results and makes those information irrelevant. Thanks!

    As for the actual topic, I'd like to know the survivor population/killer population ratio on average at any given time, divided by the gaming platform, for active players. (If possible, please exclude people simply doing a Daily Ritual for survivor/killer.)

    Post edited by knell on
  • therewillbecake
    therewillbecake Member Posts: 4

    The least used perks for both killer and survivor

  • ima10
    ima10 Member Posts: 1

    BNP usage.

  • Zynched
    Zynched Member Posts: 4

    Average number of times per game a given survivor presses crouch 3 or more times within a one second period

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456
    edited April 2019

    % of survivors downed by deep wounds, i want to see if the moonwalking thing was really being overdone by scummy players.

    Also maybe how many kills Legion gets on rank 1 on average.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    Is it possible to get the survival rate and kill rate of players proportional to their playtime? (that's right, not rank, but actual hours invested in the game)

  • Cake1100
    Cake1100 Member Posts: 80

    Highest amount of kills by a single player & who (any way of death).

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    DR Rates against all Killers at all ranks. Or possibly the perks that cause the most disconnects, if my previous suggestion was already made.

  • invi
    invi Member Posts: 12

    Average time it takes for a player to disconnect

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862
    edited April 2019

    I would like to see as many stats as possible as related to PC Nurse vs Console Nurse. For years on the forums I've read about how Nurse is the absolute, undisputed top tier killer in DBD, but that has never been my experience. I play killer vastly more than survivor, but even so I've played a fair amount of survivor and from talking with other survivors I don't seem alone in thinking Nurse isn't all that impressive on console. So I'd like to see the following stats broken down into PC and Console:

    What percentage of games are played that the killer is the nurse by rank?

    What is the average sacrifice rate of nurse games by rank?

    What is the average DC rate of survivors against the nurse?

    What is the average hit vs miss rate of Nurse after a blink?

    **What is the percentage of red rank players that average at least 3 kills per game with Nurse? Only factor in players who have accounts with killer in the red rank and at least 10 games played as Nurse in red ranks.

    **If I can only have one statistic, this is the one I'm most interested in.

    Post edited by Dreamnomad on
  • Megaris
    Megaris Member Posts: 105

    show us players DC rate. I saw it in every games.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Call me a lemming.

    DC rate.

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532

    I'm interested in what are the most popular premium cosmetic items. Is Shirtless David no 1? Any stats pertaining to cosmetic purchases would be welcome!

  • fahad0595
    fahad0595 Member Posts: 57

    something would be useful is how many people around the world playing this game from each country :)

  • jineus
    jineus Member Posts: 1

    Kill/Survival rate for Ranks 1-5 including uses of all addons and all perks (including NOED, insta heal, Mori, etc)

  • LvGamer34
    LvGamer34 Member Posts: 76

    The numbers of cheaters banned daily/monthly.

  • shinymon
    shinymon Member Posts: 298

    The rate of successful Head On stuns.

  • How_do_skillcheck
    How_do_skillcheck Member Posts: 12

    Reverse Bear Trap box rates. How often is the key found on the first box, the second box, etc.?

  • 北欧人
    北欧人 Member Posts: 45

    Disconnect average per game,

  • beasty
    beasty Member Posts: 21

    what is the % of people disconnecting when legion is the killer

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    pip rate for games that end in 4k's (both killer and survivor)

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2019

    Average kills of all the killers individually per game.

This discussion has been closed.