Underused perks that you use?

Dip Member Posts: 27

Any sort of perks you really like but people never use? what are they, and if you'd want to buff them to become more popular, what would it be and why?


  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767

    I love dying light on nurse. Im already a really good nurse, so I just have to tunnel the obsession and ggez. I always return to the hook when they unhook him (I never camp) and if I find him is ez -25% all actions speed !! But I understand this perk could be a bit too frustrating for the obsession. It should be reworked to like: "when you hit your obsession all survivors get -10% action speed for 45 seconds" or something like that.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Make your choice. I don’t see people use this perk often but I love it. I don’t think it needs buffed.

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483
    edited April 2019

    Deliverance + Decisive

    I surprisingly never see people running these two together they are very strong when used properly

    For killer

    Devour Hope + Ruin + Haunted Grounds on Huntress

    It works surprisingly well because if one falls you can rely on the other I never see this except on high mobility killers

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Lightborn, Hangman's Trick, Iron Grasp.

    I would like for Lightborn to have a slightly better blindness protection or recovery.

    Hangman's Trick is perfect as is, a shame not many run it.

    Iron Grasp is perfect the way it is.

    Not many people run Bond, I've noticed. So maybe like a 12 meter increase in range?

    Small Game needs love too.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    @TreemanXD I love Myc. I've gotten alot of utility out of it. If they did anything I'd up the time it's active by a bit.

    @Shad03 I use Bond on my Dwight all the time. It's incredibly useful. A bit of a range increase would be great though.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @thrawn3054 Not a single one of my survivors who I main don't have Bond.



    David King

    It's such a good perk I swear.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    @Shad03I started with Claudette and fell in love with Empathy. Once I got to Dwight I knew Bond would be good. I was not disappointed.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I actually run Iron Maiden on nurse, because they get punished for using the locker as a defense

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    Pop Goes the Weasle and Bamboozle.

    I use PGtW on various Killers, and I use Bamboozle mainly on Legion (Upcoming release version and old version alike).

    PGtW can really keep you in the game, and Bamboozle simplifies a lot of chases.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    STBFL and Thanatophobia. God tier perks and combined, make gens slow af since you can injure people quickly.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,238

    Save The Best For Last is an amazing perk in my opinion. So many survivors base their pathing on a default weapon cooldown. Pop Goes The Weasel can swing a game.

  • tgrab
    tgrab Member Posts: 70

    i love using remember me, buys you so much time as long as you can get rid of the obsession by end game (or keep them busy during end game)

  • letuce
    letuce Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2019

    I use insidious on freddy, only buff i could see on it is to extend the 0 TR for a few seconds after you start walking or maybe as long as your within a radius of where it started it won't fade off.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    anyone has already use Monstrous Shrine?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Thrill of the Hunt

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398

    Windows of opportunity

  • Trial_By_Scythe
    Trial_By_Scythe Member Posts: 65

    Aftercare and StakeOut

  • Meep1nk3
    Meep1nk3 Member Posts: 12

    I don't see many people use small game. It has helped me find hexes earlier every game.

    As for killer, I like using remember me. Helps a lot at endgame

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393


    My Default layout as Surv - Small Game, Distortion, Spine Chill and Self Care/ We'll Make it

    I play Iron Grasp at Hag, its been there since I first played her, and its still there.

  • Meep1nk3
    Meep1nk3 Member Posts: 12

    i forgot all about iron grasp, even though i use that frequently on my killers who have it. i don't really know why its not used more.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    Cause Killer need to counter loads of 2nd chance perks and genrush nowdays, Iron Graps do not help in both.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278


    I highly recommend this for you:

    Dying Light, Thanatophobia, Remember Me and Rancor.

    Tunnel your obsession, no matter how toxic, kill them right away.

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384

    Detective's Hunch with a map.

  • AsheruSwiftwind
    AsheruSwiftwind Member Posts: 156

    My huntress build is currently:

    Overcharge, Franklin's, Bloodhound and Iron Maiden.

    I call it my anti aura huntress and I get a lot of how did you find me... you cheated you have no aura perks. But I head out and patrol gens and watch for signs of survivors. I average a 3k per game.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    I’ve been really, really digging Hope as of late. That 7% movement speed bonus may not seem like much, but in a chase it cuts the rate at which a 115% Killer catches up to you almost in half. It also just feels a bit nicer to run around with that extra speed.

    Personally, I like the old Hope more, where the speed bonus was slower but lasted forever once it was activated, but that’s just me.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Poised is amazing during chases and after doings gens

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Well since you're mentioning perks that are never used.

    I used to run crows.....then they nerfed it to a 5 second cooldown.

    Perks that I wish had a purpose?

    Unrelenting, ya.....no....

    Shadowborn....like #########....

    Hangmans trick.... like, nobody sabos...its great on trapper tho.

  • TheOwl
    TheOwl Member Posts: 185

    As a survivor, Alert is one of my favorite perks, and it is in pretty much all of my survivor builds. It gives such incredible map awareness and can help keep you alive throughout a match.  

    Another favorite perk of mine is Bond, I don't like to run Self-Care all of the time, so it is nice having a perk that can help me find teammates to heal me. 

    I think that both of the perks I brought up are in a good spot in terms of balance. Alert is already powerful, and while Bond could perhaps use a small range increase, the current version of it does the job very well, (especially when paired with Open-Handed).

    On the killer side, Pop Goes The Weasel is one of my favorite perks. Although it may not seem as strong as something like Ruin at first glance, it has won me matches that I don't think I would have won without it. However, it would be nice if the perk had either a longer timer or was on a token system as the current timer does make it hard to kick distant generators when you are playing as a slower killer. 

  • FlyArrow
    FlyArrow Member Posts: 45

    Head On, Quick and Quiet, Borrowed Time, Bond/Aftercare

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Lightweight - Scratch marks are nearly the main source of tracking a Survivor, and to cut the duration in nearly half of what they stay for end up throwing so many people off.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    It actually cuts them down to basically non existence my Claudette runs it with Sprint burst and spine chill basically go entire matches without the killer seeing me once

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    For a killer: Spies from the Shadows. Cant tell you how many times I got accused of cheating or camping because a crow told me someone was running for the hook

    For a survivor: Lithe, which removes most scratch marks, and Quick and Quiet. Lithe lets me run around the map basically freely, and means that of the killer takes their eye off me for 2 seconds in a chase they're liable to lose me. Quick and quiet, meanwhile, lets me avoid a killer with extreme certainty when they arent sure I'm around. It lets you jump in a locker faster than normal *and* removes any sound it makes, so if I premonition that a killer is coming my way I just walk to the locker and hop in; they come up on a gen with no scratch marks or survivor in sight, no matter how much they walk around. Though I wish there were a way to disable/enable it at will because there's no use jumping a window silently when the killer is right behind you

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    For killer-Knock out

    For survivor-I recently fell in love with We’ll make it.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Stake out, I'm loving this recently, RIP ruin.