Disconnecting / Lobby Dodging

Hudson Member Posts: 93
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

I have a proposal for the disconnecting issue:

At first, the bp reward for a disconnecting player is much to low on killers side. Also it's an issue with the emblems. The survivors can dc at the moment, if they feel they wanna "punish" the killer, stealing hooks and sacrifices to make him loose your pips. Also it's not only the killer suffering from a dc, the game usually is done for the others as well, if a survivor disconnects early in the game.

So my suggestion is:

If a survivor disconnets:

  • Give the killer the points he lost based on what he already got from that survivor (missing hooks / sacrifice / hits to down, interrupted mori ... like one survivor is worth 3 hooks, 3 hits and a sacrifice ... points already geathered are not granted based on the number of hooks)
  • Reward the survivors based on the shittyness of the game, they have to go though now. ;) Like ... if a survivor "just" prevents a Mori or the final hook, they didnt really loose much but a few seconds the killer would have been busy. But if a survivor disconnects right before the first hook, or something like that, the other survivors should be rewarded something that makes them feel the game is worth playing to the end for not loosing all bp.
  • Fix the emblems on both sides. Either a dc should be not considered for the emblems, or the dc should be "rewarded". If for example one survivor disconnects, the number of hooks for the iridescent emblem should be reduced by the hooks that survivor "stole" from the game, as well as the unhooks he stole from his teammates.
  • If someone disconnects early in the game (before first or second hook, maybe during the first couple of minutes, something like that how ever), maybe consider to give everbody who did NOT disconnect back their offerings and add ons. It really sucks if for example a killer disconnects from a game with 4 bloody party streamers, just to make the survivors suffer for not farming with him. Same with somebody disconnecting when you use your yellow mori. Or if you play scratched mirror Myers on Lery's and just everybody you see disconnects, and stuff like that.
  • If there are only two survivors left, and the second last just disconnects to instantly open the hatch for the last one, reward the killer with all left over hook and sacrifice points, as well as the 2500 bonus for "no one escaped". (There should be a time measure, like if the second last one disconnects, and the last one gets the hatch within 20 seconds.)

In order to prevent abuse of the extra bp and emblem points, disconnecting should be "punished" as followes:

  • If you disconnect, you get a cumulative increasing time out.
  • You are accumulating a stack of disconnects, each disconnect increases the next time out.
  • When you are on time out, you cannot join public matches, nor create a public lobby.
  • Time out count down is: 0 minutes, 3 Minutes, 10 Minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week (one week is max)
  • You get a complete reset of your disconnection stack, when you a) did not disconnect from at least 3 games in a row and b) did not disconnect for the time period your actual time out is long.

I think this will at least prevent survive with friends from disconnecting, since no one wants to wait for their mates for 30 minutes. I guess with a 3 minute time out, they will already tell him "if you do it again, you are out for today". The 0 minutes may be necessary, if you just have to dc because of a bug (being stuck in an object, or somehting) or a bad killer or teammate bodyblocking you in a corner until you dc. And it is not to hard to get rid of that stack afterwards.

This means, if someone disconnects 5 times in a row, he is timed out for 24 hours. The next time he plays, he has to play 3 games in a row without disconnecting and also has to play 24 hours without disconnecting to reset his dc counter. (The 24 hours start with the first game he joins after the timeout, not automatically after the time out is over. So he cant just wait 2 days.)

This also means, someone who goes on disconnecting and receives a time out of a week, will be timed out another week, if he disconnects again within a week after the time out was over. Maybe this will at least reduce the massive dcs that happen at the moment, because people seem to think "Boy, I was the first one to be hooked .... then I just dc and give it another try, to get some better start.".

I also suggest to do this for killers who dodge lobbies, but not with that hard time outs. There already is a timer that prevents you from immediately reopening a game. This timer should be increased after each dodge of a ! full ! lobby.

  • Increase the lobby time out after each time a killer dodges an already full lobby.
  • Time out: 5 seconds, 15 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes (10 minutes max)
  • Reset the timer, after the killer played a match

I think that should prevent massive dodging of certain items you dont like. The timer should only be increased if a full lobby was dodged, because sometimes the lobby seems broken, when a survivor left, and you are simply getting a new game faster, if you create a new lobby. But thats maybe up for discussion, because 5 or 15 seconds are not too much of a time out, so you still can dodge a "broken" lobby without getting timed out too long.

Survivors, how ever, should not be timed out for "dodging", because it often happens, that not all players of a "survive with friends" arrive in the same lobby. So they should be able to have a new try to play together with their friends. (Maybe it is technically possible to track, if survivors came from swf or not, to exclude them from the time out, or something? )

These are my suggestions ... please tell my, how dumb my idea is. ;)

No, for real: What do you guys think about that?

Also make a suggestion, if there should be something changed, if a killer disconnects. I didnt propose anything, because I am somehow fine with my free escape points.


  • Hudson
    Hudson Member Posts: 93

    Directly a response from myself:

    What can be done to prevent swf abusing this mechanic, like disconnecting clockwise to make everybody else keep their offerings and add ons?

    And now it's your turn. Quick, before I start discussing with myself.