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General Discussions

Anyone using Alert?

Member Posts: 819
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Hardly saw anyone using it. It seems decent I will try it, saw Monto doing adept Min lol.

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  • Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    Alert is actually really good for keeping tabs on a killer through the match and can inform your decisions a lot, you basically see the killer every 2 seconds at a break action such as gens or pallets. Very useful I love it personally for deciding if a gen is safe, if killer is in a chase, if they're potentially camping etc. Also lets you know who the killer is early match, no reaction = freddy (non dream world) or tier 1 myers, everyone else = aura shape lets you know.

    Post edited by Kiskashi on
  • Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    @Judith Alert is one of my fav aura reading perks (alongside Premonition and Spine Chill) because it works on both pallets and gens, and Killers are always kicking gens. You can keep tapping gens and moving across the map to other gens and pretty much keep Killers bailed up in an aura reading cycle while you complete gens. It really helps you keep an idea on where the Killer is far more so than any other perk in game. Except that awful one Laurie has that reveals her Aura to the Killer.

  • Member Posts: 287

    I think Alert is underrated. It isn't bad at all for solo queues, not too bad for SWF either but better in solo.

    It does the same thing that Bond and Empathy do when it comes to information. I don't think any is better than the other, I think they all their have ups and downs.

  • Member Posts: 819

    Tried it first then OoO after that. OoO seems better, you can even mindgame the killer.

  • Member Posts: 287

    Problem with OoO is killers instantly assume that if you're using OoO you're toxic and want attention, so one of two things happen:

    1) You get ignored.

    2) You get hard tunneled/camped.

    That's my experience with OoO anyway.

  • Member Posts: 819

    I don't mind being chased tbh. Last game I managed to waste killers time without being downed, it doesn't mean it will always work but I am finding it useful.

  • Member Posts: 287

    Fair enough, I like to be chased as well but I can rarely ever pull off a 5 gen chase at purple/red ranks.

    Good luck if you use Object though, that perk can be painful to run sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 287

    Back when I was your typical toxic survivor (early 2018) I ran OoO, DS, Dead Hard, and Self-Care.

    Let's just say most of the games I had resulted in a hot n' ready facecamp and me scratching my head wondering why I was getting camped. Poor 200 hour wannabe-toxic me.

  • Member Posts: 1,043

    Inverse of that, first time I played against OoO was as a shape against a Laurie and I was pretty convinced she was a witch (as I was super fresh and probably horrible at tracking) but she would legitimately disappear every time I went over to her aura and searched the area, probably had UE and was losing it in laughter at me but I was just laughing about it too. Great to look back on games when super fresh in either role and laugh.

  • Member Posts: 819

    I am not toxic if I use a certain perk. Just saying.

  • Member Posts: 407

    Yea i saw it on montos vid too and I tried it. Im also playing bond that's why i thought it would be even more efficient. But today so many ahole killer were out there so for the rest of my day: DS, DH, MoM. Thank god.

    In general idk. could be decent^^ Why not. I think it's a good from time to time perk. You played it and after a while you need something different.

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    I have been using alert since the recent buff to it in pretty much every match. It really is a good perk when running solo.

  • Member Posts: 25

    I love this perk. Admittedly i don't use it on my main survivor but I'm always impressed with how good it is when i do use it

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    it's an amazing perk, my friend swears down by it.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I use it on my Feng. I love it personally.

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    I love alert. Underrated perk that can give you lots of info you wouldn't think you wanted.

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