Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

A warning to whoever dares farming during the event

NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

(Important note: This isn't a thread to ask people to farm, read carefully and do not misunderstand)

Let me clarify on the matter:

Some survivors are getting the "surprise buttsecks" treatment from certain killers. How does this happen? Killer initially makes their intentions clear by smacking gens, nodding or other ridiculous acts to act friendly to the point that, once survivors let their guard down, they strike the latter down to get easy and free hooks, this end, as one can expect, with a very undeserved 4K and a group of bitter survivors.

At the same time, some killers are being induced into farming games by survivors with names stating the obvious ("BPS plz" or "Farm simulator" and other names that I won't mention not to incur into defamation). But instead of farming, the killer ends up being against a very loathsome group of players that are only interested in making the killers' life miserable, leading to the latter's frustration and anger.

An eye for an eye only makes the world go blind, and as long as this kind of players exists in OUR game, toxicity will spreads faster than ever because some individuals cannot act decently even those few time a years. State your ######### intentions from the beginning, at least people will have a chance to pay you back with the same coin.

Peace, enjoy your bloodpoints.


  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    I never farm as killer, and as survivor if I get a "friendly" farming killer I either DC or go afk.

    Most boring thing in dbd are the farmers.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    edited May 2019

    What point of "(Important note: This isn't a thread to ask people to farm, read carefully and do not misunderstand)" you guys didn't understand?

    This isn't a thread to request people to farm, it's a request TO NOT act and bait people into farming when your intentions is to make the other side miserable. It's literally the first sentence how did you guys miss it?

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    That's one of the reasons I refuse to burn streamers or anything of the kinda at the moment. The games I've seen with multiple bps ends up with the most try hard of killers. While playing killer I've been nicer during the event. That's my version of farming. I'll intentionally take flashlight blinds and extend chases a bit. I'm still going to kill you. I'll just take longer to do it.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    Good job, at least you're not baiting survivors to come to you.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Killer can only max out his points if he gets several kills with 3 hooks.

    Survivors can max out their points by using SC or Medkits.

    Survivors don't have to escape to get full points.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Tsulan LOL

    If I am not wrong, yes after 27 self heals we get to have 8k survival, I am pretty sure this is so much easier than getting 3 hooks.

    Poor killers.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Delfador 3 hooks per kill, not 3 hooks total, as well as hooking every survivor once. Since that's the killer's objective, I'd say maxing out points in this manner should be easier than maxing out points for failing to win chases.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    I really don't care. I'm a farming killer during events. I feel it's nice to be the one giving especially to help build some type of trust between the two. Plus I've hit 999,999 once so far and have gotten every perk on Dwighty. Next is to level up Billy cause I've never really tried on him. This is one of the few times I feel like it's one extreme or the other. You either get people like me who are extremely nice or you get the complete ######### who use moris.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    That's funny.

    Suddenly the number one meta perk is boring.

    Anyway, farming IS boring.

    So just because the killer wants to max his points instead of maxing only the survivors, it's not fun anymore.

    What if the killer stays afk and doesn't hit or hook, would you also complain?

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Orion Ah come on, lets be realistic shall we?

    5k escape okay fine, then you need 10 self care heals which means that you need to heal yourself 10 times wasting 320 seconds. 5 min to max one category because the category is not designed well.

    And then we have, well, 27 self care scenario. I honestly don't even want to talk about this.

    How many times have you gotten 32k as a survivor? Be honest with me. Even though I am a survivor main, that number is 0 for me.

    How many times have you gotten 32k as a killer? I am pretty sure it is so much that you don't even remember. At least, I don't.

    Of course no though, as always, developers and survivors teaming up to molest killers and it is so much easier to get 32k as a survivor with unrealistic calculations.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Isolate case. Never happened to me later hundreads of matches

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2019

    @Delfador Zero, on both sides. I play for kills/escapes, not BP.

    EDIT: Also, I never said it was likely or realistic. In fact, I said the fact that it was hard to do was only logical, since you can't heal unless you lose chases.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Tsulan What is fun is the fact that you put words into my mouth. Where did the word boring come from may I ask?

    Whatever, I honestly regretted posting.

    I am gonna go and heal myself 27 times to max out my one category. Peace

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The survival category has always been... well sorta pointless (pun intended).

    Not the killers fault.

    On a realistic level, survivors and killers get roughly the same amount of bloodpoints per hour.

    On a normal match.

    If you farm, than max as much as you can and go for the next match asap. Instead of trying to squeeze those last points out.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Have to agree and confirm this.

    I by myself with around 1k hours of playing survivor (total of 2.4k hours with killer) I never got 32k points. Never. Even when farming, the closest was around 31k with farming. Without it was 28k max, which happens really rarely.

    On the other side as killer I can get the 32k quite consistent, every 2 days at least.

    The points for survivors aren't good designed. It needs some improvements.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Considering I get 120k bp every time I farm as a killer, I won't stop until the event is over. Cheers!

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    i just play more casualy during these events i get more bloodpoints this way.

    unless i see gens popping to fast in which case i reverse my baseball cap chug my monster drink and assume a crouch position on my chair and go full sweat mode

  • EmotionalDaisy
    EmotionalDaisy Member Posts: 159

    I usually farm when 2 survivors disconnect. It's really not fair to the last 2 survivors. Sometimes, I'll do 3 if one bitter survivor disconnects and it looks bleak for them and they just give up

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    I just play as normal, don't need the blood points. It's better to go stealthy during this as other survivors are more aggressive. I've escaped loads without even being seen.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Just play the ######### game....damn.