Im blamed for swf when im solo is cute

The amount of times when I am solo, the killer gets 4 outted and instantly blames swf on their loss, yikes. So is being outplayed or you making really bad plays just swf now?
People will say anything when they lose. I just move to the next game.
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Sadly, people just can't account on this fact:
*They need to just play better and smarter, don't blame others with lies.*
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Just send them a pleasant "have a great day" no need to make your day worse by being involved with the toxicity.
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If someone assumes you used a crutch like SWF or Hacks when you didn't then that is an unintentional compliment. Thank them and move on knowing you played really well that game.
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4man SWF is insane and needs to be removed
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I hope you like waiting for matches even longer once people quit.
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I've done this before, but I "knew" they were SWF. It was quite obvious. Even 2 people on mics and being at least average can be deadly.
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4 man swf is just about impossible to beat. It really is.
It should be 3 man and 2 man. 4 man should be removed.
4 minds and 16 perks working against 1 mind and 4 perks. It breaks the game. Clearly.
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If one cheetah can kill an impala in an entire herd, when the herd has scouts, and a deadly kick, then you can kill a survivor in a swf. If nature can do it, you can do it. Nature got gud via evolution, you can do the same by adapting.
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people dont realize how swf saved dbd, before swf, everyone was dodging to find their friends and killers were not getting many games.