Why choose double BP at this timing?

I'm unsure why it was chosen to have a double bloodpoints event, for the first time in 6 months (or thereabouts) BEFORE we get the update that allows us to keep offerings that we used on a game that got cancelled or we had a DC from while on the loading screen?
Was it badly thought out or intentional to keep the grind as tedious as it is now? We need more of these events at the very least; it takes far too long to get enough bloodpoints to level characters up, especially if like me you play both roles.
I have no idea.
They should have waited till the next week or pushed the 3v1 game and WGLF changes before the bloodpoint event.
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Exactly...maybe it will be stealthily pushed up, but I doubt it.
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Because they're behaviour :D
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Geez people, we've been waiting for double BP event for a long time now. Now that it's coming, you can still find something to complain about?
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Because we have waited this long, one more week to make sure we we actually get games wouldn’t hurt.
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To be honest, it is only 1 week.
And well, current situation: People not loading in A LOT. So either games start with 3 people (or even 2), without yourself as the player or the Killer has a crash and cannot load in. So all Offerings are wasted at this point.
With the Patch, games with less than 5 players will not start. So no offerings wasted.
When would you prefer to burn Bloody Party Streamers? When it is quite likely that either yourself or anyone else will crash/not load in and your BPS is gone, or when you will return and keep your Offering? Pretty clear, I would say.
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RIP all of those wasted puddings, streamers and cakes. F
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OP be like...
Must not have fun everyone.... Must work work work... Who decision was it to have fun.. shame on you.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 2x stacks, its not a modifier. I always save offerings to sweeten the aftermath...
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...and don't lose out BP offerings
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Except it won't be fun for many, because many will lose a lot of the offerings they've saved over 6 months because for some reason they decided double BP should be a week before the update that prevents wasted offerings.
Nothing to do with fun, but logic.
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@SunderMun Wasted offerings?... What what what... Then don't put any out... BAM... Not wasted.
You get double BP... You don't need to put out an offering for that.
I don't understand where this is coming from..
Cause you want to stack BP offerings?... Well if you are worried about losing them.. then don't use them till the update is out.. which will prob be next week.
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I think @Supernaut has a point: a Pudding, for example, gives you a bonus 100% of whatever BP you scored in total in a game. Meaning, you get the same bonus when using it any other time than a double BP event.
Correct me if I'm wrong though.
And of course, whatever the math, it's still a heartwarming feeling to get 200 000 BP fo a single match, which is possible if most players throw in a BPS.
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@George_Soros Yeah I think that is how it is.... The Double BP is no different than putting out a pudding or cake. So if they are worried about losing those, then hang on to them. What's the diff, they can extend their double BP longer then.
Match calculates the total BP earned in the match. Then it is...
If there are 2 BPS put out with a double bloodpoint event it is...
Match BP + ( BPS points ) + ( BPS points ) + (Double BP for event)
With double BP being Match BP * 100%... just like a cake or another BPS being tossed out.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't work as...
[ Match BP + (BPS points) + (BPS points) ] * 2... cause that would be a massive amount of points. If I remember correctly the first double BP event was like that.. and if got changed right away.
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OMG... You know what makes this worse?.... IT STARTS AT 2 PM EST... Not only was the activities page info incorrect.. but now it starts even earlier than before the corrected time was announce.
LIKE #########...
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TheBean be like... "Lalalala Double Blood Points incoming...."
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@SunderMun Don't worry I support you! How DARE the developers give us extra points! /s
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The thing is people play differently during the event so young get a better benefit. More people are trying to get points not just “win.”
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lmao all the trolls with no life genuinely getting salty that I recognise a foresight and I'm asking why. K.
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You people will whine about quite literally anything.
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@SunderMun "troll with no life" that's definitely me. But it's kind of silly to react to good news (with some hickups, granted) as if it was a move from the devs that's either has a devious hidden agenda ("deprive the players of their BPS-s and Puddings *evil maniacal laughter* "), or a sign of complete imcompetence. Sounds a little paranoid, or at least, grumpy.
It's a happy event. Can you manage to just simply enjoy it?
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I really expected it to come after the update, Don't get me wrong a x2 bloodpoint even is always great but the current version of the game has so many issues that It doesn't seem like a good idea tbh. If they were more common I wouldn't see an issue but people wait so long for these events just to have one released in this patch is a shame.
Party streamers for some reason are bugging games and causing crashes, This is just going to get worse now that there's a bloodpoint event.
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At the end it doesn't matter, just don't use offerings during the event. Save them for later
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It's to distract us while they scramble to fix the game. Dunno if I'm gonna bother coming back just quite yet.
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I literally asked 'why'...
You don 't get it; we can't enjoy it because the game doesn't simply have some hiccups; it is unstable af.
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Not feasible; these events are the only time you can guarantee other people will be using these offerings in order to really gain from it and at the end of the day this is going to stop that from happening. That we could easily wait another 6 months for the next one is a good enough reason that this is a major issue when this game has too much of a grind for gameplay elements.
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Agreed, i thought the mid chapter would be released then the double bp event. Would have made sense with some of the changes coming. Hey ho though, im still hitting the grind.
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@HavelmomDaS1 But...but...
I need to earn as much bp in as little time as possible because Legion will need Cold Dirt after that stun increase.
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I feel your pain. Pity they nerfed the new values a bit again, but I do see why it was done. Looking forward to becoming a Spirit/Legion main again.
Then again, I do love vomiting on people...it's too funny,
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While an odd move, just play the game. If you're worried you'll waste offerings, don't burn them. Run Bbq and Wglf and enjoy the minimum triple blood points.
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That doesn't really solve the issue though.
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There is no issues for allot of people, it may be to you... but not everyone micro manages their BP offerings to squeeze every single BP you could earn.
I would guess allot of us just use them up when they get them... Then embrace the idea when the Devs decide to throw a double BP event.
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@TheBean I've saved up 100 cakes and streamers on Legion for this moment.
I always use them during events because more people are likely to stack streamers.
This will be a fun weekend. I bet people will complain about "Try-Hards" as usual though.
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@Bbbrian2013 eh... I would have just used them up myself.. I don't hold onto that stuff for long.. but that is me.
I don't see the issue with risking those offerings in a double BP event because of a possible 3 vs 1 match.. or worse.
Cause the same argument about "there being more farming matches during the event" goes hand in hand with that people aren't likely to bail out of a match that has BPS throw in them during event time.
Post edited by TheBean on0 -
You Believe these guys have thought out plans? LOL!!!!
Tinkerer needs to be changed because it alters killers powers and addons(the original purpose of it)
New DS changes every obsession perk
Created a killer who has a power reliant on survivors to use fountains to cleanse(survivors stop cleansing. Killer last seen on a milk carton have you seen me lately.
Buff sloppy butcher and add a killer that can easily get the first hit. Survivors stop healing and gen rush harder to counteract it.
Create an endgame scenario but weaken endgame builds because????
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There are issues with a lot of people; most of the community doesn't spend time on forums and is growing sick of the game for multiple reasons. A lot of these people were looking forward to double BP in order to at least make the game feel rewarding to play during this horrific time to actually play lobby-crash simulator.
The majority do save them for this timing,. as I've said before, because it's the one time you can guarantee most players will use them and hence you will amass a lot of BP quickly,. making the grind feel bearable.
I get that you're far removed from that idea, but jeez, your response proves that you have no respect for people with different experiences to you.
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I don't know why they did it now but it was a bad PR move IMO.
I wish they would have waited until after the mid-chapter patch.
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Same. I gave up playing last night due to many infinity loadingscreens and game crashes. I don't have too much time to play during the day and it rly bothers me, that i can't enjoy the event bcs of crashes.
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Yea, I appreciated the double bp "weekend" but feel it was a poor time to do it with Loading Screen Simulator 2k19 at an all time high, followed by my favorite (one or more people d/c-ed again yay!).